I have a theory, that if we just all ignore pacmonster, he wont have anyone to quote, and you wont have to read what he says, because you'll already be ignoring him! Isn't that just some genius level **** right there? Anyway, have we still not had any kind of confirmation either way about armor skins being only for certain Armor permutations? I mean, it would be silly to only be able to have, say, the spider one if you were wearing the CIO armor, but I wouldn't put it past 343i. They even mentioned all of these Armor Skins in an update and didn't say anything about that.
By that logic... In all seriousness, I do not believe much, if anything needs to be nerfed. Yes, the shotgun is an anal penetration device but it's a ****ing shotgun. It's meant to be strong. To be quite frank, though, I'm much more excited to see how the new weapons like the railway rifle and grenade pistol thingy will play out. It's more fun than watching squeakers ***** about how the game is unfair and all the weapons are too strong. (not directed at anyone)
There is also another primary weapon choice called the 'Storm Rifle'. I'm curious about that as well.
I don't think realism or "it's a ****ing shotgun," is a good reason to why one starting weapon overpowers the others if it was left alone. Also, from a leaked video that was posted today on Youtube, it looks like fall damage is returning and I couldn't tell if bleedthrough was on or not. The leakers said that it is an evolved version of the Plasma Repeater.
Well as a starting weapon, it should only be for zombies. Other than that, what the **** are they thinking? Unless of course there IS another shotgun that is less powerful.
That was the point of my post xD They are making shotguns a loadout in default gameplay, so they'll probably be less useful than we're used to
oh god that's happening? oh god. Truly my reaction just now: The Office- Michael Scott No God No - YouTube
That's pretty much what I'm considering...getting halo 4 for forge/customs. I feel like this game is going to be better than pre-tu Reach though, with the core mechanics in mind. Bloom and no-bleed at the same time was pure Hell.
@Sky: No what I was trying to say is that it's unfair to say "oh it's just competitive players complaining" because it isn't just that. There are competitives complaining about it not being competitive but there are more people complaining that it's not Halo, it's a CoD rip or that it's just stupid. Videos that like downgrade those valid complaints from average players because then people who don't want to listen just say "oh you're competitive, you're the minority". I should also preface my posts with the fact that I'm not angry about any of this, just really disappointed.
Guys, you should check out the littleenglishhalo blog. Its very useful. On a side note, theres been some decent gameplay released. From what I can see, the movement speed is stupidly fast, and the AR can kill in under a clip. The pick up weapon thing also displays the name of the weapon in massive capital letters, and theres messy text all over the screen. From what I can make out, the hitbox still seems dodgy.
343i just clarified that the pre-order bonuses will be skins only, no exclusive armor : halo No special pre-order armor, just skins.
Please, for the love of GOD, never go in to game development. Money and financial viability in general are, of course, prerequisites for a big budget title like this, and thus heavily influence every step of the game making process from development to publicising. But that is NOT the same as saying that games are only ever made to make money. It genuinely saddens me how prevalent this attitude is when talking about pretty much anything, just because something is produced within a capitalist system it doesn't mean it is inherently devoid of creative integrity. You either need to think much harder about this subject or take a little more care when trying to convey the idea that money is a heavily guiding factor in game development, as opposed to the entire aim itself. Aside from that, I actually think that chrs' post is bang on.
There is no doubt in my mind that this is a Halo-Call of Duty hybrid now, after all we've seen. And to be totally honest, and potentially blasphemous, I couldn't be more excited. I know I'm going to enjoy this immensely.
I don't know if I agree with you about it being a good thing, but it is looking like it will be the hybrid you described. Even the AR's kill time in that video oli was talking about looks like a cross between halo and CoD
I never said it would be a good thing. "Good" is purely subjective as to who's viewing the material. I just said I'd enjoy it immensely. But between Kill cams, movement speed, loadouts and everything else I'm seeing, this is without a doubt a cross between CoD and Halo. But that isn't a bad thing, in my opinion.
Stop the presses! Someone said kill, AR, and under a clip, in the same sentence? What is this madness!?