Ladders are back! Check out this video tutorial of how to make free climb ladders that you can walk up just like CE ladders of old. New Vid: Forge Universal: C.E. Ladder TUTORIAL (by ROUG3) - YouTube Old vid: Forge Universal: CE Ladders in Forge World!! - YouTube This ladder concept is not to be confused with ladders you may have seen in the past where you have to bash the jump button to get up; although it does utilise a similar exploit of halo Reaches physics. Instead it works similar to ladders that existed back in CE and Halo 2 in that you can actually walk up them. This also means you, the player, have full control of how fast you climb the ladder and can stop whenever you want and can also drop down off the ladder, if you so please, at any time without having to reach the top. I discovered this trick about a month or so ago and have been edging to release this to you guys. How to build: 1. First place 2 flat objects side by side parallel to each other. 2. Rotate each object by one degree in two axis. Rotate around the Z axis in order to create a \ / shape by one degree and rotate around the Y axis by one degree in order to make a / \ shape as viewed from above (bottom = front). The aim is to create a 45 degree ramp between the two objects. 3. Position the two objects as precisely as possible so that it is barely possible for a player to fit through. To test: if you walk between the two objects it should appear you are walking up an invisible 45 degree ramp. 4. Place a back on the ladder. The ladder must be deep enough so that if you walk in between you should start to climb but shallow enough so that you don't walk a bit up the 45 degree ramp before reaching the back. 5. place two additional flat objects side by side, this time 90 degrees rotation snapped, over the sides of the ladder. Again just close enough that a player can barely fit. The added squeeze this creates strengthens the effect and extend the height of the ladder. Also it stops the ladder looking a bit skewiff. 6. (Optional) Add a couple one way shield doors hidden inside the sides of the ladder with the blue sides facing inward angled by one degree to create a / \ shape as viewed from the front. What this does is again extend the potential height of the ladder, slightly speed up your ascent and assist you over the top lip of the ladder to ensure you do not get stuck at the top of the ladder and have to jump the last part. Note: ensure the shield doors are just far enough inside the sides so they don't nudge you at the top or at the sides of the entrance. It is possible to make a fully functioning ladder without shield doors but you have to extend the sides of the ladder bit higher than the top floor of the ladder. (I would recommend using railing for the sides if you want to do this; similar to one of the designs you can see in the background of the vid). Also in the background is a super sized variant which involves stacking the side pieces on top of each other in a staggered formation like this: / \ / \ If you want to check out some of the ladder designs I created the tutorial map is in my file share. Either search for the gamer tag R0UG3 on Reach's File search or search 'Free climb ladders' on a filtered search. A big shout out for princeJ1017 for making this vid for me. If you are a fan of Halo Reach competitive forge maps or wish to make vids featuring your own maps then his channel Forge Universal is worth checking out. * Feel free to message me if you need some help.
Simply awesome, and with the Anniversary gametypes we'll now be able to fully recreate the entire Halo CE multiplayer experience. These ladders were really the only thing keeping the maps from feeling like their originals.
You walk backwards off the ladder and you fall.or that's what it looked like in the 10 seconds they showed.
OK, that was impressive. I almost didn't click on this thread thinking I'd seen every ladder mechanism there is. Nicely done, clearly took a ton of thought and tweaking to nail it. [br][/br]Edited by merge: Actually it appeared to me that two things occurred in the video at different times. They show a guy falling off backward, but later they show a guy descending the ladder. It may depend on small variations in the ladder construction, or how fast you press backward (or both). Just a guess.
Just made my own copy of the basic ladder. If you back up too fast you will wind up for the most part falling off. Another note, this way of building ladder also gives it a very fast jump climb.
In the version I showed, unless you walk backward very slowly, you indeed fall off if you walk backwards. However if you angle the shield door slightly / \, such that it slightly pulls you in, you can walk down them. Bear in mind however only to resist falling off the ladder not to completely trap them in. I personally prefer the version you can fall off the ladder with ease for competitive reasons but perhaps there is a happy medium. [br][/br]Edited by merge: I Know; I swear my mic only works if I shout down it. I have also written down a step by step guide if my commentary is unclear.
Hey guys, thought it would be cool to point this out. You can use this technique to create a very skinny light bridge. I don't know if it is necessary, but what I did was, I made the ladder first, then I took the flat objects tilted on 1 degree angles and tilted them 45 degrees, the only reason I did this was to see if I could cancel out the 45 degree slant walk on. In actual truth the result I got was half and half, it makes you walk up 45 degrees for the first little bit, but then you walk straight.
Added to the Halo Reach Guide Compendium Thread. This deserves it. Very good method, just a bad video. The audio is too quiet and there's no real editing done to it.
Nice, like Skisma said, the video itself isn't that great, but the idea is very well thought out. I really want to see someone go back and add these to the anniversary maps. Also, Erupt, I just can't get over you're avatar. It's pretty cool.
Too expensive for a ladder, and the antennas cause Framerate/Lag. Try to use some bomb-plates for that, there's a lot enough, and no requires Budget for placing it.
Not really. The glass parts of the antennas have been covered up so they won't cause framerate lag. And bomb-plates can cause framerate lag as well, just not as bad as glassy things, so it could be a solution but it wouldn't make that much of a difference.. However, I definitely agree that it is pretty expensive. I'd only use it if I have a ton of budget left to work on aesthetics, because it does look really cool.
^ Feel free to do whatever you want with the aesthetics; I was primarily showcasing the mechanics. There are many cheaper designs, such as using the small edges of window smalls/ door doubles, or even just use a single flat object that has lines on it, it doesn't really matter just as long there is some sort of indicator that suggests that it is indeed a ladder. If you use the version that doesn't involve shield doors it is technically possible to make a ladder for only $50.
Bump. Prince has graciously made a new a new vid showing how to make a ladder from the 1st person view. This time in the audible range of the human ear lol. I hope this clears things up.