So I went to the Skrillex concert. It was fun for the first half hour or so, then it just dragged on.
I don't understand why people need to get high at THIS sort of concert. I mean people can like music for just being music can't they. How very AMERICAN, not being able to enjoy something without some sort of state altering agent that is probably detrimental to your health and could reduce the amount of time in your LIFE.
It's a harsh generalization in all EDM unfortunately. I'm not saying that I have been sober every time I went to a show but I can say that I have enjoyed shows while sober. (And I wasn't wishing I was high to "enhance" the experience). I like EDM because I think it sounds good -- it's a shame people think it's just "drug music."
I guessed as much, I mean you talking about not having fun without mind altering was a bit confusing, I thought the pre senior trip Grif had returned for a sec. On another topic, did they ever outlaw airbending for Korra in probending? Spoiler Even though the tournament is over, I feel like she should have trainedenough airbending by this point to at least know a good air gust knockback, I half expected her to do that as a retaliation to the wolfbat cheating...