I hope they won't release this on Xbox, that would be the only way I could avoid it. I'm no fan of mmorpgs at all, but I just love TES and how the games play. So TES online would eat up all my free time.
I'm hoping it wont' be an MMO, but rather something more akin to Diablo 2 where you've got smaller parties embarking on quests together. Perhaps 5-8 travelers would be nicely suited to TES's style. PVP would be insane.
I'm hoping it's an MMo that retains the same gameplay as previous TES installments. If its click and wait like most mmo's, I'll be super dissapointed. This might beat out guild wars 2 on my mmo watch list.
Yes, yes, yes. I don't even care about the multiplayer aspect. I just want to explore all of Tamriel.
It's kind of hard to imagine an Elder Scrolls MMO... but the aspect of how immense it will be is quite awe-inspiring. Just to think of how much content it could hold... and that there might not be fast traveling for it. Also, I hope they keep M'aiq the Liar
according to an ign article: it just says cyrodiil, skyrim, and elsweyr. but im not sure if they mean itll only be those or that the list of places includes those and others (the rest of tamriel). and that "1000 years before skyrim" would put it around the start of the second era, which means there would still be snow elves, dwemer, and akavir.
I'm kind of an elder scrolls noob(only played skyrim) but this sounds really fun. Hopefully I'll have a better computer by the time it comes out, considering I haven't seen anything about a console version. WILD SPECULATION: maybe this will be on a new console that would be able to handle such a massive multiplayer game
I just had a revelation... has there ever even been a first person MMO? Not that Elder Scrolls Online will be, but hopefully it will.
Well yea... but not really an MMO in the same sense... that was kind of a huge FPS, not a nonstop MMO. If you want to get technical, that fits the bill but still, in the world of MMORPG, I don't think there has been a first person one.
MMO just means, "Massive Multiplayer Online". That game supported 256 people in the same map at the same time which is about as "massive" as it could get on a console. By nonstop I assume you mean it wasn't a persistent world like WoW but that isn't the defining feature of an MMO, mag was billed as a MMOFPS. But, to your point I can't think of a first person MMORPG.
There is still no info about it's gameplay perspective but I will be truly disappointed if it does not have a first person option... But that leaves you vulnerable too random killings, of which I hope will be somehow balanced. There will probably be some sort of system to prevent random murder though, such as only having PvP in certain areas... I hope.
I'm still on the fence about this. TES has always been about the single player, and, unless they do it properly, this could turn out to be a disaster. I'm not passing judgement yet, though, it's still got a chance to convince me otherwise. It hasn't been released yet, but Dust 514 will be an MMOFPS more along the lines of what you're talking about. For those who don't know about it, it's going to be tied into the EVE Online game. Looks interesting and may be a reason for me to finally get a PSN account.
There is a reason that Zenimax online was branched completely separately from bethesda. They (Zenimax media) understand that Bethesda is superb at single player immersion. And fully PvP will hopefully not be the case. I wouldn't play that, you end up with people that only play it ruining the experience for everybody else. Interesting that Tamriel is Skyrim/Cyrodil/Elsewyr... Nords, Imperials, and Khajits if I'm not mistaken... Edited by merge: Time research: Skyrim is 4e201, so 1000 years puts us at roughly 2e630. Double check my math though, 2nd era ends at roughly 897, and 3rd era only lasted 433. Edited by merge: So there are eight divines the tribunal of morrowind exist there is no empire as we know it It hasn't been terribly long since Akaviri intervention No TES games have taken place