Advice on Forging a new map! Help please?

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by TheTrueHayabusa, May 7, 2012.

  1. TheTrueHayabusa

    TheTrueHayabusa Promethean

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    Hi there, members!

    I'm new here so I am excited. I am currently forging a new map which I named affectionately "Eagle Eye". It is a sniper nest type of map, with one human survivor in a semi-open nest way up against a horde of zombies. in the big room in Forge World.

    I would like to set respawn rules the right way as to only have one player spawn in that nest as a human, while the rest of the group respawn again and again on the opposite sides as zombies.

    Now the objective of the game is this - whoever is the human sniper, tries to kill as many zombies as he can on this course of complicated routes and jumps and whatnot before one zombie finds his way to jump in the nest and kill the human, thus ending the game.

    How can I set respawn rules to ensure that whoever gets picked as the human, will be in that nest and the rest will always respawn only on the opposite sides as zombies?

    One more thing - I have set up a game type to fit this map, but I would like advice on that one too to make sure it's pefect.

    Humans will have a sniper rifle as main weapon and possible shotgun as secondary weapon or none at all. No grenades allowed on the map. Camo is possible. Normal damage (means only one hit from the sword to kill). As for the zombies, they behave just like in a normal Infection game - speed, weak armor and only sword​

    So basically, the map will be like Mouse Trap on an gigantic scale. There will be equipment, stairs, elevators, jumpers, and whatnot the zombies can use to save themselves.

    Any help will be GREATLY appreciated. To review what I would like assistance on:
    (TL;DR for you Redditors)

    How to set respawn rules to ensure that zombies don't spawn in the sniper nest or the human spawn among the zombies and etc. Only want human to spawn one time in sniper nest as he has one life only and zombies to spawn then respawn in the opposite zone as they compete to reach the nest.

    How to make the gametype perfect for this map.

  2. Auburn

    Auburn a dope soul
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Place a human initial spawn in the nest and zombie initial spawns and respawns where you want them to spawn and respawn. In the gametype options, make sure you have it set to where there are x amount of zombies at the start. If that doesn't work you'll have to reverse the roles of the humans and zombies. I can help you out in game if that doesn't make sense.

    In infection, the team color red is human spawn and the team color blue is zombie spawn. Every spawn has to be labed with INF_Spawn or they will be obsolete.

    As for the map, you'll want to make sure everything is balanced so that it's fun for both sides and not just zombies getting murked by a sniper while having to complete a rigorous obstacle.

    Welcome to Forgehub man!
    #2 Auburn, May 7, 2012
    Last edited: May 7, 2012
  3. TheTrueHayabusa

    TheTrueHayabusa Promethean

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    INF_Spawn? I tried to look for that option in Advanced options for the spawn and cannot find where it was? =/

    And thank you for your post! :)
  4. Auburn

    Auburn a dope soul
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    In the forge menu, make sure that the gametype is set to 'infection' and not 'basic editing' because infection options can only be changed when that gametype is selected. It's the same with any other gametype. Also, for the gametype to work, there must be at least one safe haven which can be made with a hill marker.

    No problem bud :D
    #4 Auburn, May 7, 2012
    Last edited: May 7, 2012
  5. TheTrueHayabusa

    TheTrueHayabusa Promethean

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    OH MAN I'm sooooooooooooooo a noob X( thank you so much for that bit of information. And I see both Infection and Safe Haven. Which one do I need to pick to edit my map in?
  6. Auburn

    Auburn a dope soul
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Safe Havens won't be nessacary for the gametype you're hoping to create, so infection will be just fine. It won't appear in game, but there still needs to be a safe haven somewhere on the map.
  7. TheTrueHayabusa

    TheTrueHayabusa Promethean

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    How many players are there in a group for an Infection match? Last time I recall, it was 16?
  8. Auburn

    Auburn a dope soul
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Sixteen is the maximum, but you can have anything under that depending on how many initial spawns you place and how many players you want on the map at one time.

    Now that I think about it, I believe that maximum amount of zombies you can spawn at the start is three. You might have to reverse the roles of the humans and the zombies, but I'm not sure.
  9. TheTrueHayabusa

    TheTrueHayabusa Promethean

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    Awwwww....bummer. I just put down 10 zombie respawn points. And I dunno about reversing the roles, because I don't know how to make sure that a zombie have one life only.
  10. Auburn

    Auburn a dope soul
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I don't know if my last statement is true or not, so you'll have to check for yourself.

    I wouldn't recommend this, but you could kill off a couple of unlucky humans at the beginning of the game so that they will immediatly become zombies. Like I said, I wouldn't recommend doing this though.

    There might also be a way to give humans multiple lives and give the zombie just one. Once again, I don't know for sure so you'll have to check.
  11. TheTrueHayabusa

    TheTrueHayabusa Promethean

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    Alright thank you so much for your help tonight. I'm gonna tweak around like a maniac tomorrow with the settings and see what I come up with. Will post results. TTH signing off for the night.
  12. REMkings

    REMkings BIOC
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    REMkings has arrived to help xD
    Sorry for the long post, but I have some helpful tips so I suggest reading all of it!

    I've been playing a ton of Infection maps in my life. I've also started to forge Infection maps like 8 months ago and found a new hobby in doing so. (Have only released one map so far though, due to school eating my time.)

    Basketskate has proved to be very helpful and he gave you a lot of great and useful tips, so kudos for that, but he also made a few little mistakes (I made them bold), and some things were correct but I've added some more information to make things even clearer:

    True, but you should always add 16 zombie (blue) initial spawns and also 16 human initial spawns (red). This way you'll prevent the awkward situation that will occur when someone uses a different gametype and players will spawn outside of the map, resulting in grumbling players that will be biased about your map for the rest of the game and possibly making them rage quit. Same goes for the respawns for both zombies and humans: ALWAYS add at least 16 for both parties.

    The maximum amount of zombies is 15. This is a customizable option in the gametype options. It doesn't matter if you play with only, say, 5 players, because the game will still turn 4 of those players into zombies and 1 into a human at the beginning of each round. So just set it to 15 and your problem will be solved.

    This will only count when you are planning to use different gametypes for your map as well. If you will stick with Infection only, so absolutely no other gametypes (not even Slayer), then you do not have to set them to be "Inf_Spawn". However, if you are going to use multiple gametypes and you don't want the players to spawn in the same locations as where they would spawn in Infection (for instance, because it would be too easy for the red team because they would spawn close to the weapons) then I would recommend adding them. Because the idea behind giving a spawn point a label is to differentiate it from other gametypes, so there's no real need to do so if you are not going to use any other gametypes besides Infection.
    Just remember, that if your map is solely meant for Infection, it's not necessary to do, but of course it can never do harm so if you want to be rather safe than sorry, then I'd go ahead and set them to "Inf_Spawn" anyway.

    It could definitely work, but 99 out of 100 players will either hate it or they will think it's a mistake. So I would strongly recommend against it, as Basketskate said.

    I'm afraid there's not. :(

    Finally, some more advice:
    Like Basketskate said, you always want to make sure that the game will be balanced: this means there has to be a fair chance for human(s) to survive, but also a fair chance for zombies to infect all humans. My personal experience is that things gets a lot more fun when the humans get a scary and rushed feeling most of the time, and when the zombies on the other hand are able to sneak around and try to trap humans, but do have a hard time succeeding in doing so. In your case, I would try to make it a challenge for the zombies to climb the obstacles, but not too hard, especially not in the beginning part so they will gain confidence in successfully achieving their goal: eating the brains of that poor survivor up top. On the contrary, you should make it a challenge for the human as well, possibly by adding more than just one route so he will constantly have to be focussed and keep an eye on multiple areas. For him goes the same principle: don't make it too difficult to survive. A possibility is to stick with only one route in the beginning and to open up other routes later on in the game so you will make it heavier for the sniper to survie as time passes by, making it easier to survive in the beginning but more difficult in the end.
    Overall, the best way to balance your map and to find the best solutions for things, is to test it a ton of time with a ton of different people, but to do have some of them coming back when things have been improved to see what they think.
    Believe me, the amount of testing can make or break a map, and usually you'll need to do more than just 1 time of testing.
    #12 REMkings, May 8, 2012
    Last edited: May 8, 2012
  13. TheTrueHayabusa

    TheTrueHayabusa Promethean

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    Wow REMKings! That long reply blew my mind XD

    But thank you so much for your reply. Yeah I intend to make it challenging for both sides - the 3 levels of the routes will increase in difficulty as the zombies climb but the human won't have a lot of easy shots either. And yes, he will have to focus on multiple areas too.

    I agree with you that I would have to do spam-testing on my map (so many times that I get sick of it ;) jk ) but I just want to "evolve" my old map from Halo 3. I made an epic map in Forge but never got the flaws fixed so that's why I signed up for this site so I can learn from the masters and make sure if I'm gonna evolve my old map, I'm gonna do it right.

    I don't intend to use this map as anything else otherwise than a Infection map because in my mind, it won't work well as any other gametype.

    Thanks guys! This thread really helps me out!
  14. REMkings

    REMkings BIOC
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    No problem, I've learned so much from listening and talking to skilled Infection forgers, as well as from forging and trying stuff a lot myself, I'm glad that I am now about at the level that I can teach others the same :D

    If you have any more questions, just post them here and I'd love to help you out if I can.
  15. RvAssassin88

    RvAssassin88 Promethean

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    when u finish this can i play it ^^ also if u need help on the gametype i could do 1 for u
  16. ArmadillosTHFC

    ArmadillosTHFC Promethean

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    place an initial+respawn in the sniper nest, These spawns must be red team.
    then repeat this however many times where the zombies should spawn, but attach them to blue team instead
  17. TheTrueHayabusa

    TheTrueHayabusa Promethean

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    Hey gang! sorry about the delay - I was busy doing stuff I needed to. Today is my free day so I am going to attempt to forge the map today! Hopefully I can get far enough to finish it in a couple of days.

    Here is all the options from the gametype I made - Last Man Standing
    If you don't mind, please look through the options and see if it is perfect. Let me know if I made any mistakes or missed anything! Thanks guys again!

    Score to win - 100
    Teams - disabled

    Infection options
    Zombie count - 15
    Last Man - disabled
    Safe havens - disabled
    Haven timer - default
    Zombie victory - 10 points
    Survivor victory - 5 points
    Haven points - no points
    Kill points - 1 point
    Suicide points - -1 point
    Betrayal points - -1 point
    Last Man Standing points - no points
    Suicide become zombies - disabled

    Weapons and Vehicles
    Primary weapon - sniper rifle
    secondary weapon - shotgun
    Weapons on map - none
    grenades on map - none
    indestructibel vehicles - disabled
    abilites on map - default
    turrets on map - none
    powerups on map - none

    General Settings
    Number of rounds - 6 rounds
    Time limit - 5 minutes
    sudden death - disabled
    Base player traits
    Shields and health
    Damage resistance - unchanged
    Shield multiplier - normal
    Shield recharge rate - unchanged
    Health recharge rate - unchanged
    immune to headshots - unchanged
    immune to assassination - unchanged
    Weapons and damage
    Damage modifier - 100%
    Melee modifier - unchanged
    Primary weapon - sniper rifle
    Secondary weapon - shotgun
    Starting equipment - active camo
    Grenade count - no grenades
    Infinite Ammo - bottomless clip
    Weapon pickup - disabled
    Equipment usage - default
    Player speed - 100%
    Jump height - unchanged
    Player gravity - unchanged
    Vehicle use - unchanged
    Motion tracker mode - normal mode
    Motion tracker range - 150 meters
    Active Camo - good camo
    Waypoint - unchanged
    Visible name - unchanged
    Forced color - white
    Spartan loadouts
    Primary weapon - sniper rifle
    Secondary weapon - shotgun
    Equipment - active camo
    Grenades - no grenades

    Elite Loadouts
    Primary weapon - sniper rifle
    Secondary weapon - shotgn
    Equipment - active camo
    Grenades - no grenades

    Respawn settings
    Respawn time - 5 seconds
    Suicide penalty - 5 seconds
    Betrayal penalty - 5 seconds
    Lives per round - 1 (not sure if this applies to humans or to zombies)
    Advanced Respawn settings
    synchronize with team - disabled
    respawn growth - disabled
    Respawn Traits
    All the same

    Team changing - not allowed

    Friendly fire - disabled
    Betrayal booting - disabled

    Infected Traits
    Shields and health
    Damage resistance - unchanged
    Shield multiplier - normal
    Shield recharge rate - 100% (normal)
    Health recharge rate - 100% (normal)
    Immune to headshots - disabled
    Immunte to assassination - enabled
    Weapons and damage
    Damage modifier - 100% (normal)
    Melee modifier - 200%
    Primary weapon - energy sword
    Secondary weapon - none
    Starting equipment - sprint
    Grenade count - no grenades
    Infinte ammo - bottomless clip
    Weapon pickup - disabled
    Equipment usage - default
    player speed - 120%
    jump height 150%
    player gravity - unchanged
    vehicle use - none
    Motion tracker mode - enhanced mode
    Motion tracker range - 150 meters
    Active camo - off
    Waypoint - unchanged
    Visible name - unchanged
    Forced color - zombie

    Last Man Standing Traits
    Shields and Health
    Damage resistance - unchanged
    Shield multiplier - normal
    Shield recharge rate - 100% (normal)
    Health recharge rate - 100% (normal)
    Immune to headshots - disabled
    Immunte to assassination - enabled
    Weapons and Damage
    Damage modifier - unchanged
    Melee modifier - unchanged
    Primary weapon - unchanged
    Secondary weapon - unchanged
    Starting equipment - unchanged
    Grenade count - unchanged
    Infinte ammo - unchanged
    Weapon pickup - unchanged
    Equipment usage - unchanged
    player speed - 100%
    jump height - unchanged
    player gravity - unchanged
    vehicle use - unchanged
    Motion tracker mode - unchanged
    Motion tracker range - unchanged
    Active camo - unchanged
    Waypoint - unchanged
    Visible name - unchanged
    Forced color - unchanged

    Haven Traits
    None (I am not going to set up any safe haven because it has no use on my map)
  18. REMkings

    REMkings BIOC
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Probably want to leave it to unlimited, just in case.

    You could have enabled last man standing, but you don't have to, it doesn't really matter. If you decide to turn it on anyway, make sure you check the settings and change them if needed.
    Turn Zombie Victory to 0 points. It's a mistake I've previously made myself (with my Ice Cream Man map): You would think it's a neat reward for the good work the zombies did infecting all players, but since zombies win 99 out of 100 times, it doesn't really work that well, because it will give all players except for the last remaining human 1 point after every round.
    "Suicide becomes zombie" should be enabled. You don't want the player to just jump in the water right when he was going to be infected otherwise, giving him another chance when he respawns. And this way soft kill zones would also become useless.

    Shotgun might be a little too overpowered and easy for the human if he can switch weapons in time, but I'm not too sure about that: enough playtesting should demonstrate.

    I wouldn't use Bottomless Clip, especially not if you take into consideration that the human has a shotgun on his back. It will be way to easy for the human to neutralize all zombies because he never has to reload and can keep on scoping with his sniper rifle. Also, if some zombies are able to get close, he just uses his shotgun to finish them off, no matter how many there are because he doesn't have to reload anyway. For these reasons, I would highly recommend switching it to Unlimited Ammo instead.
    If you want to give the player Active Camo, adding the armor ability "Active Camo" as well is pretty useless. ;) So I would just remove that one and give him no AA at all.
    I wouldn't change the range of the motion sensor: it's probably better to keep it to 10 meters. But once again: it depends on how playtesting turns out.

    All good.

    Well, since it does apply to both humans and zombies, I would definitely change it back: right now the human only has to kill all zombies and the round will end! So just switch it back to unlimited: when the human dies, the round will always end (it's a default setting). Right now, the game would get really repetitive, boring and too easy for the sniper.

    I don't know if this is your plan, but with zombies having shields they won't die after a single hit of the sniper, but just like regular Slayer gamemodes: with 2 hits or 1 headshot. In most infection gamemodes zombies don't have shields, thus die after a single hit of the sniper. (This also works pretty well on most maps.) It sounds like 2 hits will work, if I think about the idea for your map, but I'd have to see some gameplay or play myself first in order to judge. So I think it will work, but I can't be sure since I didn't see the map yet. For now, just leave it and see how it plays when you will be testing the map!
    As for the motion sensor, for the zombies goes the same thing as for the humans: could work, but it's probably best to just keep it to default range. What you could also do is to turn the waypoint of the human to "Visible to everyone". That way, the zombies won't even need a motion sensor: they can always see the human's position.

    Looks good. You can also just turn everthing to unchanged.

    That's fine.
    #18 REMkings, May 14, 2012
    Last edited: May 14, 2012

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