Just a thread where you can find people with similar k/d spreads, BPR's, ages, etc., add them on xbox live, and play some competitive gametypes with them. NAME: Luke AGE: 19 MIC: Yes GAMERTAG: IAmLuke21393 K/D: 1.22 BPR: 63 PREFERRED PLAYLIST(S): Anything besides Rumble Pit, Team Objective, and Multi Team. I also do Grifball and Action Sack for Shotty Snipers and Splockets. I hate hockey. DLC OBTAINED: None HOW TO CONTACT: Wall, message me on fh, message me on xbl. If you message me on xbl, tell me where you're adding me from.
"nobody here really cares about Stats" says the majority of people here at Forgehub. As long you can put up a decent fight. My friend Shik has a Horrible kd while at the same time can kick my ass (when he has host)
Does anyone know how BPR is actually calculated? I've played for like 50 games on my friend's account (who doesn't play on it themselves) and it got to 100 really quickly, so I'm just wondering how worthwhile it is as a stat.
Well I wouldn't base people on stats. But if you get anyone here saying theyre interested in joining up, they probably aren't that bad. Alot of us here at FHub have been playing halo for a while.
Ah, what the hell. I'll bite. NAME: Alex AGE: 17 MIC: Yes GAMERTAG: Ex I Behemoth K/D: 1.23 (in competitive) BPR: 60 PREFERRED PLAYLIST(S): Team Objective, Team Slayer, SWAT, and Arena DLC OBTAINED: All
I get the impression it's a reasonable reflection of your actual trueskill, but it seems to cap off early. I've seen a few people go into complex calculations about it and given what I know about trueskill, it appears to effectively be the equivalent of Halo 3's ranked system but capped off a little lower than a H3 40 and with a little curve added at the low end to keep anybody from bottoming out too badly. Of course it works better once you have an established service record. Just like overall k/d it can be inflated easily by using a new account and not playing long enough for the trueskill to catch up with your actual skill. If you play regularly on an account it will eventually normalize, unless you're playing with a full party and winning a very high percentage of your games (Edit: or you're actually a 100 BPR, which isn't hard to believe. There are plenty of players out there that are. It is not like a Halo 3 50 - nobody's buying 100 BPRs lol)
Just for some shits and giggles NAME: Ethan AGE: 79 MIC: Yes GAMERTAG: bullet2thehead9 K/D: 99.99 BPR: 101 PREFERRED PLAYLIST(S): any playslist that has terrible maps I love to play DLC OBTAINED: All
BPRver 9000! Sorry I just had too.i only take stats seriously if im in the mood for competive...which is rare nowadays.
It's called a 1v1. If someone beats you, that means that he's probably better than you. I have a negative KD but I still kick the **** out of the MM crowd.
If you'd like to take the time to 1v1 everybody that posts in a thread like this to figure out who's on the same skill level as you, kudos to you for your dedication. Edit: How are you better than the regular matchmaking crowd if you've got a negative k/d? K/d is a number based on your kills and deaths in matchmaking.