Everyone's usually got at least one. That old favorite video game. The one that, while it may take a backseat to a growing number of newer games in your ever growing collection, still gets pulled off the shelf for a solid all night game session. One of those games that you'll just never justify getting rid of. I got a few I can think of (aside from Mario Kart, Smash Bros, and Mario Party): Pokemon Yellow, Castle Crashers, and Paper Mario. I grew up with the first generation and second generation of pokemon (arguably the best generation) in my early childhood and a bunch of us at my school would occasionally bring our gameboy's to school and spend many a recess battling and bartering our pokemon. I always enjoyed Yellow because the third game from each generation was always the best and 1st gen was where it all began. Castle Crashers was easily the most popular XBLA game among my friends (possibly one of the most popular Xbox Live hits in general) and we all clocked in plenty of all nighters in packed party chat rooms with multiple 4-player games going on simultaneously. We would have races to see who/which group could get past a certain world the fastest, hit a certain level milestone, or just play the arena and all you can quaff minigames. Hilarity usually ensued. Paper Mario was, is, and will still be one of my favorite single player games and every once in a while I'll get the urge to pop it in and run through the whole thing in a couple sittings. How about you guys? Got any old games that you enjoy breaking out on a lazy day?
Pokemon Gold, Kingdom Hearts and Fallout 3. Three games that I own, never got rid of and go back to over and over again.
Pokemon Blue & Crystal, Halo 3, Guitar Hero: Metallica, Settlers III (although It won't physically install anymore, i still have the disk )
I play a game, beat it, and move on. It's unfortunate, but I'm a very patient person in every regard other than interest. I keep all my games in hopes that I find a reason to go back to them, but I rarely ever do.
Super Mario World -> Memorized all the secrets n' stuff Every once in a while I'll play a Halo game again. However, I just gave away like 12 old xbox games that I never played
Kirby Air Ride or Battlefront 1-2. Pokemon Sapphire is a close contender, and goofing off in Halo 3 on Sandtrap is a different beast each time I load it up with friends.
Halo 3 was mine. I'd get a new game, beat it, and move back to it. Same with Reach I guess, just not as much.
Legend of Dragoon. Every time I get a long break from school, I have to beat it. Which usually involves massive marathons, because my most recent play was a 'weekend' no-save speedrun... that still took up about 60 hours. I had to pretend Monday and Tuesday were part of the weekend because I ****ing died on the bullshit Lenus boss battle (because it always ****s me up.) Like, seriously. Usually, however, I can invest a solid 140+ hours into it and still be fine. The game is big enough that STILL forget **** that happened in the third and fourth disk, even though I've finished it about 15 or 16 times. I dunno man, I can just always play it. I've only got three more playthroughs before I have all possible party combos though lol, so next year might be when I end up breaking my streak. Despite not having it very long, Dark Souls is my current generation version of this phenomenon. I have a playthrough with 111 hours solid, as well as two with over 40. While the 200ish hours don't compare to the thousands I have invested into LoD or Morrowind, its a solid fifth or sixth place in terms of total time despite only getting it this year. Obviously Halo: 3 was up there, but that was mostly cus all of my buds played it so it was a great default for socializing at 3am when most people slept. Since nobody plays Reach anymore, it doesn't really get the same love.
Legend of Zelda: Ocerina of Time, Majora's Mask, Banjo Kazooie, Banjo Tooie. Edited by merge: And this, to a degree
That was my first Game Boy Advanced game, followed by Pokemon Sapphire. Those two... Classics in my book.