Halo 4 Discussion

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by thesilencebroken, Jun 6, 2011.

  1. Sam

    Sam Ancient
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    I should have used more words. Yes, I was referring to the loss of VIP, the loss of gametype options like Starting Zombies, the loss of the round indicator, the loss of multiple scoring options per each gametype like slayer options for CTF, the loss of options for gametypes like Territories that allowed the teams to have different traits, the loss of Juggernaut options changing what weapon the Juggernaut carries instead of just a grav hammer, and many others.
    #3441 Sam, Jun 5, 2012
    Last edited: Jun 5, 2012
  2. Oli The G

    Oli The G Forerunner
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    Should have used more words? You should speak to this guy called PacMonster1 :)

    He won't bite. Promise. He devours your soul with an oven glove.

    I think 343 will do well for maps. They certainly showed their stuff with infinity and the defiant map pack.

    Not having a designated forge space is a concern though.
  3. cluckinho

    cluckinho Well Known
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    Just watched a Gamespot demo of the same thing that was showed yesterday, except someone was playing and talking.
    -Light rifle is 3 shots out of scope, 1 powerful shot scoped in (just like H2 E3 BR)
    -Scattershot ricochets
    -This menu was shown:

    It'll probably be up on youtube in a few minutes.

    Not really IMO.
    #3443 cluckinho, Jun 5, 2012
    Last edited: Jun 5, 2012
  4. thesilencebroken

    thesilencebroken Jill Sandwich
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    No one said we don't.

    You guys really suck ass at marketing. You never show your whole hand of cards you're playing at once. What the hell would they have to wow us with from now until November? Nothing.
  5. PacMonster1

    PacMonster1 Senior Member
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    Where did "not having a designated forge space" come from. I think cluckinho not that long ago quoted a source saying there would be 10 starting maps not including "forge variants". I think it is safe to assume there would be a designated forge space.
  6. Noxiw

    Noxiw Ancient
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    The only thing that was great about Reach's forge was the integration of no-clip merging. Everything else was trash.

    #3446 Noxiw, Jun 5, 2012
    Last edited: Jun 5, 2012
  7. Shanon

    Shanon Loves His Sex Fruits
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    Woah woah there you sexy devil, I think we can all agree that bridges were pretty neat-o.
  8. PacMonster1

    PacMonster1 Senior Member
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    Let's not go overboard. There are several areas that can use improvement, but trash it was not.
  9. Sam

    Sam Ancient
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    Once again I find myself not including enough words and getting misinterpreted. That's what I meant. An improved forge mode, not necessarily an improved forge palette.

    I guess you could say I basically want Halo 1's campaign, Halo 2's competitive multiplayer, Halo 3's custom games, and Halo: Reach's forge mode, in one package. Not literally of course, so don't misinterpret that.
    #3449 Sam, Jun 5, 2012
    Last edited: Jun 5, 2012
  10. Waylander

    Waylander Ancient
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    I'll only take Reach's forge mode and be happy IF they give us more than one color on the objects.
    Forrunner grey on every surface is boring.
  11. Zero Point

    Zero Point Promethean
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    I do pray that they bring back the friends currently on Halo: Reach list that is always on the right hand side. It is such a nice and convenient menu where you can look at all your friends stats, see what they are doing, look at their armor and party size. It was a much needed step up from having to open your friends list in Halo 3 and go through each person individually which took ages to accomplish.
  12. That Scorch Guy

    That Scorch Guy Forerunner

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    In defense of Reach forge, it was a huge leap from Halo 3. Multiple physics options, custom colors (small, but they helped), higher object list, better gametype and team labeling system, higher budget, dedicated map, better man cannon/one way shield usage helped loads, most forge maps being built on a non-DLC map and so on.

    Not to mention I'd pick metal and grass over sandstone on sand any day. As limited as grey sets of items are, you still have more options as far as setting goes than sandy blocks in an open field. Hopefully Halo 4 can make another step closer towards freedom of setting. I wouldn't be surprised if we don't get too many palettes IF we get extras, but I'd assume we'd have a greater variety than Reach.
  13. Audienceofone

    Audienceofone Forerunner
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    Official Halo 4 site put this info up. The data cycles, so here it is in static form. I know some of this has been said, but here is the data straight from 343 as of now.

    Armor Abilities:

    Thruster Pack
    DESIGNATION: M805X Forward Acceleration System/Fulcrum Mitigating
    MANUFACTURER: Lethbridge Industrial
    The M805X Thruster Pack, similar to other EVA-focused thrust modules, is a movement acceleration system that mitigates the user’s need for a fulcrum or pivoting articulation. This ability allows the user to move quickly and aggressively in combat, whether closing the gap between the user and an enemy or finding cover.

    Hardlight Shield
    DESIGNATION: Z-90 Photonic Coalescence Emitter/Aegis
    MANUFACTURER: Unknown/Forerunner Origin
    The recently recovered Z-90 Hardlight Shield appears to be a photon emitter that can fuse particles of light into a rigid, dissipative barrier. For Spartans who choose to integrate it, the technology functions as a full-size aegis-class, anti-personnel defensive shield.

    Promethean Vision
    DESIGNATION: Z-5080 Short-Range Spectrum Augmenter/Vision
    MANUFACTURER: Unknown/Forerunner Origin
    The Z-5080 Vision Modification system, colloquially referred to as “Promethean Vision,” is a short-range full-spectrum enhancement package that enables users to detect shapes and movement through solid barriers. Coupled with the VISR 4.0 tech suite, this software is one of the most formidable leveraged by GEN2 armor systems.

    DESIGNATION: T-27 Responsive Holographic Form Emulator
    MANUFACTURER: Materials Group
    The T-27 Decoy package, referred in shorthand as “Hologram,” is a responsive emulator that generates an extremely realistic holographic copy of the user's physical form and movement. Once used exclusively by the Covenant, this decoy technology has now been reverse engineered for Mjolnir armor systems, and is used as a ruse in the field to trick enemy infantry and armor into revealing their position, thereby placing them at a disadvantage.

    Tactical Packages:

    Shield Package
    Through a modifying bypass of standard performance regulators, the Shield Package reinforces personal energy-shield emitters, resulting in a substantially higher shield-recharge rate. After taking damage, Spartans will notice their shields recharging at a quicker speed than others who have not opted for this package in their loadout.

    Firepower Package
    By alternating redundant magnetic streams at the rear of a Spartan’s armor, the Firepower Package overrides regulated loadout limitations, allowing users to carry two primary weapons simultaneously. For Spartans who prefer heavier or longer-ranged firepower over close-range versatility and speed, this package is typically considered imperative.

    Support Upgrades:

    Ammo Upgrade

    The Ammo Upgrade overrides default Mjolnir safety and capacity protocols allowing Spartans to exceed suggested ammunition loads in the field. This upgrade is highly recommended for close-quarters engagement roles and any encounters that require excessive ammunition expenditures.

    Sensor Upgrade

    Although it violates general UNSC relay transmission regulations, the Sensor Upgrade increases both the range and sensitivity of the standard motion sensor. As it is most frequently utilized by stealth operatives and infiltration specialists, this upgrade provides heightened locational intel of all nearby enemies.

    Awareness Upgrade

    Facilitating relatively minor adjustments in an armor system’s HUD-distributed display mechanics, the Awareness Upgrade integrates the default motion sensor into all known scoped weapon smart-links, both native and exotic. Spartans engaging in long-range combat or sniper operations often rely on this upgrade to provide them with basic motion-sensor data while sighting an enemy from afar.

    [FONT=&quot]All of the above (aside my introductory statement) is straight from 343i and the Halo 4 website.
  14. Elite Warrior5

    Elite Warrior5 Forerunner
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    I actually like the Support Upgrades as they don't cause a huge change in gameplay. I hope the tactical packages aren't as powerful as they sound, though.
  15. That Scorch Guy

    That Scorch Guy Forerunner

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    Well, I'm worried about the thruster pack. Essentially, it sounds like Evade. In all modes. Sprint pummels were bad enough...

    Unless you can jump/get out of the way before the punch lands. Then it won't be too bad. I think. Whatever. Wait and see I spose.
  16. Audienceofone

    Audienceofone Forerunner
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    Im just happy it's not a jetpack and travels only a short distance. Ive seen in a video someone kill with it and a sword but I think sprint and evade would have been the same. I'm personally fine with this addition- just so long as its not able to be used to jump too many times.

    As for the upgrades I think they will be fun little changes. Nothing seems too overpowered. I just hope with 2 primary weapons doesnt mean a BR and shotgun.

    EDIT: IGN has a Halo4 interview on in just a few minutes from now. Im sure the video will be up later though if you miss it.
    #3456 Audienceofone, Jun 5, 2012
    Last edited: Jun 5, 2012
  17. Monolith

    Monolith Ancient
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    In other words:

    #3457 Monolith, Jun 5, 2012
    Last edited: Jun 5, 2012
  18. Nutduster

    Nutduster TCOJ
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    - Fixed and phased physics made it far easier to build any kind of map, including ones floating in the air.
    - Many more large-scale objects than H3 made it possible to build bigger maps, enclosed maps, BTB maps, etc.
    - Better object palette - yes, I said it. I don't care how tired you are of gray - maps looked better in Reach than on either Foundry or Sandbox, and all three (those two + Forge World) had a very limited color range by design.
    - Better forge space with diverse natural geometry as well as plenty of open air and sea to build completely new maps in.

    Downsides (that weren't present in H3):

    - Framerate problems more prevalent, which made lights nearly useless.
    - Not enough destructible and standard physics items to play with, which made it harder to make gimmick and minigame maps.

    "Everything else was trash"? I don't see it. Reach forge could have perhaps achieved more, but it was still head-and-shoulders better than H3 forge.
  19. Audienceofone

    Audienceofone Forerunner
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    yep, pretty much Erico.

    On the subject of Forge, Reach was a vast improvement for the reasons stated by Nutduster. Any other opinion is fine, but he fact is that Reach upgraded Forge a lot.
  20. UnfrozenLynx

    UnfrozenLynx Promethean

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    Instead of this game shaping up to be a marriage between Halo and CoD, I feel it is becoming more similar to a coupling of Halo and TF2, which is ****ing awesome. Everyone could have specific roles on their team now based on which packages they choose to integrate. I doubt this will be the case, but it would be cool to see certain weapons be unavailable depending on which Tac and Support upgrades you choose, forcing you to play a certain way and promote true class-based gameplay. To me, this means even more varied, exciting, and team-based strategy than Halo already requires. You can't go wrong with that. Sure, some of these things may require updates for balancing purposes, but so long as 343 stays on top of these things, I'm not too concerned.

    -Need to make a push for that flag? Equip Firepower and Promethean Vision, following close behind someone with a Hardlight Shield and Shield Package while alerting them to dangers around the corner so they can face the correct way to avoid damage while you pop out with a shotty.

    -Need someone to distract players from your real objective? Have someone with the thruster pack and some CQC weapons bomb around the map causing chaos.

    -Having trouble figuring out where your enemies are? Equip the sensor upgrade or promethean vision to support your team with call outs.

    Reach, while it had loadouts, didn't really have distinct class-based gameplay. I feel that this is what Bungie was kinda going for, but didn't push the game far enough for fear of community backlash. 343i is willing to drop their balls and truly make an innovative and fresh Halo experience. That's damn fine in my books. Now all we need is a spy class :p

    Also, It's funny seeing how many people who were talking **** about this game for months leading up to E3 suddenly make a complete 180 once they finally see the stuff they were complaining about in action. Never forget, to assume makes an asshole out of you and me. Just don't do it.
    #3460 UnfrozenLynx, Jun 5, 2012
    Last edited: Jun 6, 2012

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