Another vid I mocked up today. This pretty much all happened within the space of an hour, all on the same day. It's pretty standard fare for an average Dark Souls PVP playthrough, but I thought it was funny enough to share with everyone. It's basically what I was thinking as it was happening. Let me know what you think, thanks. Dark Souls - Fails, Lameness, and a Win - YouTube
At the time of this video I was around 170 I think, but I'm now at about 190-something. And it was on 360. It comes out on PC in August, I believe.
Me and Reflex did like two more play throughs with new characters recently. More for PVP characters. I know the recommended soul level for PVP in Demon Souls was 120-140.
I don't play dark souls, but I have a little brother who does. He recently did a soul level one pyromancer build and PVP'd his way to 99 humanity... I'm pretty sure that makes him the biggest asshole ever, but it is just absolutely hilarious to watch people freak out when they get invaded at level one.
Usually the ideal level for PVPing is around 120-140, but the beautiful thing about being a high level is that everyone below your level invades you, and invading as a Darkmoon Blade goes down below your level too. Doesn't help when they lag up the asshole, though. Your brothers GT doesn't happen to be unnamed1, does it?