Semi-related, why don't video games allow you to map your own controls, and instead force you to choose from some pre-set control schemes? There has to be a reason for it, because all games are like this. I know there are controllers that allow you to configure them however you like, essentially allowing you to map your on controls for each game, but it's not really the same. I'm genuinely just curious, is it a coding thing?
Well if you get shot at while sprinting it slows you down, so I don't see this being a problem thankfully.
Try PC gaming. Seriously, it's basically industry standard, and the fact that it's on PC means that even if the game itself doesn't include mapping you can do it with another program. It's a massive oversight on the part of console devs, still baffles me. I thought perhaps it was a problem with the way console programming was set up, but some games do it. Nexuiz came out recently, that's an XBLA game (FPS even) made on a shoestring in comparison to Halo, but it has full button mapping. Fallout/ES games have it as well, since Bethesda seem to treat their dev process more like PC devs. It can be done, it has been done, but most console devs seem to be adamant that the entire population needs treating like children who can't be trusted with the decision of creating a control scheme. Sorry, kinda venting here, but I think it's a ridiculous state of affairs.
Might be a file size/asset thing. Another button indicator is another thing to make. Which takes time. Or it might be because it takes time out of the dev cycle (howver minor it is) and nobody ever wants to have a different control scheme. Or its a big conspiracy. EA ARE GOING TO KILL US ALL!
I would get into Computer Gaming a lot more if I had the hardware to do it. I'm currently stuck on a really crappy laptop, so anything multiplayer lags horrifically, and anything single player has to be on the lowest settings. So for now, at least, I'm stuck doing most of my gaming on my Xbox. And yeah, I've always thought it was kind of silly that you can't map your own controls. I always just assumed it was a problem with how the basic coding for the console was set up, but I guess not if Nexuiz (brilliantly different game, by the way) allows you to do it all. There are quit a few gaming "quirks" that everyone seems to intently put up with that I think are kind of silly, and could be easily added to most games. But, that's discussion for another thread I suppose.
Another reason might be how they want people to experience the game. It'd be very easy for the people who don't know what they're doing to make their own custom controls and then give the game bad reviews for how poorly the game handles. Just an idea, though.
What kind of player who doesn't know what they're doing is going to jump straight into custom configs for the controller, when there is a default (or multiple defaults)? I doubt very much that this is something they're concerned about. I would guess it's more about development time/resources devoted to it, particularly the part where they have to ensure that every function works as intended on every possible button it could be mapped to, and that nothing ends up being exploitable along the lines of the old BXR glitch.
Whoever posted that jump boost proof, I've known about it for quite some time. Why else would they be called thruster packs? I am completely fine with it, you could just cut corners to save time, instead of flying around with a rocket launcher and killing everyone.
you're all about letting us know what you knew first arent you? button mapping needs to be a thing on, definitely. That's gotta be one of the weirdest drawbacks of console gaming. I've seen so many preset button layouts that are awesome aside from one tiny thing i hate. Like bumper jumper ****ing up jetpack usage in reach, button mapping would fix all that jargin. and besides, i want to make it easier to sprint into camo
I'm not sure if that will make teabagging better or worse -_- lol What if teabagging got nerfed? I definitely wouldn't play H4 then. Lulz
I would enjoy pulling out a tea bag (a literal tea bag) and drinking a up of tea whilst sitting upon my trophy throne (dead foe).
It seems like the people who have only player halo a few times remember teabagging more than anything else. I would be interested to see how many sales a teabagging animation could bring in
Me too 343i, can you give us one good thing? Something that both COD kiddies and the real Halo players would appreciate? We want Halo 3 teabagging.