Halo 4 Discussion

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by thesilencebroken, Jun 6, 2011.

  1. Neoshadow

    Neoshadow Forerunner
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    I love you. Oh so much.
    Think we might be the only people ever that are actually excited for the game.
  2. Skisma

    Skisma Creative Force
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    Nope. I'm very excited and have had my 25 dollars down since the day LE was available for pre-order. The hardlight shield makes me nervous though. I just don't see how it's going to work for halo.
  3. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
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    I never said that. I assume you're talking about chrs' post. My view is that they've constructed a much more complete CoD-like framework around basic Halo player mechanics, which I guess agrees with the view you're putting forward. Our judgements on how appealing this sounds seem to differ, but it's largely subjective at this point so I'm not gonna spend 10 paragraphs responding to the rest of your post. Wait, did I really just say that?

    EDIT: Oh wait, nevermind, something else to rant in response to:

    Sorry, Pac, do you have actually have opinions on this game? The bulk of what I see you putting forward in here is forceful criticism of others' opinions, so don't give me that 10th degree nonsense. You know full well that this is what's being criticised, and any assertion of "hey this looks cool, I think I might like it for these reasons" is most certainly not what's netting you these multiple paragraph responses, we both know that. Hell, even if you do have opinions, you should probably wait and play it first, right?

    As for the main point of contention, whether CoD is "responsible" for the ideas being put in to Halo, regardless of whether it invented them or not, is indeed the crux. You've succeeded in clarifying your point, though all that's served to do is highlight how wilfully blind you're continuing to be. You genuinely don't think that these ideas are being transplanted with such force and completeness precisely because they appear (an appearance I largely agree with) to form the basis of the biggest selling console FPS right now?

    Similar game ideas and a starkly similar framework isn't even a matter of semantics, it's a rewording. It simply seems as if you attach a different judgement to this than I do. The only difference seems to come from the degree to which we see similarity. You continue to focus on the modular similarity of these various game ideas, whereas I argue that that which they form when pieced together is even more similar, and thus is the more important aspect to focus on. More important not simply because it has a bigger effect on the resulting game, but because it's more telling as a game development ethos.

    And actually, that's the root of my argument. Game mechanics and ideas being exchanged is very commonplace, natural and potentially even beneficial. I hesitate to make that point too strongly because I don't want to attach any value judgement to the general principle of things being "taken" (or perhaps "inspired by" for a less negative connotation-heavy description) from other titles in game design, but I still think there's a notable difference between the two things I described in the paragraph preceding this one.

    You genuinely don't see anything amiss about one title transplanting an almost complete framework from another game to its own, in a distinct and sudden departure from the conventions of the latter (even in comparison to the last game which was considered a fairly largely departure in itself just through the implementation of loadouts based AAs)? If you would like me to outline exactly how similar these frameworks are then please tell me, I'll gladly do so. If you see so little inherent integrity in the gaming world, hell you don't even see it as something worth valuing should it exist at all, why are you so angry about the way people react in here? How do you manage to summon up anything other than apathy?
    #3123 Pegasi, May 29, 2012
    Last edited: May 29, 2012
  4. Stevo

    Stevo Drunken Bantersaurus Rex
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I'd say a lot better than an AA that lets you see through walls?
  5. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
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    I guess you never played Blacklight: Tango Down. That game was bangin :p
  6. PacMonster1

    PacMonster1 Senior Member
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    Or splinter cell
  7. NlBBS

    NlBBS Forerunner

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    Or Red Faction II, where you had a gun that could shoot through walls (and was actually pretty balanced and fun).
  8. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
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    Red Faction II was awesome, though seriously I think those are some pretty extreme examples and I wasn't really serious with the B:TD comparison.

    Forerunner Vision sounds OK to me tbh, not something I'm particularly keen on using from what I've heard/seen but not something I'm going to get particularly worked up about. If you're going to have AAs then one which basically equates to a burst of highly enhanced radar makes sense.
  9. Stevo

    Stevo Drunken Bantersaurus Rex
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Oh no, dude... that game was awesome. But it was designed around that concept that everyone could always see through walls... lol
  10. Loscocco

    Loscocco Ancient
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    I'd say the hardlight shield is a reasonable alternative to armor lock that you can actually work around without having to wait. Not being able to move didn't stop AL from making gameplay slow, but the hardlight shield makes a good part of your body vulnerable and a good part of your vision blinded (unless the potato-cam is playing with me and that's not the case). I could only see the AA being annoying to someone like me when I'm trying to snipe and the entire enemy team is pushing up with shields blocking their skulls.

    Forerunner vision is still iffy to me, but it looks like it only lasts 3 seconds and I'm pretty sure one 343's staff said that it lets out a weird noise, alerting everyone nearby, it's disorienting to be in, and you can only see through incredibly nearby walls.

    Also, in one of the newer leaked videos that shows screenshots of the menus and in game (er... at 6:41 on the one that the Halo Council posted), what is that thing on the/a pistol? It looks like a heartbeat sensor, but that would be incredibly stupid since we can see through walls and have motion sensors lol.
    #3130 Loscocco, May 29, 2012
    Last edited: May 29, 2012
  11. Transhuman Plus

    Transhuman Plus Ancient
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    I don't see why people are pissy about Promethean Vision, that's few uses include routing out campers and is loud enough so that you can't use it effectively while camping, and Hard-Light Shield, when you don't know how long it can be held for continuously or whether it will pop like a jackal shield does or how much of the body it covers or whether you can shoot while using it.

    "May as well be consistent and say I hate it".
  12. That Scorch Guy

    That Scorch Guy Forerunner

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    Yeah, I don't see much of a problem with Promethean Vision. I don't see camping as too much of a problem in Halo, as the motion tracker is generally good enough to give people a decent awareness and crouching around the map to avoid this doesn't get you too far in my experience. Campers may get one kill or two, but once you've located them it's fairly easy to stop them. Not to mention you can just control the weapons and use power weapons to drive them out. Now, if you let them camp hard with the power weapons, sorry, but that's your fault for letting it happen.

    So I really don't see promethean vision being all that helpful.

    I don't have enough info to really judge the hard-light shield at the moment. I'm interested in movement speed with it, damage it can take, size of the shield and weapons/melee with shield. I didn't watch the whole vid, so sorry if any of those were covered on that VHS (still can't understand why it's on a VHS...).
  13. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
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    I'm not debating your assessment of Promethean Vision in general, I think you're right, but one thing: I think that how effective corner-crouching is depends on map. Countdown is a good map, but I feel that the room based nature twinned with dominant CQC in Reach makes it a little more effective than I'd like as a tactic.

    Yeah, those balance aspects are going to define how effective/easy to use it is. I can't wait to see more on that front.
  14. UnfrozenLynx

    UnfrozenLynx Promethean

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    You've entirely misquoted me to make your point (there is a quote feature you know).

    Oh yeah...>> insert discussion about hardlight shield, promethean vision, and other on-topic stuff here. <<
    #3134 UnfrozenLynx, May 29, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: May 29, 2012
  15. Oli The G

    Oli The G Forerunner
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    woh, calm it!

    I don't mind the promethean vision. I see it having a level of effectiveness similar to the hologram. Great on noobs, and for mind games, but that is about it.

    As for the jackal shield, i'm furious. To me, it is basically an overshield. Imagine how much it could be spammed in and out of. Sounds like the new Armour Lock to me.

    Even the menu UI has lost the halo style of late, and its now great big boxes that appear all over your screen. I can't stand this whole instant-gratification style being aimed for by 343i.

    Theres nothing wrong with those types of people. I just don't like being made to feel cheap, and treated almost like an impatient 2 year old. And impatient 2 year olds (to use a comparison here) is generally the person that fails to enjoy Test Cricket, because all they do is see things at face value, and fail to appreciate the idea of momentum, or personal battles. They just want big explosions and loud music, combined with cheap, unsportsmanlike gameplay.
  16. Neoshadow

    Neoshadow Forerunner
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    I like instant gratification. Makes playing the game in short bouts that much more rewarding, as opposed to having to play for ages to get that feeling. Unlocks add a feeling of customization and reward to the game which I am glad is there, and makes the gameplay that much more varied, so It'll take longer to bore me.

    As for the Jackal Shield, I don't think we've seen enough about it to call an overshield. I haven't seen the leak video, but I cannot imagine it being that big, so you can still shoot in other places. On top of that, I highly, highly doubt you'll be able to just whip it in and out on a repeated basis, that just doesn't seem plausible.

    I'm excited for the game, I'll admit that. I have partly Blind Faith because I know I'm going to enjoy it, from what I've seen of the game and it's mechanics. It isn't classic Halo, but then again, neither was Reach.

    Not sure why this entire thread has gone completely to ****, between people insulting others for the sake of flaming, defending something so blindly for the sake of defending something, or whining simply for the sake of whining.
  17. Oli The G

    Oli The G Forerunner
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    (sorta sniggers)

    I know that feeling too. ;)

    (that should go in my signature :D)

    tbh, I think the reason this thread has gone smelly is because there are several people (WHO SHALL NOT BE NAMED UNDER PENALTY OF HILARIOUS MUSICAL EXECUTION) here, who are quite opinionated imo. At times, I can be too, admittedly, but at least I can cool my jets and accept that however obviously right (all the time) I am, some people just won't accept that. And because they are opinionated, they start to answer back to everybody, even making it quite viciously personal at times. And that starts a response, because the original poster of a fair, well reasoned opinion is insulted for having an opinion.

    I'd have blind faith in bungie, but all we hear from 343i is "trust us" and "hey! we like haloz 2!" And that isn't convincing enough from my point of view. They may be fans, but they still work very closely under M$ and its money making bollucks.

    It also may have gone to pot when I super trolled Neo. That was one for the achievments :D
    #3137 Oli The G, May 29, 2012
    Last edited: Jun 1, 2012
  18. That Scorch Guy

    That Scorch Guy Forerunner

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    This is true, but I think the map is more at fault here for allowing players to stand still in a known location without any sort of danger or line of sight that can keep them in check. Using Countdown as an example again, hiding in the drop-down from the top or staying crouched around the doorways to the concussion rifle allows a player to hide right at the door or close to it with too much cover from other directions. The middle block with the health pack and the doorway to the other side of the map (towards sword) obscure sight of the player from most if not all angles. I blame the map here. Put a fusion coil around there or open up the door towards the sword more and it wouldn't be as big of a problem.

    Let's hope Promethean Vision isn't an excuse to create more play-spaces like Countdown, which is a decent map but it allows abuse of corners too much. I don't want to be dependent on a certain AA in a specific situation.
  19. cluckinho

    cluckinho Well Known
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    Oceanic armor.
  20. Loscocco

    Loscocco Ancient
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    Dem shoulder spikes, man xD

    And I believe that these are from purchase through GAME, so exclusive to the UK? That's what I've been reading and I had no clue such a retailer existed. Side note: does the UK have Gamestop or EB Games?

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