Hey Forge Hub, I need some info on Halo: Reach's forge system

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Killpill, May 20, 2012.

  1. Killpill

    Killpill Promethean

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    This may not be the best place to post this, but this is very specific to Halo: Reach's forge system. I am part of TriBlox, working on Halo: Olympus (formally Out With a Whimper). It is a 2D platformer based in the Halo universe.

    I came here because I need help from the people that know Reach's forge system the best. Last time we made forge, Halo 3 was most recent and it was simple. I am no forger, but I must create a system like Reach's for Olympus - so that forgers can jump into Olympus forge with confidence. I feel like my lack of understanding in this area is a huge problem and, as I am no artist, I can't go into forge and completely learn this system. I also don't have an Xbox or Halo: Reach anymore. Long story, that one.

    I've already watched a lot of videos and tried learning the system, but I feel like there is a depth in forging I won't be able to understand through these videos.

    Mainly, my questions are:

    1. What properties are available for forge items and what do these properties mean/do?
    2. Where are these properties edited (ex: properties menu, advanced menu, cords menu)?
    3. What values are available for these properties?
    4. What properties (including extra values)/tools do you wish were at your disposal?
    5. How do you think forge will transfer to a 2D plane?

    What I've gathered so far (from a few topics before Reach was out and everyone was hunting for info) is:

    • Team
    • Physics
    • Spawn Time
    • Advanced
    • Shape
    • Object Color

    Advanced properties:

    • Spawn Sequence - 0-10
    • Place At Start - True,False
    • Game Specific - False,True (Gametype Specific setting?)
    • Symmetry - Both,Symmetric-Asymmetric
    • Game Type Label - No Label, [Other Options REDACTED]
    • Min Count - 0-Max Object #
    • Max Count - 0-Max Object #
    Special tools section:

    • Edit Coordinates
    • Reset Orientation
    • Rotation Snap (Off, 5, 15, 20, 90 degrees shown. I think they go in increments of 5 degrees.)
    • Delete All Of These

    Special Tools > Edit Coordinates:

    • Nudge X (Width) - # Variables
    • Nudge Y (Depth) - # Variables
    • Nudge Z (Height) - # Variables
    • Rotate X (Pitch) - # Variables
    • Rotate Y (Yaw) - # Variables
    • Rotate Z (Roll) - # Variables
    Object Categoreies > Teleporters >Teleporter Properties

    • Team - Neutral, ? [options REDACTED] (Possible team specific use? Could open up new opportunities)
    • Physics - Normal,Fixed,Phased
    • Spawn Time - [REDACTED] (Likely same as H3)
    • Advanced (Selectable item, not editable property)
    • Shape - None,Cylinder,Square
    • Radius - 0.0-?.? [Largest option REDACTED]
    • Top - 0.0-?.? [Largest option REDACTED]
    • Bottom - 0.0-?.? [Largest option REDACTED]
    • Object Color - Team Color,?[Other options REDACTED](As per other objects, assumed to be forced unchanging colors)
    • Teleporter Channel - Alpha,? [Other options REDACTED] (Looks as though Bungie is going with Alpha,Beta,etc. this time rather than 0-10, not confirmed)
    • *Players - True,False
    • *Land Vehicles - True,False
    • *Heavy Vehicles - True,False
    • *Flying Vehicles - True,False

    To kind of prove that this game isn't a joke, here are some screenshots:
    Grenade under his foot makes me laugh.

    And a video:
    Firefight gameplay

    I don't know what else to say really. I need help collecting the required data to reconstruct Halo: Reach's forge. We will have things like AI in the forge mode also. I just figured I should try to go to those who are dedicated to the game to try and learn from them.

    Any links to topics with information would be greatly appreciated. I did a few Google searches of this site and didn't find what I was looking for.
  2. Tedium

    Tedium Lead Writer
    Senior Member

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    I'm sure you could figure this out with enough research beyond a google search, since asking the fans for an immense amount of detail is probably less reliable than buying the game for a few dollars, and seeing for yourself. In fact, if you guys don't have the game already, should you really be working on a spin off?

    Anyway, I'll try to help out a bit with what I remember off the top of my head. I'll just comment on your list there.

    If you want my opinion, I like the idea of the game, and it will be a nice novelty, but for serious gamers, I can see prolonged play making people long for a third dimension. As you've shown in your video, people will be eventually pushed into a corner. Without a third dimension, there is no escape option, and cover looks almost non-existent.

    But I doubt just one little opinion would cause you guys to give up the whole thing ^-^

    Back on topic, I would have liked to see an option for creating firefight levels in forge. A lot of people I know were upset when bungie didn't do that, but for such an immense game as it was, I'm sure the whole thing would be way too taxing on the hardware, let alone the servers if those things ever went online.

    But without the hinderence of a third dimension, you could probably pull it off.
    #2 Tedium, May 20, 2012
    Last edited: May 20, 2012
  3. Killpill

    Killpill Promethean

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    My Xbox was stolen a few weeks ago but you can look at my stats real quick and see I've played 9 days. Mostly matchmaking. I never played Forge much (not an artistic type).

    Thank you for the descriptions and corrections!

    Firefight will be a Forge option. As for being backed into a corner - I agree. The map I showed was a test map and Firefight is very basic (as we didn't want to build a system we would rip out once Forge was added). The solution to this is having maps with multiple levels so the player can avoid AI by going under or above them. You would have to plan your routes to get to the other levels and such, but it works pretty well.

    That map could use an underground tunnel but I don't think we are going to keep it around for the game's release. :p

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