Still not sure why, but I could not stop laughing at that Galaga thing. Hulk's second transformation (right after he rides up on the motor cycle) and his line right before the transformation goes down as one of my most favorite movie moments of recent memory.
I preferred the moment when the Hulk through himself against Captain America and Iron man beheaded both of them. Spoiler But i want to see it
The main thing I didn't like about The Avengers was Dr. Banner. I found myself saying, "We get it, you're the Hulk, you don't need to call "the Hulk" the other guy and talk about him all the time. ****." He redeemed himself later on in the movie though.
I didn't dislike anything about the movie though the only thing I found a little off is how they handled Thor. I mean he was a demi-god and he didn't really do any of the stuff he pulled off against the Frost Giants in his movie. I get they had to soften his character up but still.
I preferred the bully scene where antagonist confronts protagonist in the top of a tower and gets ragdolled. What I just don't get is if Spoiler Banner is always angry and can therefore control the transformation and the Hulk, what made him uncontrollable on the ship?
Spoiler the fact that it was unexpected and extremely rough. it doesnt help that he was on the verge of using the scepter unexpectedly (implying that while he's in control, his other persona has some pull)
Spoiler Yeah, that's what I suspected. He was nearly (or was) knocked out unconscious... It's kind of hard to concentrate like that
It made sense to me. Banner has never been at good terms with his power. He doesn't refer to the Hulk by name because he doesn't like to acknowledge it at all, he's ashamed of it. Acknowledging it by the name others have given it only makes it more real and more accepted. Spoiler I assumed it was because if Banner consciously decides to transform, he has some control over the Hulk. On the ship he was either knocked unconscious or his body entered a fight or flight mode (choosing fight) that he couldn't control. Basically, Banner can choose to bring the Hulk out, but when the Hulk wants to come out there's not much Banner can do to stop him.
It wasn't the fact that he was referring to the Hulk as the other guy so much. It was more of the fact that he brought it up so many ****ing times. I understand that he didn't like the Hulk and was ashamed of it but he brought it up in conversation every chance he got.
You gotta grant him that its always on his mind because he is worried about its capacity, so he will always be thinking about having it under control.