What Are Your Favorite Gametype Genres?

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by fud4fatboY, May 21, 2012.


What Are Your Favorite Gametypes?

  1. Mini Games

  2. Racing (regular, rockethog racing, ect.)

  3. Slayer (BTB, 4v4 anything competitive)

  4. Invasion

  5. Infection

  1. fud4fatboY

    fud4fatboY Forerunner

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    Just curious about what the forging community likes here for game/ gametype genres. once you vote i would like to know your opinion on this? Thanks for voting and commenting
  2. Carter1234

    Carter1234 Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    They all suck asscheeks.

    If I were to be serious, I like BTB CTF and Battle Lasers. Sometimes Living Dead.
  3. Skyward Shoe

    Skyward Shoe BTB Legend
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I like to play anything that is well done, but I prefer these games roughly in this order.

    1. 12-16 Player Big team Slayer and objective, 1 Flag especially

    2. Invasion (On Competitive Invasion Maps)

    3. 4 v. 4 Slayer and Objective.

    I will play infection, race, or mini games only if they are very well done and balanced, and generally very few are.
  4. fud4fatboY

    fud4fatboY Forerunner

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    lol? i think i am into the living dead stuff a little more.

    Edited by merge:

    well i guess thats why your the competitive feature in THFE! i completely agree with you when it goes to balanced minigames and infection but i do get tired of race maps, it seems that there isnt much imagination, or mabey its just the same thing to me.
    #4 fud4fatboY, May 21, 2012
    Last edited: May 21, 2012
  5. velcrowallet

    velcrowallet Promethean

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    I guess it depends. I'd say I prefer playing slayer game types but enjoy forging invasion more.
  6. Auburn

    Auburn a dope soul
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I like small team objective gametypes such as 2v2 CTF. It allows easy communication and I feel that a group of two players is more of a "team" than four. That's just me though.
  7. Waterfall

    Waterfall Forerunner
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    I like btb very much especially urban themed maps idk y but I love me a good btb urban map lol.as long as there is balance between infantry and vehicles.
    Mainly objective but team slayer is cool too.
    I like to forge btb and invasion however.
  8. neverendinghalo

    neverendinghalo Forerunner
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    Rumble Pit FTW!!!
  9. fud4fatboY

    fud4fatboY Forerunner

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    seems like you got to know your **** to forge invasion though, it seems like a lot of people like competitive games

    lol i suck at 2v2 but thats me, 2v2 seems very competitive and defensive. interesting

    actully i am working on one right now! i have to agree i think it does bring out a lot of ideas

    lol true, true hahah
  10. Skyward Shoe

    Skyward Shoe BTB Legend
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Uh, I don't do the competitive features on THFE. That sir is Psychoduck, not me. I'm not even part of THFE, though I know some of the main guys.

    Edit: And yes, you absolutely must know your **** to forge a good Invasion map. It takes a lot of work to get it right, as most of us will tell you.
    #10 Skyward Shoe, May 21, 2012
    Last edited: May 21, 2012
  11. fud4fatboY

    fud4fatboY Forerunner

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    lol sorry mistook you there, with the meteora thing sorry
  12. Minion

    Minion Forerunner
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    In my opinion, they go in this order:

    1. Infection

    2. Invasion

    3. Slayer

    4. Mini Games

    5. Race

    But the main reason mini games is number four, is because lot's of them are rubbish, but the ones by people like Darth Human, I love to play.
  13. Cheeze

    Cheeze <FONT COLOR="#FE2EC8"><b>I Beat the Staff!</b></FO
    Senior Member

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    Rocket (Hog) Race. Other than that, Competitive games such as slayer and ctf.
  14. fud4fatboY

    fud4fatboY Forerunner

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    I agree with the mini games I guess it's the fact of that it's simple so people don't put too much effort into it

    I like rocket hog race but other than that I'm not a fan of racing maps
  15. Vigorous97

    Vigorous97 Promethean

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    Custom games are all about the living dead!
  16. REMkings

    REMkings BIOC
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Well in my opinion they are on the contrary the most difficult gametype to forge, and that's why I like them most. Only when you have a really original and fun idea, or when you are capable of turning an old concept into something fresh and new, your minigame will be fun. I have some ideas for the future that might be cool but I'm not even sure if I'm going to make actual maps for some of them, because I only want to make them if they're absolutely perfect.

    My second favorite gametype of all time is definitely Infection. *duh I'm the founder of BIOC after all*
    At the moment though, I'm more into Infection than into Minigames, because it's got a lot to offer and is definitely the most interesting "normal" gametype by far, defined by both gameplay and environmental aspects.
    However, as much as I love Infection, I hate Living Dead. But that's no real surprise anymore, because nowadays I hate almost every single playlist in Reach's Matchmaking. Compared to Halo 3 it's sooo noob friendly, and so imbalanced.
    I'll stick with custom games for the majority.

    Other gametypes I just love, are Invasion, BTB and team based gametypes such as Team Slayer and Capture the Flag. (I love great teamwork). But pretty much I could play anything as long as it's on a good map and with cool people to play with.

    So, to sum things up and to add some more for all of you TL;DR people, here's my favorite gametype list of all time:
    1. Minigames
    2. Infection ---> BALANCED Infection! xD
    3. Invasion
    4. BTB
    5. CTF
    6. Race (especially Battle Tracks, I really like that)
    7. Team Slayer
    8. Anything else, I'm up for anything.
  17. Minion

    Minion Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    THIS ^

    Minigames are terribly hard to make, and only if it is an original, fun idea, will it be worthwhile. That is the only reason they weren't higher up on my list, because there are very few good ones.
  18. Robster95

    Robster95 Forerunner
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    yeah, i like BTB but on MM they dont have enough varients like on halo 3, i mean Rockets, Shotty snipers, Team Lasers etc they were all just AMAZINGLY good fun and especialy on Valhalla and sandtrap but with BTB it purely depends on how good the maps are, thats why i NEVER go on MM on reach cos the maps are pure horse juice and tha, but i also love infection but again it depends on how good the maps and gametypes are, but i love them both but if reach was as equal as halo 3 and as fair then i woulddefinatly play reach alot more, i would play halo 3 before anyone says but im waiting for the mythic 2 map pack t be free :/
  19. REMkings

    REMkings BIOC
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Haha, exactly, I freaking hate Hemorrhage. :(
    And Team Heavies is such a failed attempt at bringing back the famous Halo 3 game variant. Maybe, it could've worked in Reach, just maybe, but it definitely won't work if you play on such crappy maps.

    Halo 3 matchmaking maps (especially the DLC maps) >>>>>>>>>> Halo Reach matchmaking maps.

    The only thing I like better in Reach is that they're really trying to get more Community made maps in Matchmaking. But this is all off-topic so I'll get back to the point: BTB is great, but it's a lot more fun in Customs or in Halo 3 Matchmaking than in Reach's.

    PS: I don't think they're every going to make it free before the game's completely dead. With Halo 4 around the corner, soon nobody will be playing Halo 3 anymore and by then it will be too late. I'd just buy it, it's a better thing to purchase than, say, Minecraft (on the xbox).
  20. RoboArtist

    RoboArtist Forerunner
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    FFA TU Slayer, anything with no bloom, and Team Snipes (not on hemmorage or Boardwalk)

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