mlg was, is and always will be, a playlist devoted to teams who have great communtication and actual strategies for different maps as well as roles for different players on the team. the only reason people complain about it is because they go in without a mic and expect to win because they can BR, they really need to go back to tslayer.
Actually i go in,with a mic,try to use tactics (weapon control,flanking etc) and get a bunch of ignorant yanks telling me im taking it too seriously. They then procede to get their asses handed to them to the tune of me asking them how things are going over in idiotsville. This is why MLG basically ought to have a 3/4 person mandatory party. ANYONE going in on their own "WILL" be a lamb to the slaughter. It doesnt matter how good you are youll will get your ass whoOped by Enough grenades to put the US army to shame (cuz with less health etc,on spawn grenades get a little crazy :S) "Weapon whores", ie they have a better gun than you :S ("OmG I nO KilZ DeM WId mA Br?1!") being led into an ambush by three or four people,ive done this with hilarious results on a few game,reminds me off "pulling" in MMO's XD Someone inevidably being better than you at Bring BTW I like MLG when in a group but i still whine about it...quite a bit actually.I just think it gets really boring after awhile.Theres like what.6 weapons you can have on an MLG map right? Meh in my opinion. Good for a team game but with decent people,it gets repetitive to me.
rockets give the team something to look forward to and to come back in games. i absolutly <3 MLG gametypes and maps.