hello everyone, im back with a sneak peak of 2 new map packs that im working on, one i made a while ago and the other one ive been working on for the last week. i will upload some pics tomorrow and will go into more depth about them, this is where i am with them atm and a little about them; Sorry everyone for the delay, everytime im about to finish it, the internet decides to die on me Map Pack 5: Hightide: Not much i know but thats all that is ready atm to be released. Map Pack 6: Pipe-Line: this map is nearly finished, just need to test it. okay basicaly its a water factory, which has been attacked and is in partial re-construction but stopped due to the fall od reach. its for 6-16 Players. Feromino: This map is nearly finished, just need to test it. This is basicly a re-make of valhala, well a mixture of valhalla and Blood Gulch. its for 6-16 Players. Dirt-Mound: This is a construction yard that was started before the fall of reach but was never finished. Players 2-16. Okay thats it for the moment, there are maps but there not ready to be shown yet. NOTE: These maps are not finished yet!! okay thats it for the new showing of things for now and we will move onto the questions and answers ive been asked: Q: Why do you always put Fish n Chips on your threads? A: Because i LOVE fish and chips Q: Why do you put maps in Map Packs? A: Because its my projects at the moment but i will be releasing maps on there own soon. Q: Why do you put Easter Eggs in your maps? A: Because its a bit of fun, i used to remember how fun it was to find easter eggs and why not have them in Custom Games. Q: What are these 'Easter Eggs' you keep going on about? A: Basicaly, they are golf clubs in hidden places on my maps, some you can go up to but you cannot pick up, and some you can only see and cant get to. But some maps might have more than one!! Q: Whos your faviourite Forger? A: I dont have a faviourite forger, but i do have people that AMAZE me with maps, like my friend 'Bullet', you know who you are, has just previewed a new map which has blown me away and has blown other people away!! but there are many people that keep producing better and better maps, so the bar is set high at the moment ;P if you have any questions about anything then just ask and if there asked close to the time of a new thread they will be answered in that thread, if not i will answer them in a comment. okay thats it for now with the questions and answers. and thats it for this update, ill be back soon with more fish for your chips!! (sorry, couldnt resist) thanks for reading
It seems like you post map previews a little too often. Instead you should spend the time you have into making 1 amazing map instead of a bunch of decent maps. No offence or anything, your maps are great, but try to devote your time into something that stands out from the rest.
This. Your maps could be so much better if you spend weeks on one map instead of a week on it and then after your previews it's not over.you still have to account for community feedback.
Your maps are amazing but I agree with everyone else if you spent weeks on one map it would come out amazing and more enjoyable for the people playing and it will make you feel proud of what the outcome is. Constantly test your maps, maybe post some CUSTOM GAMES threads for map testing. Besides that can't wait to see the maps.
You can just update your old thread for future reference. Feromino sounds interesting since Valhalla was one of my favorites back in Halo 3. I hope you do something that makes it stand out from other big team battle maps made in the canyon, assuming you're making it there.
Why can't people just call them "Maps" Instead of "Map Packs"? It feels a little weird "Map Packs" that are really just a bunch of Forge Maps people threw toegther to call it a "Map Pack" like you are buying the damn thing. Which leads into what everybody else is saying, devote more time into one map than 6 decent/mediocre maps. Naming a bunch of Halo Forge Maps a "Map Pack" just discourages me to DL the maps, I don't know why.
Okay thanks for the comments but u need to remember that this is only a preview, these map are no where near finished yet, but I thank you for your comments. Oh yeah and one map pack is one that I made AGES ago but haven't got round to posting it, as for why map packs question, in my update later today I will be answering a few questions that people have asked me about my maps and my map packs
Do you have any 'maps'. It looks like they all come in packs. What if I just want one? Do I get a discount, or do I have to get them together?
haha all they are, are maps that i release all together and i call them like 'Map Pack 6: Pipe-Line' so you can just download them individualy, i wish you could do grouping but you cant :/
haha no problem and it has given me alot of inspiration but i cant seem to get any of it right haha, what do you think of the maps?? youve seen Pipe-Line so yeah
Looks like a pretty good series of maps, but those cranes made me cringe. I'd suggest something as simple as a counterweight on the back of the crane shaft to make it look more realistic if that's what your going for.
erm tbh people have said and personaly, this is just what i think, the pics dont do them any justice they look better in game but also i didnt realy go for the looks i went for the gameplay, but you can tell what they are XD but i dont realy want to go with an expensive and huge frame rate problematic way of making cranes if you know what i mean
I think pipe-line is a great map but it needs more routes for the vehicles because at the moment you can only cross through the middle of the map. I haven't seen the others yet but from the pics they look interesting.
yeah pipe-line im going to try that way that you said but it going to be hard :/ and Dirt-Mound was the best name i could think of for it if you have a better name please say
Maybe they call it that because they are maps the creators are releasing as a package? Hmmm. Nooo, thaat's just crazy. Haha Most of the maps look pretty good and unique by the way.
Haha well the story bout the maP packs was to make at least one of each map for game types so there's something for everyone and to make a new game type, which I have, dw I have my aims ;P and thanks it means a lot