/troll Hey guys, Dax here. I was a lurker around FH back in the Halo 3 days. I used to be really into forging and custom games and checked here regularly to see what was new. But whenever Reach came out I was in my first year of college so I never really had the time to get into it. But now that classes are finished for the summer I've got loads of free time. So I figured what better time to start forging in Reach, amirite? Just before Halo 4 comes out, filesharing is decommissioned, and activity around FH is slowing down. Dont think I could've picked a better time But yea, just now starting to play and forge in Reach, so don't be too hard on me . I'm hoping to meet some of you guys (and girls? Are there girls on the internetz? No, there can't be...) to play customs with and to catch me up on the new forge techniques in Reach.
Howdy. Welcome to the 'Hub. Enjoy your stay, and stay away from Sky, and don't break the rules, and don't steal my sausage biscuits, and... Feel free to ask one of us loyal fellows if you ever need assistance, or room service, or something of that sort. Also: The 'Hubbers who say "needz moar interlox" demand a sacrifice, you must bring us a brace large!
1: Piss off dreadraco2 as much as possible. 2: Ask sarge for reconz. 3: Don't piss off the moderators. 4: ??? 5: Profit.
When present at forgehub, you are required to obey the following: - Say please to the moderators/admins until you are granted the right not to. - Release a map within 5 days or your account will be deleted and any history of your presence will be removed also. - Grammar is heavily watched over and failure to correct mistakes may result in varied punishment, based on the magnitude of the defective statement. - Not logging out can lead to account hack/malware attacks. Or possibly a sibling or parents accessing your account and spamming the words ***** and ****** in the chatbox. - And If you even mention the words: Justin Bieber or Voldemort (covers mouth) in a halo related topic you will receive 3 infractions and your account will be suspended for 343 days. Welcome to Forgehub Mother ****er. Enjoy your stay.
Someone clearly hasn't read the un-written rules of the introductions threads. But what have I done D: I never killed the last guy, it was Goaty!
Thanks for all the welcomes guys ...Except for you RoboArtist. No idea what that was I SEE WHAT YOU ****ING DID THERE. Now somebody Find me someone named Jak on forgehub so we can co-forge a map and call it The Wastelands and drive around and be Eco pirates I can Haz your Eco?