Well, the problem I have with "premium" or "elite" is not knowing what you're getting before hand. The real meat of the package is the expansion packs, and to me the practice of selling these before the buyer knows what he's really getting is kinda ****ed up, but then again the buyer knows he is taking a risk. All that other crap they include is absolutely rubbish. The ability to reset your stats? Really? Server que priority? That sounds like someone with Premium gets to join a server through the queue faster than a VIP, which is absolutely retarded. Anyway, if you haven't already got Back to Karkand, and you're certain that you'll be pleased with any map DICE releases, then yes, it's of good value because you'll ultimately be saving money. $15 for five map packs = $75 and with Premium you're only spending $50.
the fact that it is $50 and €50 will mean they'll charge £50. **** that **** my pound is worth way more than your shitty currencies.
I likely will get all of them anyway, which is why it's a good deal. Close quarters is the only one I wasn't sure about, but my friends seem to want it, so I probably will. I rather like the knife too, considering how much I use mine.
Close Quarters looks like a ridiculously mint map pack. There's only one map that's quite close quarters currently and thats Metro, so some new metro-esque maps could be awesome with conquest!
This is a very good point. I'd probably get this just for the map packs and some of the funky equipment but if they're charging £50 for it they can **** right off. I agree with steve as well, I think the game could do with a few more completely non-vehicle maps like Metro. Maybe exclude some of the huge maps from the console DLC as they just don't work in the same way with the reduced player count.
The big maps work, just players that don't play the objective ruin them. Oh, and jets as well, they're a waste. Need big maps with mostly ground vehicles and transport choppers, Bad Company style. Metro ain't a battlefield, it's a meatgrinder.
This seems interesting. I haven't played BF3 extensively in a while, but I do plan on trying out the new DLC... decisions, decisions.
Anyone else with BF3 on pc ever had a problem with the game freezing every 5 minutes? can't seem to find a solution to this :/ EDIT:fixed it by underclocking the gpu
BBBFFF333PPP - YouTube New vehicles: AC-130, mobile artillery, quad, Stryker MGS (tank destroyer), 2S25 Sprut-SD (tank destroyer) I'm digging that Armored Kill map. I hope it will translate well on the consoles, where we will get a 4 or 5 flag version instead. I like the 4 flag Gulf of Oman a lot, and this map has some similarities with it. Also, Tank Superiority mode.
Unless that's a C-130. Looks like it has the guns fitted underneath in that pic though. I wonder how it will work in the game.
I hope the AC130 is similar to the air strike from BF1943 Where it's only available as a once every few minutes thing. Otherwise rape will occur. I agree as well, I hope they make sure the armoured maps on console don't turn out like Caspian did. Maybe I'll have to get this game on PC too. It looks rather good from all the PC gameplay I've seen and you get all the extra functions. I still don't know how people fly the jets though. That **** must be hard with a mouse and keyboard.
i think an AC-130 draws a lot of attention, so a lot of AA will probably shoot at it. more interested in the guns. also what's the premium knife look like?
I've heard PC players say flying jets is much easier with a keyboard and mouse as you can get more precise than with the thumbsticks on the console controllers.
I've flown with a joystick at a friends house, and its infinitely better than thumbsticks on consoles. Whenever I fly with an actual controller now I can feel about half-way through a sharp loop/twisty thing when the controls loosen up, and I nearly hit a mountain or something. I wonder what Russia would get to counter the AC130?
Yeah, I don't really have any idea what they're going to do with that. Maybe the AC130 is like a flag itself and both sides fight for it. Maybe it's only on PC because they can have way more players. ____________________________________________ Did you guys see the video I posted up top? The first one I posted got pulled down by EA, but I replaced it with an unlisted video.