I want an option for incendiary bullets. It will reduce the lag of a flame thrower or a flame grenade. I would only want this in forge/customs of course.
8 New images leaked. Obviously not allowed to post the images, but I'll break down some stuff for you. Load-outs: *There are five available load outs for you to customize, just like Call of Duty, but you have to purchase the fifth one. *You can name these load outs. *You can change your: -Primary Weapon -Secondary Weapon -Armor Ability -"Tactical Package" (think perks, here) -"Support Upgrade" (I'm just guessing, but it would seem to be another, different, set of perks) Armor Abilities: - Autosentry - Promethean Vision - Regeneration Field - Hologram - Hardlight Shield (Basically, a jackal shield. Probably works a lot like a riot shield from CoD) - Active Camouflage - Thruster Pack (it's important to note, not "jump pack", but not "jet pack") A bio is shown for the Autosentry: "An autosentry is an automated turret which can be deployed to defend its user or command a key battlefield checkpoint" I'm thinking just like the ones from Halo 3's last level. Tactical Packages: - Firepower (allows the user to choose two primary weapons) - None (odd, but I guess you start out with none and have to buy them) - Resupply (Scavenger from CoD maybe?) - Grenadier (We've been told this is an extra grenade, like the old perk from CoD) - Awareness (Maybe a better motion tracker?) - Shielding (God, I hope there's not a legit perk to make your shields stronger) - AA Efficiency (Maybe AA's can be used more without charging, or charge faster?) Wow, really blown away here, they said they wouldn't change the game very much, but if any of my guesses are right, and with the "extra grenade" and "firepower" allowing some users to have two primary weapons instead of a primary and a secondary... I'm seeing this being huge bonuses. They should keep everyone equal, not randomly give some people more shields or more firepower, or ammo. Other: - The Target Locator (or something shockingly similar) Is show being held by someone on one of the multiplayer maps 343i has talked about. - A new (dare I say) covenant weapon is shown. Possibly a power-weapon, it's very big and bulky looking. Very rifle-like. - A powered up Railgun is shown, along with a ghost in the background.
Well a little while ago 8 more pictures leaked of the menus and some other pics. Little disappointed with some of the stuff shown. AA's: -Promethean vision -Thruster pack -Hologram -Regeneration field -Hardlight shield -Active camo -Autosentry Tactical Packages (Perks) -Awareness -Resupply -Grenadier -Shielding -AA efficiency -Firepower Stuff I noticed: -Can name your loadouts -Ghost is shown -A gun shown that looks like a target locator -A gun shown that looks like some sort of GL. -Snowy environment Edit: Dammit RST.
what the ****. why do i come to this thread if it just depresses me? jesus chuck just stop reading, you'll just be disappointed every time. idiot. that's all so ****ing shitty. seriously. "i play halo because everybody's on a level playing field. it's like pure competition where the better player wins" i remember when i used to say that all the time.
i understand borrowing elements from whats trending in the genre, but come on. it sounds like we're being trolled i swear
yeah theres like a thing here and there that sounds okay MAYBE but its like being handed 12 turds and a quarter.
This is gonna be awesome. I've always wanted a Halo that plays more like Call of Duty. Especially the class system - having playlists where you can better prepare yourself against unique players and techniques will be fun. Saving up for the Limited Edition from Microsoft.com.
****ing lol, I can't even believe this ****. It's one thing to rip the crap out of other games, it's another thing to lie to yourself and your fans and pretend you're being original. It's on a whole new level when the franchise this is being done with is the franchise that started console FPS. We need to change this site to Minecraft or something.
Yeah, but it's pretty clear, if you look at the pictures, that you can name your classes whatever you want. Unless you're referring to the fact that you might be able to spawn with a sniper rifle, which I'm 99.9% sure can be disproved with a direct quote from frankie saying that you wouldn't be able to spawn with a power weapon, in which he directly uses the Sniper Rifle as an example of something you can't spawn with.
So what if Halo was the first to bring FPS to the console? Does it not occur to anyone that they might not have developed the perfect multiplayer experience? They were the FIRST ONES to make multiplayer FPS on consoles. Maybe the Call of Duty style of play is the best multiplayer. That said, Im in full support of what looks like the lovechild of reach and mw3.
Because a game should be unique. If they wanted to make a game with COD style multiplayer, they shouldn't have used Halo. The reason sequels exist is because fans want more of what they love, they don't want something completely different. If that was the case, why even make it a sequel? Just make a whole different game. If Halo 4 multiplayer ends up feeling more like call of duty rather than Halo, I will be pissed at 343. Not because they didn't make a good game (I most likely will enjoy playing Halo 4), but because they shamelessly used the Halo name to get more sales for what should be a completely new IP.