Lol, That's point of view. I don't consider Metro 8 interface fully practice at the moment. In fact, many of the things present in Rainmeter or W8 icons are more for Style than practice, I personally installed the "Omnimo UI" interface, and after a few hours I realized I was wasting my time packing and changing the style of the desktop than actually using the functionality of the computer. While I felt being a little "Poser" for it, I just finish deleting everything in the end...
If anything, Use a new icon pack which maintains a similar style throughout the icons. I'm not saying you need to use Omnimo. Also, turn off the names under the icons. Either way, having a different desktop doesn't matter to me because I barely use the icons on it anyways. I'm a start menu user.
Lol, what? I always use classic:
i must say, the bottom bar of windows 7 makes docks and desktop shortcuts for programs to be a bit redundant. COME ON MAN
I've done this recently: â– Animus 2.0 Revamp + ACII Rainmeter [w/ tutorial on editing skin sets] - YouTube I can't really screenshot it because the spiral moves, but it's pretty easy to do.
Believe me I know It bugs me, this is the only desktop of my 3 that only has 4gb of ram. The other two have 6 and 8 so rainmeter is less of an issue on them. I really only use this computer for browsing anyways, my real work is done elsewhere.
Found the "Where giants have fallen, you can conquer....." page on and made 10 wallpapers out of it....
Yall have sparked my interest in Rainmeter and dreamscapes and such. I set up dreamscapes and I'm gonna try out rainmeter, is the amount of CPU it eats up dependent upon the theme I use?