Sticky Origin of your Gamertag

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by rusty eagle, Dec 28, 2007.

  1. FrigidVengence

    FrigidVengence Promethean

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    At first, I wanted to make mine just plain Frigid, because I think that sounds awesome. But it was taken, of course, so I slapped the second half of Avenged Sevenfold's guitarist's stage name, Zacky Vengeance, and got FrigidVengence. And yes, I realize I left the A out of vengeance.
  2. iamluke21393

    iamluke21393 Promethean

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    I couldn't think of anything else to name my character (this was back in the day when I played RuneScape), so I decided to make it as simple as possible: Luke.
    Luke was taken, so I tried IAmLuke.
    Also taken, so I tried IAmLuke with my birthday on the end.
    Stuck with it ever since.
  3. Behemoth

    Behemoth The Man With No Face
    Senior Member

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    Random generator, "BuffetSugar," hell yes. I mean, how can you pass up such an awesome GT on the first try?
    But then I changed it to lame-ass Ex I Behemoth. I'm changing it back.
  4. DHG LuckySh0T

    DHG LuckySh0T Promethean

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    My gamertag is DHG LuckySh0T.

    The DHG is because i'm part of a gaming community called Die Hard Gamers. The LuckySh0T is because in matchmaking. I am always getting into situation where me and my enemy is one shot kill, i always get that luckyshot where i kill my enemy but i live.

    Tha'ts why i called myself DHG LuckySh0T.
  5. Cortex

    Cortex Promethean

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    I use mine because it sounds like Cortana somewhat and agent Tex, I think we all know who that is. ;)
  6. Pulpapple

    Pulpapple Promethean

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    Well you see, I was in the middle of creating a YouTube account and I had no idea what I may have for an account...but then, I realized all the creativity I needed was around me. I looked at the apple I was then eating, and looked at a carton of orange juice on the far table, and wallah! Pulpapple (my YouTube is actually nopulpapple). For years, this account name didn't mean anything until I joined the SWTOR website and started my own guild on site the moment I was able to.
    I was a proud guild leader of the mighty guild, Kan Kop! We had nearly one hundred players (which was our permanent goal), and was well renowned among many guilds for our motto: "A guild that serves you"
    My guild members were enjoyed with creating fantasy stories about our legacy, and suddenly Pulpapple, the famous and mysterious smuggler became a name of significance...until the game actually came. I then figured out I didn't have a graphics card able to keep up with swtor and with other members failing to take leadership and communicate with other guilds, it fell apart. ='(

    Off with a few of my guild buddies, we kind of migrated to xbl the few of us Kan Kop members that still communicate with us are good friends. I later got an xbl account (since I was kicked off the other one I was borrowing), and became Pulpapple, the forger! That is my legacy! lol
  7. Carter1234

    Carter1234 Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    My name is Mack, I'm a junior, and I used 1234 when I played PS3.
  8. Auburn

    Auburn a dope soul
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Haha, the origin of mine should be pretty obvious given its uncreativity. I play basketball, I used to skateboard, and 3 is my favorite number.

    EDIT: My old GT was SK8B3AST, haha. I don't regret changing it.

    Do itttt
    #948 Auburn, Jun 27, 2012
    Last edited: Jun 27, 2012
  9. Berb

    Berb Forerunner
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I would have actually assumed cortex was after cortex from crash bandicoot
  10. Ligit Dragon

    Ligit Dragon Promethean

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    I am a ligit dragon because I spelt it wrong, that is all.
  11. REMkings

    REMkings BIOC
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Unlike what some people I've met on Live believed, my gamertag is actually not based on the band R.E.M.
    When my brothers and I created a Live account for the first time, I came up with the name "REMkings". The R, E and M stand for our initials, and -kings was just a cool sounding addition. I still really like the pronunciation of "remkings", and we still share the account with the three of us (although I'm the only to play/use Halo, ForgeHub, etc.)
    Fun fact: "Rem" is actually also the first part of my real name. But my parents didn't name my brothers like that on purpose. xD
    #951 REMkings, Jul 13, 2012
    Last edited: Jul 13, 2012
  12. SkunkApe28 Just

    SkunkApe28 Just Promethean

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    My Gamertag is SkunkApe28 Just

    One day while me and my friends were having a Halo tournament and when we took a break to eat we left the TV on and messing with Sasquatch came on and we were talking about big foot and Skunk Apes, and my football number at the time was 28.
    but the best part of my name, the Just part, came while i was playing Halo and this guys gamertag said he Just killed me, so now every time i kill some one it says i just killed them!
  13. Elliot

    Elliot BIOC
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Some people where I live use the word 'Rem' as an insult :p Gutted.
  14. Yobo

    Yobo Forerunner

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    On a billboard I saw on a trip to Vegas a couple of years ago. The billboard was of a chick in a bikini with a cowboyhat that says Sin City legend.
    So the billboard gave me some inspiration, but I changed it to SinlessLegend to be ironic (my personality is anything but innocent).
  15. P1MPxSLaSH

    P1MPxSLaSH Forerunner

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    I met a guy on live back in Halo 3 whos name was, no joke, PoopyFingerSniff with some numbers or something inbetween but it was just hilarious. Id love to hear his story!

    but anyways pimp's just a dorky word me and my friends make fun of and instead of slap in my gamertag, i used slash because it was close to slap, not being used, and sounded cool, coming out as "PimpSlash." Then XBL caught on and sent me a message saying (basically) "hey you cant use that name you have to pick a different one" so i couldv changed it to anything else for free, but t came out as P1MPxSLaSH
  16. DC

    DC Ancient
    Senior Member

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    my gt is hsvaginedotcom

    because, i had just broken up with this girl who's initials were hs when i made the account
  17. theSpinCycle

    theSpinCycle Halo Reach Era
    Senior Member

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    Hopefully this isn't necrobumping?

    The origins of my gamertag are thus:
    They were from an older game, I just wanted people to recognize me. Sadly, that game got boring and I haven't kept in touch with those people. So now it's just there. I would change it to SpinCycle014 if it wasn't ten dollars... maybe five dollars :p
  18. Ryker61

    Ryker61 Promethean

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    Years ago, I started writing stories, and my main character in those stories was William Thomas Riker (from Star Trek The Next Generation for those of you who are trekkies). Several years later, I decided to change up the last name to differentiate my character from the TNG version. So I substituted a y for the i and got Ryker. It still has the same pronunciation, but it's spelled differently. When I started shopping online, I decided to use Ryker as my screen name, and I just randomly picked 61. When I started my XBL account after I got my Xbox 360 slim, I decided to use Ryker61 as my Gamertag.
  19. Darknoble13

    Darknoble13 Promethean

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    Mine is Darknoble13. So basically I played halo 3 customs with friends offline a lot before I got Live. Then when I got live for Christmas I also got reach and I kinda went with the "noble team" idea. I thought the dark sounded cool, and 13 is my favorite number so thats where that came from.
  20. mazdak26

    mazdak26 Promethean

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    I thought mazdak was a cool random combination of letters. Now that I look back on it, though, I think it might have subconsciously been a vague rendering of "NASDAQ".

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