Just a random thought I had, I've never really thought about how old everyone is that visits here. It'd be interesting to know, don't ask why, but it would. If you want to participate, post your age. If you don't, then, y'know... don't. I think some people will be surprised by my age, as I'm usually an immature prick, but either way, here it is... Spoiler Judging by how many teeth I have, I appear to be 26. Although, my mind is much, much younger. So, if we cut you off at the shins how many rings would we see?
18, will be 19 in June. srsly ...I really underestimate how young this forum is... Then again, I'm probably young to you, Xun XD
Sitting on 17. I get that I'm young, and I try to keep a level head and not act like your stereotypical teenage dumbass. On a somewhat related note, I've played Halo since 8 or so. It's kind of scary, if you think about it...my friend's older brother played it and let us play CE and later Halo 2 in the early days, good times. But seriously, I don't care how old people are when they post. So long as they don't sound like an idiot, I have nothing against them.
I'm fifteen, and sometimes I let it get the best of me. Going in from the tween years, the 15-16 range just looks like it's the bell of the bull. It's like getting hit by a block made up of assorted smaller blocks when you realize just how little age actually means. Or at least it was like that for me. >.< I don't know exactly how many people I can speak for with that note. XD
12 would have sounded more like a joke... Anyways, IDC about having a Girlfriend. Not that I cant get one, but I dont want to act like someone Im not to impress the people around me. Girls in Highschool stiil havent fully matured. And they put you in the most awkward situations
Like awkward boners. amirite? On the internet, age does mean a lot. At least, if your under 18. I'll be 17 in June and I can say that when I first started browsing the internet when I was around 11 or 12, I was a huge frog. Interestingly enough the first forum I joined was a PC gaming community and I was really out of place. Not only because I wasn't a PC gamer but because most of the users were around 18 and I was around 12. I now understand why no one really liked me there after seeing some of the members here... (not mentioning any names)
15, turning 16 in August. Weird, seeing as how I was pretty young when I first came here, and grew up over the years with Forgehub a little. I came in right when Raynbow (I think that's how you spell it) left, and I never really talked with anyone... hell, I still don't. I've always wanted to be apart of the community though. *Shrug*
19. i actually couldnt remember if i was 18 or 19 for a solid minute there. gettin old already... Nobody likes you when you're 23 And you still act like you're in Freshman year
Just a side-note to everyone here, I am not going to judge anyone based off their age, the only reason I asked was because I had a general interest. Now that I have learned some of your ages, I can safely say that you are a precocious bunch. I first started posting on forums when I was around fourteen or fifteen, and I quickly learned that in order to survive you need to mature quick-smart, or you will get eaten alive. But once you get older, it is easier to act like you are half your age and get away with it.