
Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by reaper3bot0, May 24, 2012.

  1. reaper3bot0

    reaper3bot0 Forerunner

    Likes Received:
    A Halo Reach Map
    Made for gametypes: ffa/team Slayer Swat Juggernaut
    Size: Large
    Location: ForgeWorld
    Version 1.1

    Map Deluded is a slayer ffa / team slayer map also supporting juggernaut and swat so far. Red room is a multi exit entrance base 5 ways in and out connecting to different areas. Green Area is a outside corner area featuring a dmr and shotgun across from each other in different battle heights. Red has a wrap around tunnel area as well that leads to laser fire and other perch like areas.
    Blue bottom area has 2 different teleporters 1 that goes right into red room and the other that goes to blue base top beside red room. Watch out You might get ambushed at any time. This area also features a DMR

    Added Another route from green to blue. Check new video:

    Here is a video please enjoy.

    Map Version 1.2 Game-play trailer

    deluded game teaser- YouTube

    ***Deluded v1.3 live***
    -added all gametypes:ff/team slayer ctf stockpile koth territories oddball headhunter assault juggernaut swat(*no invasion, race or infection)
    -change top bridge
    -changed blue bottom added light
    -move shotgun
    -needler added
    -4th dmr was already in game correcting patch notes
    -adjusted up dmrs all on 80 second cooldown and now have 2 clips.
    -in (oddball only) gravity hammer spawns

    Deluded v1.3 - YouTube
    ASSAULT RIFLES *4 80 second cooldown 2 clips around the map.
    Map located on fileshare hash tags: Reaper3bot0, Bloodiest, Slayer

    Please give constructive feedback.

    Well now that you watched the videos How about you give me some feedback.
    #1 reaper3bot0, May 24, 2012
    Last edited: Jun 4, 2012
  2. Eightball

    Eightball Forerunner
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Ooooookay...So, I don't want to be rude, but giving feedback for a map like this will take me forever and a year, so I'd rather do it over Live.

    Add me if you're interested, GT: iEightball

    Now that this has been bumped, maybe someone who is a bit more patient at typing than me can give you some feedback, because idk when I'm going to get on Live.
  3. Zatherla

    Zatherla Sweet Lemonade
    Senior Member

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    I stopped there. Please more quality, less quantity.
  4. SilentJacket

    SilentJacket Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    ForgeHub is a showcase of maps on a more professional level than the majority of those you find in the Halo Reach fileshare. Given this sites nature, I recommend that you post a few, well tested, well thought out maps and do your research.
  5. reaper3bot0

    reaper3bot0 Forerunner

    Likes Received:
    A Halo Reach Map
    Made for gametypes: ffa/team Slayer Swat Juggernaut
    Size: Large
    Location: ForgeWorld
    Version 1.1

    My 62nd map Deluded is a slayer ffa / team slayer map also supporting juggernaut and swat so far. Red room is a multi exit entrance base 5 ways in and out connecting to different areas. Green Area is a outside corner area featuring a dmr and shotgun across from each other in different battle heights. Red has a wrap around tunnel area as well that leads to laser fire and other perch like areas.
    Blue bottom area has 2 different teleporters 1 that goes right into red room and the other that goes to blue base top beside red room. Watch out You might get ambushed at any time. This area also features a DMR

    Added Another route from green to blue. Check new video:


    Video Walkthrough 1.1
    deluded3.wmv - YouTube


    Map located on fileshare hash tags: Reaper3bot0, Bloodiest, Slayer

    Sorry it took so long on release I was really sick and didnt get to work on it for a bit but its live now.
    Please give constructive feedback.
    #5 reaper3bot0, May 30, 2012
    Last edited: Jun 2, 2012
  6. SilentJacket

    SilentJacket Forerunner
    Senior Member

    Likes Received:
    not sure if bump, or you don't know how to edit
  7. reaper3bot0

    reaper3bot0 Forerunner

    Likes Received:
    new version 1.2 was tested tonight and is up on my fileshare
    added new pathway from blue bottom to grenade launcher area and changed up some weapons / placement and timers

    deludedgameplay.wmv - YouTube
    #7 reaper3bot0, Jun 2, 2012
    Last edited: Jun 3, 2012
  8. pyro

    pyro The Joker
    Senior Member

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    You'll need to change much more than that to make it a good map. Keep surfaces smooth (using fewer objects in areas will help). Stick with a consistent theme. Avoid restricted pathways where people can't strafe. Remove dead ends and campable areas. Make all your ramps shallow. Just to name a few things.
    #8 pyro, Jun 3, 2012
    Last edited: Jun 3, 2012
  9. SilentJacket

    SilentJacket Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Don't bother, he doesn't take criticism
  10. reaper3bot0

    reaper3bot0 Forerunner

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    wow just wow I have already told you silentjacket in a private message to stay out of my post since you wont listen Ill make one final attempt stop trolling my posts. If you actually have something productive to add instead of one liner troll post then please post constructively. It does not help anybody if you post junk like you have been so again stay out of my post don't reply anywhere in my posts ever again.

    As for the feedback thanks pyro where do you feel the ground is un-smooth? Or there are dead ends?
    I can only think of one dead end in the map and thats the 2nd level blue side and the only non smooth area is also on that side where blue 2nd level connects to red base. But these are intended. Are there any other spots you feel this? the players last night stated this to be a awesome map and had 0 complaints have you actually played on it?
  11. pyro

    pyro The Joker
    Senior Member

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    Fortunately I only got to walk through with some friends in forge (all three of whom are quite knowledgable about forge) and the general consensus was "where do I start critiquing this"
    People on xbl will rarely complain about a competitive map and will have no criticism unless they have some experience critiquing maps. The fact is it feels cramped and messy. It doesn't matter what you think, that needs to be changed if you want to improve your forging.
  12. Rorak Kuroda

    Rorak Kuroda Up All Night
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it drink. Even if you believe that that's the case, please don't continue to pointlessly post in this thread. Consider this your warning.

    Like pyro said, generally those who don't make maps won't know how to give proper feedback (This isn't always the case, but for the most part it's accurate). Keep an open mind to any feedback that pyro and Eightball are giving you, they're both knowledgeable guys who are willing to go out of their way to help you improve your map.
  13. reaper3bot0

    reaper3bot0 Forerunner

    Likes Received:
    I would still like comments after game play.

    Deluded v1.3 live
    -added all gametypes:ff/team slayer ctf stockpile koth territories oddball headhunter assault juggernaut swat(*no invasion, race or infection)
    -change top bridge
    -changed blue bottom added light
    -move shotgun
    -needler added
    -4th dmr was already in game correcting patch notes
    -adjusted up dmrs all on 80 second cooldown and now have 2 clips.
    -in (oddball only) gravity hammer spawns

    Deluded v1.3 - YouTube
    #13 reaper3bot0, Jun 4, 2012
    Last edited: Jun 4, 2012

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