Halo 4 Discussion

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by thesilencebroken, Jun 6, 2011.

  1. That Scorch Guy

    That Scorch Guy Forerunner

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    If 343 had a desperate desire for player progression, they should have looked at TF2 for a decent player enhancement system that can work in a decent competitive/arena-ish environment (sans going overboard with hats). I could live with that better, as stock weapons were some of the most effective and the unlocks gave the player a feeling of progression while really serving only as small tweaks to the usage of each weapon. Think Carbine/BR or Beam Rifle/Sniper if you haven't played TF2 enough. The weapons that you unlock were different, but they had the same function and one wasn't the "weapon to get". It was preference. No player enhancements besides active effects within the weapons, and those didn't seriously alter the class (you had some like faster weapon switch but lower damage, 25% smaller clip size but a tiny bit health on hit, etc.). Therefore, some still consider TF2 somewhat of an arena hybrid. I feel like that would have been a significant evolution of the type 343 seems to want (I'd prefer no progression, but it they wanted it) without doing too much damage to classic Halo traditions. Just wishing.
    #3161 That Scorch Guy, May 30, 2012
    Last edited: May 30, 2012
  2. Sgt Surchin

    Senior Member

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    343 is doing a **** job of keeping halo 4 under wrap. Makes you wonder if they're doing it for money or just shits and giggles.
    #3162 Sgt Surchin, May 30, 2012
    Last edited: May 30, 2012
  3. ThrowinDemBows

    ThrowinDemBows Takoyaki?
    Senior Member

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    uuugggh ****ing shotguns?
    If I want to play CoD, I'll play CoD. No thank you, I ****ing want halo. If 343 wants to copy CoD, they shouldn't call it halo, that's just stupid.

    Is Bungie's new shooter going to be competitive? Go Bungie!

    This all better be a joke. Let's all hope it's a joke lol.
    #3163 ThrowinDemBows, May 31, 2012
    Last edited: May 31, 2012
  4. Audienceofone

    Audienceofone Forerunner
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    I really dont think anything has been changed to the point this is a CoD game. These sort of comments (not just you, Bows, but many others too) really are just seemingly annoying bits of rage quitting before the game is released. Or perhaps you just simply refuse to accept anything different than Halos 1-3 to be a terrible game and not worthy of the title Halo? It doesnt matter but either wait and give 343 a chance not based off of leaks, or just don't bother us.

    I mean no disrespect, but the haters of a game that doesnt exist yet really just bugs me.
  5. ThrowinDemBows

    ThrowinDemBows Takoyaki?
    Senior Member

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    Custom classes, start with shotgun ...need I say more? Should I list everything?

    Oh but it does exist. In fact, it already comes out once a year. Do we really need more?
    #3165 ThrowinDemBows, May 31, 2012
    Last edited: May 31, 2012
  6. thesilencebroken

    thesilencebroken Jill Sandwich
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    See, here's my thing. Most of these changes sound unpleasant, but every person that has given an account of playing the game says the same thing. It was fun, the changes didn't really change much, and the core mechanics are all there to keep it feeling Halo.

    That's why I'm buying it, and I'm going to make my own opinion, AFTER I've test driven it.
  7. Stevo

    Stevo Drunken Bantersaurus Rex
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    When I saw the terrible quality leaked video, I actually thought it looked fun, and the speed seemed to remind me a lot more of Halo 3...

    But reading the apparent leaked information, it just seemed... well... terrible?

    It's fine saying that people shouldn't judge the game before it comes out, but they have every right to. You can buy the game, right now... so why can't you make judgement on what you've already been told/shown?

    Anyway... the main issue people have is that the game is no longer balanced. Everything has a positive and negative to it and no player has the same basic attributes as they enter the game, they're all +2 range or +8 damage in Close Quarter or +ability to see through walls or 2xshields... All we want to know is...... why?
  8. The Trivial Prodigy

    Senior Member

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    No, it can be different but still be good. Halo Reach for example. It's certainly a different playstyle than the other games, but many people still find it enjoyable despite its flaws. Many also downright hated it. It's different, but it's still Halo and enjoyable. A more extreme example would be Halo Wars: I'm not normally an RTS player, and Wars is undoubtedly different from the others, yet I still found it enjoyable.

    While Halo 4 may or may not turn out to be an enjoyable game, however, it is blatantly obvious what 343 is trying to do with the game and where they are getting their "new" ideas from. This is not necessarily a bad thing, mind you, but you can't just take a square peg and expect it to fit in your round hole: you have to modify it and make sure it works. That's the fear people have about Halo 4, and they have this fear because we haven't heard any indication that 343 isn't just shoving square pegs into round holes other than vague, cryptic messages from Frankie like 'just trust us, bro.'

    The fact that almost every update we've heard so far has either been like this or been negative doesn't really help their case. To be blunt, at this point Halo 4 is to Modern Warfare what Fortresscraft was to Minecraft, and we haven't heard otherwise. Our fears and concerns are hardly unfounded.

    343i: If you want us to trust you, give us a reason to.

    But it does exist. I'm no hater, but I am extremely skeptical about this.
    #3168 The Trivial Prodigy, May 31, 2012
    Last edited: May 31, 2012
  9. chrstphrbrnnn

    chrstphrbrnnn Guardian
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    A lot of people who've played it haven't gotten access to the full game. A lot of AAs weren't in, they didn't make much use of the "upgrades" whatever they're called and they've only played a small selection of maps. Until the most recent leaked accounts, people didn't really have access to customizing their loadouts so it was virtually Reach with better underlying mechanics. Also, don't get me wrong the mechanics look great..it certainly seems like it plays a lot more like Halo than Reach did underneath all the superficial crap. However, even doing their best to cut out the crap and slim down the playlists to a more tradition Halo experience didn't save Reach. There are also still people who enjoyed Reach from beta to beginning to the end, and I'm positive those people have been brought in to give their opinions in the form of "journalism" on Halo 4. That's not to say they've brought in only Reach lovers, but gaming journalism tends to be a joke. More often than not it's bias praise so you'll be invited back for another sneak peek or it's simply they've not had long enough with the game to have any issues arise.

    Nonetheless, I will get Halo 4 for Forge alone. We'll play our reduced customs and use te new additions to make cool mini games. We'll host tournaments using the reduced settings and build a large portion of our maps to suit those settings. However, I still won't be as happy with it as I was in Halo 3. That's all I'm complaining about. More Reach, essentially.

    Also, on the note of the Shotty starts: I highly doubt it'll be the shotty power weapon of some of the past games, but rather a severely nerfed, annoying and almost unusable shotty that feels as if it has no power.
  10. ♥ Sky

    ♥ Sky I Beat the old Staff!
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  11. Loscocco

    Loscocco Ancient
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    I think they should add something like a mauler to the game for starting weapons and keep the shotgun the way it was as a power weapon. If the shotgun is as powerful as something in Reach, the class will be incredibly overpowered. If they nerf it, they're neutering the shotgun and keeping it from being the badass weapon that it once was (this is a less legitimate reason for hating it and more of a personal discomfort). If it is weak, how well do you think it would balance against a sword, or how could they nerf the sword (if they did) to match up?

    I'm sure that it will receive a nerf in power along with the fact that other concepts like giving everyone sprint and the perks will simply make the shotgun harder to use.
  12. thesilencebroken

    thesilencebroken Jill Sandwich
    Senior Member

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  13. cluckinho

    cluckinho Well Known
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    @Loscocco, Maybe 2 shotguns with different strengths?
  14. Loscocco

    Loscocco Ancient
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    Yeah, I just said Mauler because it's a perfect example: a weaker shotgun with a completely different design.
  15. Oli The G

    Oli The G Forerunner
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    Hey... hey guys. Remember when we are saying "whats next? kill cams?"

    and the response was generally

    "thats going too far" "I have faith in 343i" or "you are being ridiculous and a cry baby"

    I just checked one of the halo 4/halo blogs. There were some leaked screenshots. The ghost looks kinda k, but nearly the same asset that it was in reach, and very, very glossy.

    But on the top of one of the images it said "killed by" and showing a first person action.

    Dear crapping gawd. THE END IS NIGH! EVERYBODY GRAB A SHOTGUN AND START TO SHOOT YOURSELVES AND OTHERS! ILL START BY SHOOTING SKY! (nobody shoot, neo, I still need to lol at the troll I did)

    And FYI - These look to be final assets. The screenshots say "pre release build," not pre-alpha or anything.
    #3175 Oli The G, May 31, 2012
    Last edited: May 31, 2012
  16. Loscocco

    Loscocco Ancient
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    I feel like kill cams will ruin sniping; you won't be allowed to stay in one place because the sense of, "I'd go kill that sniper, but I have no clue where he shot me from," won't exist anymore and dedicated chasers will be able to pinpoint your exact position unless you get the hell out of there.
  17. chrstphrbrnnn

    chrstphrbrnnn Guardian
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    I'm going to tear that video apart because it's wrong on so many levels:

    -Sure, CE wasn't a competitive game but it also was the game that established core fundamentals of what Halo is. Recharging shields, weapons on map spawns, players starting with the same weapons, players all on an even playing field in terms of mechanics. This continued into Halo 2 and Halo 3. Neither of those games were developed for competitive players. Yet they allows for players to play them competitively because they did hand out advantages to various players at the beginning of a match and they always knew what you were up against. I've never been an "MLG kid" and I was certainly a casual for Halo 2 and some of Halo 3. I enjoyed the **** out of both of those games and I know you did too silence. I'm not screaming for competitive, I'm screaming for Halo. That's what most people are screaming for.

    -Some of these new people at 343 may be the problem. Who the hell is this Kiki? What has she done to make her credible? Why is she in such a power position at the development of one of gamings most important franchises? These are the answers to questions I want to know, not her ****ing K/D. Also, don't get me wrong: I'm not saying she's not worthy I'm just saying I don't know who she is or why she's there so of course I'm going to question it. These employees could have previously worked at IW for all I know. Maybe they worked at a developer who happened to go head to head with CoD 4 years ago, didn't copy it and went out of business. Maybe this is where their "inspiration" is coming from, they think they're correcting a mistake from the past, they think this time around their game will be more successful if it copies CoD. Who knows, but I personally don't believe it's their competitie nature that needs to be questioned. Hell, maybe it isn't them..maybe it's MS.

    -It's beyond unfair to compare competitive and casual Reach. Competitive Reach was stifled for most of Reach's early life and lost a lot of competitive players. There was no ranked and Arena was a sham. It took until no bloom for MLG to get a fully enjoyable gametype together. So of course the casuals outweigh the competitive in Reach, the competitive all quit when they were completely forgotten about and a portion of the player base still playing are those who love Halo so much they can't quit no matter what. Give them old Halo back and they'll be just as happy. However, if you were to compare ranked and social Halo 3 back in its hayday you'd find numbers that were strikingly closer than Reach's. Oh, and Halo 3 outsold Reach by something like 3 million copies. Yes, some of that is attributed to an earlier release date, but Reach has also had a far longer stint as the included with new 360 game, so that does some evening out.

    -C'mon, comparing GrifballHub to MLG? If Pacmonster could respond with a book to that guy's video (well, he could) he'd be off about how unreasonable of an analogy that is. Comparing one Mini Game to a refined version of vanilla Halo is ridiculous. Of course no one would argue for starting with Hammers and Swords in an empty box, that's not even remotely Halo. MLG still uses the same weapons, sans a few; the same maps, sans a few and the same settings with some tweaks. It's just a choosier version of Halo. Nonetheless, it's hardly just MLG clamouring about all of these awful changes.

    Needless to say, Casual and Competitive players alike both played Halo because they enjoyed it for what it was. All things considered, Halo: CE, 2 and 3 were all very similar variations of one another. Reach introduced some "new" features that did largely change the way Halo played for IMO the worse, but it still wasn't so drastic of a leap to lose sight of the Halo beneath it. Halo 4 looks like that drastic leap. Suppose you forgot Reach existed at all and you simply looked at Halo 3 and Halo 4, the two games wouldn't seem remotely similar. Sure the mechanics "look" similar to classic Halo, but so did Reach and things still felt "off". We won't know about that until we get our hands on it. For everything else we've seen: it's not Halo.
  18. Oli The G

    Oli The G Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Not could chrs, will. INCOMING WALL OF TEXT SHITSTORM!

    /me runs from Pac's angry typing :D
  19. Elite Warrior5

    Elite Warrior5 Forerunner
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    I just hope they don't have a shotgun attachment or grenade launcher attachment.

    I'm still very excited about Halo 4 thanks to that leaked video. It did look fun and fast paced.
  20. ♥ Sky

    ♥ Sky I Beat the old Staff!
    Senior Member

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    It seems you missed the point of the vid Chrs.

    He never compared casual to competitive. He simply stated that the competitive players have a louder voice and feel that they should have more of a say over how the game mechanics work. Nor did he compare GrifballHub to MLG. He simply used them as an example of a different Halo community voicing a different opinion to the Competitive community. I don't think GrifballHub would be saying such things.

    The point of this video was to send a message to those who are voicing their opinions the loudest and complaining because they can't have a game exactly how they want it.

    I think I've said this enough times but I'll say it again. Games are only ever made to make money. If CE hadn't been such a hit you think Halo would still be around today? It's the same idea as COD, keep making games while there is still a market for them and people to buy them.

    You can't blame the 343 staff either. They've been hired for a reason and it's not up to you to judge them before they've even released a single game. Staff aren't hired for no reason and you need to realise that in the end your opinion matters not. If you were the one creating the game it would, but as you aren't it doesn't. Not that you're not allowed your opinion but this is a little poke to show you that 343 couldn't care less about the views of one fan in a crowd of millions.

    Your first point is the most valid of all and I fully agree with you on the comments about spawning with the same weapon and being on a level playing field.

    This final paragraph is directed towards everyone. I fully expect a reply in the form of a load of quotes explaining how I'm wrong on each of my points but let me tell you this before you do: I am happy that 343 are creating their own Halo game rather than following a set mould. They've kept the most core of mechanics that make Halo what it is but they've made changes, some good, some not so good but nevertheless I will give 343 the benefit of the doubt and support them as I believe that they can make a good game. Your opinions are valid but to be honest you don't need to shove them down other people's throats and force them to want the same as you.

    PS: I'm also not going to read any long replies as I'm too lazy and have other things to be doing.
    #3180 ♥ Sky, May 31, 2012
    Last edited: May 31, 2012

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