There's a few different versions. mcpvp runs a 150 person FFA version, but there's a lot of hackers. Adventure Time - The Ghost - YouTube
It's easy when you have three moderately good people with instant heal soup and iron armour. They introduced a new thing where chests spawn on the second day filled with diamonds armour at a random spot on the map, which forces everyone together at the same time. ****'s hard.
No, it's easy when you have three smart people who stick to a plan, as opposed to, you know, a person on a shitty computer dropping mid-game and leaving you to die. And we came across the chest drop after the fact when others had scavenged it. Still easy.
lol those chests were in the game we played too shuman. that was just free diamond **** for us when we killed the guys who won out at the feast.
I don't care what you think, I thought Quantum of Solace was good. As for this YOLO rubbish, well, it's rubbish.
With regards to the statement above, he is defining two different words/statements/whatever (you know what I mean). The first, "you only live once," does mean that life is precious and we must fill it with interesting experience what we find meaning in. The second, "YOLO," is some sort of ghetto speak for being a ****ing idiot. You should surround yourself with people who only live once, and ignore those who [Y]OlO. Also I think Quantum of Solace is great despite what the rest of the world thinks.
Benji, I love your sig. Mostly because if I'm not mistaken (I can't see the hair color), that is Andy Dalton. And I am a huge TCU fan.
Yes stouf we are all aware of how much you love TCU. However, only I am aware of how good Quantum of Solace is. You remember that time you played in their stadium on November the 5th? Of course you do, you've got that gaudy ring because of that.