How you doing getting games btw? And guess what; Shafted just got featured on the 343i website! CHECK IT ooooout!
Oh ok.i hope you didn't think I was implying that you stole it.i wasn't. R u still taking maps for vids?
MAP NAME - Laser Show PICTURE - sorry im unable to get a pic due to fileshare blackout =(. Link to FH Thread - NOT FULLY FINISHED Why I should make a video of your map, and not the others - Because you have never done a Halo Reach mini game video and my game is awesome ^^
MAP NAME - Reiterate PICTURE - I wish I could, but the blackout is preventing me from doing so. Link to FH Thread - : Halo Reach : File Details I don't have a forge hub thread for it. Sorry. The blackout occurred and then forge hub locked the forums. I tagged the map PFLC so that it can be accessed from a hard drive. Why I should make a video of your map, and not the others - The map has cycled through the names Dare, Oath, Limestone, and now Reiteration. Why the name reiteration? Well it's because I have reforged this map four times. Each time from scratch, using different forge world locations and consisting of a complete overhaul. I've put a lot of care into this map and have finally fixed all the kinks. The aesthetics are original and the frame rate is solid and was in mind starting with brick one.
clique, robo, add me on live, and I will try to catch you guys online sometime and I can look through your maps.
Sounds good. My account has expired to silver, but my brother has live and my map is on his file share due to mine being silver. I'll send you a friends request through his xbox account and meet up with you through that. l1 GhOsT il
OK, I have just had a look at both of your maps. Robo. Bad news chap. Its a great map, but I think it is too open and does not have enough fine detail for my kind of video. clique. Also bad news. Within 30 seconds of spawning in your map in a custom I escaped. In over 4 places. Both to the top of the map and fully out. It also lags a bit too much, and is too open and not detailed enough for my kind of video. Sorry, but I wouldn't be able to make you a good quality video
Hey Oli, will you be taking submissions for Halo 4 maps when that comes out? Cause i have a ton of ideas for Halo 4 maps.
Of course Particularly if somebody buys me a copy. Har har. So ATM, I am starting to get the big, difficult GCSEs out the way, so I now have time to restart editing. As long as your map is finished and in a final state, please feel free to request a video!
Its alright. Id find it hard to make a trailer of a map with so little to look at. Once I get a map Im working on released or in Forge Discussion Ill let you know. I feel it has a great competative layout. (Narrows inspired but entirely different. You'll see). Thanks anyways
It's no problem Also, big update! I just found I have a copycat channel, DuelWeldGamers. hardeharhar. So anyway, I am still taking submissions, and I have recently added to my ever growing list of audio contributers. And they keep asking me when I will use their stuff. Obviously I don't want to rush something out, so I am still waiting for the right quality map. Generally this is an indoors map, with fine architectural details and tight, fast combat.
I will eventually submit a map me and armadillo have been working on for about a month and a half with bullet2thehead9 But it is not ready yet.we are putting on final touches. It is a 2v2 and 3v3 MLG map we have weapon spawns and everything and we are basing the map around competitive play but it also looks gorgeous. One main thing we are working on now is split screen frame rate lag. No worrys I'm sure once it's finished you will like it.
Anybody have a map in a finished state that I could get right into editing and recording with? Come to think of it, it might be worth doing my map. Be selfish like that Obviously, if anybody else has a map they will come first and foremost.
I have a finished map but obviously i can't get you any footage. I would hate to hog the spotlight after that feature on HaloWaypoint anyway.
Nope, go for it. I have nothing else to be editing at the moment anyway. I had a look at my map and decided it just wasn't videoable
Ok. I'll get it on my file share sometime tommorow (Saturday). It might be a bit small for video-ing but i was considering doubling (yes DOUBLING) the map size as i have a lot of leftover budget.