Halo 4 Discussion

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by thesilencebroken, Jun 6, 2011.

  1. Loscocco

    Loscocco Ancient
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    At 0:57, really hard to tell because he had like 1/100 of his shields left, but I think I spied bleedthrough. And yeah, lets hope that they keep friendly fire on. It's understandable to have something like that in a game like CoD or Battlefield, where a single/tiny handfull of misplaced bullets of just about any gun will kill your teammate, but in Halo, friendly fire stops people from being reckless idiots with power weapons.
  2. cluckinho

    cluckinho Well Known
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    Just watched all of them and wow that guy is terrible.
  3. Loscocco

    Loscocco Ancient
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    Lol yeah :p

    Also, team fury? lolwut? Think we'll be able to change that name and emblem to whatever we want?
  4. cluckinho

    cluckinho Well Known
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    I'm hoping they differentiate the pictures of the AA's a little more so we can actually tell them apart. I know bungie did this with Reach so I'm hopeful.
  5. Zero Point

    Zero Point Promethean
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    I am wondering if the respawn countdown at the bottom of the screen whenever he died (plenty of shots of that) was letting him choose to hit a button to respawn or it forced him to respawn.
  6. thesilencebroken

    thesilencebroken Jill Sandwich
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    Those videos confirmed that the perk that allows you to start spawn with two primary weapons is only to spawn with them. Anyone can just kill another player and drop their magnum for another main weapon.

    I saw that some of you were worried about that.
  7. Wood Wonk

    Wood Wonk Ancient
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    i dont really like friendly fire, too many assholes out there that abuse it. i would prefer if they did the hardcore cod method and directed friendly fire back at the player who did it. although i know they wouldnt actually do that.

    also, to anyone still worried about ordinance drops, im fairly sure theyre only in the infinity slayer gametype, not normal team slayer or slayer or anything else.
  8. Audienceofone

    Audienceofone Forerunner
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    One thing I am noticing is a lack of weapons placed in maps like the spiker and needler. All that seems to be up for grabs is whatever set of power weapons (scattershot, rockets, plasma grenades were seen in Wraparound, etc.) that appear on the map. It appears so far that the rest of the weapons come via the loadout you chose and/or the dead who have dropped their weapons.

    As for friendly fire, I like it in Halo. Sure, there are a bunch of jerks who play with it and berayals are annoying, but they mean that one cant just shoot rockets at their own feet and live to tell the tale. Nobody will randomly shoot into a cluster with grenades in fear of hurting teammates that are in the cluster. It adds caution to the game- which I enjoy. The CoD system of relaying team damage to the one who shot the teammate is stupid, as it's easy to accidentally kill a teammate or shoot them. I think that would be a big change to a small annoyance. There will always be people who want to shoot their own team, if not that they will find other ways. Its an unfortunate part of matchmaking. Play with friends.
  9. Nutduster

    Nutduster TCOJ
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    Just need a better betrayal/griefing system in place. It's not hard but Bungie never figured it out.
  10. Audienceofone

    Audienceofone Forerunner
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    That argument is strange to me. How does one create a betrayal booting system that separates accidents from purposeful murder? I'm just curious if there is an answer to that I have'nt figured out or if its community angst. Really I dont have an isue with the current bot system. Its the people who betray I have issues with.
  11. Elite Warrior5

    Elite Warrior5 Forerunner
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    You're not supposed to betray, just take their shields down so an enemy can finish him off.
  12. Stevo

    Stevo Drunken Bantersaurus Rex
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    lol that guy in the video.

    I bet 343 learned a lot from him about how repetitive death animations can be...
  13. RightSideTheory

    RightSideTheory Legendary
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    How openly did they allow people to record all of this footage? Is it like, if your friend wants he can record your entire game with a handcam while you play, or did they have to try to sneak these shots?
  14. SargeantSarcasm

    SargeantSarcasm In Loving Memory
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    I'm pretty sure it's the former, since the walshy video talks about how he was allowed early access before they opened it up to everyone, meaning it's public. That, coupled with the past's ability to record.
  15. Oli The G

    Oli The G Forerunner
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    Friendly Fire seems to have been turned off. Look in the IGN video where he shoots somebody in the back with a rocket launcher. LOL
  16. Monolith

    Monolith Ancient
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    Bungie's betrayal/friendly fire system drove me nuts sometimes. You'd accidentally kill a teammate with 2 minutes left in the game and get booted asap.

    However, I did enjoy egging people on to betray me, if they started it, just to boot them.

    I'm fine with the current system, if anything I'd prefer friendly fire on, as most I suppose.
  17. WhackyGordon

    WhackyGordon Forerunner

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    But at this point in the video it looks like the player is only allowed one weapon at all, unless the rocket launcher takes up both slots. Looks to me, however, like he's lacking a sidearm and doesn't have the firepower thing.

    Halo 4 Gametypes: SLAYER
    The standard Slayer experience of past Halo titles, now with a variety of new features that span across the entire War Games experience. These features include a scoring system which separates both individual and team performance and a dynamic ordnance drop system, among several other exciting things yet to be revealed.
  18. Neoshadow

    Neoshadow Forerunner
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    You're quoting older stuff I think. A NeoGaf post that we saw earlier one mentioned that the drops were infinity slayer only.
  19. WhackyGordon

    WhackyGordon Forerunner

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    Click the link.
  20. Nutduster

    Nutduster TCOJ
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    I do have an issue with it, or rather two of them: 1) Too random - sometimes you get booted for clear accidents, other times you don't get a boot option for something that was clearly intentional; 2) No punishment (as far as I can tell anyway) for griefing that doesn't result in death.

    The system I would propose would be complicated to understand from a player's perspective, but surely not that hard to program, and I think it would be a lot more fair and functional.

    First of all, every bit of damage you deal to a teammate needs to be banked. If you purposely keep popping someone's shields or shooting their vehicle, that's griefing and the game should tally it up. Do it enough and they should get a boot option, even if you don't kill the other player. No more following someone around, shooting them in the back or crippling their vehicle - if you do it for more than a few seconds, you start running the risk of getting booted. There would have to be a release valve on this so that points you've accumulated are deducted periodically, because you will naturally shoot your own teammates occasionally throughout the game in the heat of the moment, or to get their attention, or just to be silly; the system needs to be lenient enough to not punish you for that. But it still needs to catch and punish determined griefers.

    Second, actions resulting in death should count more than those that don't - obviously.

    Third, it should try to differentiate between intentional and unintentional griefing/betrayal. This isn't as hard as it sounds. Enemy proximity is a good measuring stick - if I shoot my teammate on Hemorrhage behind our base, with no enemy within a hundred yards, that should count for a lot more than if I shoot him in the middle of the map, surrounded by enemies. In the former case I'm clearly griefing; in the latter, I may just have done it accidentally, and therefore it should count less against me (but still count somewhat). Besides enemy proximity, I'd also suggest a little extra something be added to any betrayal that occurs after picking up a power weapon, which we all know is one of the most common causes of team-killing. If I grab sniper at the beginning of that Hemorrhage game and get betrayed, a mile from the enemy team, I should get a boot option on that guy 100% of the time.

    Fourth, certain damage should count less. Running over a teammate with a warthog or blowing them up with a 'nade is less frequently intentional than when you betray them with a series of DMR shots. Therefore one should be weighted more than the other - not to a ridiculous extent, but still weighted.

    Fifth, retaliation should count less. If a guy betrays me and then I betray him, he shouldn't get an option to boot me. In my proposed system, if a guy shoots me five times and then I shoot him five times, regardless of whether either of us dies, he should end up with more griefer points than I do. We all have most likely experienced a game or two where some asshole killed us for sniper and we didn't get to boot him, so we went after him and betrayed him back - and got booted. That's silly.

    Sixth and last, chronic griefers should be kept on a short leash. I believe the game may track betrayal boots already and be more likely to give a boot option in the next game or two if you keep doing it; I'd like to see this extended to general griefing as outlined above. If you keep on shooting your teammates, the game should track this and start giving people the option to kick your ass out.

    Sorry for the length - this is just something that bugs me and that I've thought a lot about. Bungie's system has always been a bit dumb and opaque to players; I'd prefer for it to be smarter/more complex, and transparent (in other words, 343 would have to explain it somewhere online so we can all understand, and not just guess what's going on; maybe you could even see a player's current "grief points" in a menu somewhere or something).


    Or here's a creative, alternate possibility: if you shoot or kill your teammates enough, the game temporarily turns off friendly fire FOR YOU ONLY, but leaves it on for your teammates. No more betrayal booting, just flat out they can hurt you but you can't hurt them. Leave that on for 60 seconds and see how the griefers like being the only ones who are griefed-upon. Maybe throw a "YOU'RE A ****" waypoint over their head, too. :)
    #3540 Nutduster, Jun 6, 2012
    Last edited: Jun 6, 2012

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