Eww dynamic spawns blow monkey chuff in a CTF game... I'm surprised schnitzel hasn't set it dynamic for asymmetrical and static for symmetrical? That's usually what he sets up. It has an interesting layout btw, but it does lack somewhat visually... a little more aesthetical touches wouldn't go a miss, or even just chopping the floor up into different height variations would add more to the map.
Thats not the case. CTF, Assault, Stockpile and Territories must ALWAYS be static no matter what. This map uses influenced static spawns for slayer otherwise the map would be broken once one team sets up and there is no objective to focus on which is the case for many maps. The symmetrical/asymmetrical setting up of items doesn't work b/c certain gametypes are not treated in the proper category like one flag working as an asymmetrical gametype even though it needs to follow the same statuc spawning rules as if it were a 2 flag game..
I am not saying this map is bad, but if you are going to rip on someone else for making an unoriginal map. You should at least not do the same thing. The maps solid but its boring.It would be nive to see you make something more creative.
I gotta say schnitzel, the middle on here is pretty sick (basically what caught my eye in the first place). The 3rd level looks powerful like it should be, and the jetpack can work for flying up through the middle. I have some annoyances just from walking through the map though, namely the bases and the layout of the 2nd floor. The bases are an obvious issue, being Assembly all over again. There aren't 1-way windows or anything, but it's pretty much a place to either spawn and run out there (Think of GoW 3 Deathmatch) or to run in and be trapped til you die. They don't connect well with the rest of the map (Which the outside may or may not be dangerous for spawning, just looks like it). As for the 2nd floor, there isn't enough to it. I wish I knew how to explain it, but it looks to me that the only function of the 2nd floor is to either push to the base from the top or to get around to the 3rd floor. Sounds idiotic saying that, but what's left is fighting players on the lowest floor, but there's really not much room to fight from the 2nd floor (BTW, that walkway large in the middle of the sniper catwalk is killing me). Assuming it's possible re-vamping the map, I would try making the 2nd floor larger, with more depth and better connectivity (At least the simpler connectivity would suffice). The way I see it, the middle reminds me of a compact, arena-styled Sanctuary (The 3rd level catwalks are Cars and the 2nd level catwalks are Snipers/P-streets). IMO you could work off the middle structure (if not building a bigger version of it) and create an arena-like Sanctuary (have more depth outside the middle and don't make the bases seem so concealed). Anyways...weapon feedback. The LOS for the sniper are pretty narrow, though it is better than for Zealot (Sniping players from 2nd to 1st floor doesnt seem too bad). And Idk about both OS at 2nd floor and GL at bottom. OS might work better at the 3rd floor so a single person can't get both of them (unless he drops from OS to GL, giving up his position). Whatever's in your power though. Great middle but Assembly bases. Bad combination.
Appreciate the feedback guys. Keep it coming. And Noooch, I definitely intended the base to base LoS... I prefer having a flag to flag LoS when I can with arena maps, but go with a base to base if that's not possible. The bases on Assembly were pretty bad, but I honestly think that the design had some potential. Where this varies away from the Assembly base flaws though is with the structure of the doors and the angles inside and around the base. Where as on Assembly the bases were extremely easy to camp due to the small doors and hard corners, the bases on Kernal are not. The base is still a viable place for a player or two to hold, but they're extremely susceptable to attack. As the bulk of the gameplay takes place between the second and bottom floor, the function of the second floor is prettz clear cut. It's simply better to be at than the bottom floor, in layman's terms that is. The lack of space around the Walkway bit is annoying to me as well. Probably will add a little something there to give players a bit more wiggle room. Idealy I'd like there to be more heigh variation on the bottom and second floor, however forging with splitscreen compatability in mind severely handicaps my options... Hopefully this will be a design I can revist in H4 and build it to meet my original idea. Definitely worth looking into in the future. For now, however, I don't see any real changes along those lines happening. The big kicker is due to the limitations of the pieces available and how rescaling would drastically impact LoS throughout the map. I'd have to compromise my ideals and add lazy cover to the map if I were to expand it. Yeah.... Zealot sucks. I'd prefer using a custom, but the settings for custom power ups vary too drastically from gametype to gametype. I know that the 8 seconds of invulnerabilty is a big turn off to many players... It's a bummer really. At the moment I've got the timers for the OS and GL offset so they won't spawn together (except maybe once a game?), so their proximity too each other shouldn't be an issue. I'm opposed to setting OS at the top level though as it would be an insane boost to the top. Although if I moved it up so players can only grab it by dropping from the top, that would make it much easier to set up for and control. All in all, thanks for the feedback Isoa. Really appreciate it. You back forging again BTW?
I plan on jumping back into it when Halo 4 comes (I'm just leaving feedback because I felt like it this time). Though if there is some sort of forge contest, then I'll probably forge a map on Reach. For this map, yeah, just go for minor updates unless you know what you can address clearly. And if it's something you want to pursue in Halo 4, then by all means go for it.
If you actually use "Core" for this map's name, I will snap both of your necks. Into thirds. Try me. I'm retarded though and can't get the layout of the map in my head from the video. Feel free to invite me for future customs. I know you've sent mad invites my way recently, but hopefully I'll be in the mood for testing customs next time
I'm not one for google'ing forge contests (meaning I only look at Forgehub, halocouncil, or sometimes waypoint), but basically any contest that allows me to forge a competitive map (regardless of limitations).
I can't say much atm but Halo Council will have something very very very soon for forgers and gametesters. Open submissions for v8 test gametypes
Oh please for the love of all that is good, tell me its without TaK or KC making any calls on the choices. <3