to consider that a serious religious topic might be the biggest slap in the face to religious people so far in this thread.
grunt's just trying to keep the thread afloat. To answer the question with as few words as possible, no.
Me neither. Because it's idiotic to believe something through faith and without proof right? I'm so glad we see eye to eye.
People tried to fed me up as a catholic, people wanted me to see the light, I saw it. I went for atheism.
I enjoy this quote: "I distrust those people who know so well what God wants them to do because I notice it always coincides with their own desires." - Susan B. Anthony
I know this thread was kind of dead, but it did have some good conversation/debate going on, so here I am. This is a question, for all the people that identify yourselves as "christian" (sorry Greek mythology, Cult of Cthulhu, Ancient Alien, and Sun God worshipers, I'm focusing on the most popular one right now). If I could prove, through easy to follow steps and backed sources, that without a shadow of a doubt your Bible is flawed, your way of thinking is illogical, Evolution is real, and the way most christians behave is completely against what their own flawed book teaches them: Would you change your beliefs? I mean, even when shot point blank in the face with reason, pointing out the truth to you, hypothetically, would you even care? Would it change your way of thinking at all?
1. "That part of the bible is a metaphor" 2. "What's really important is the lessons the bible teaches" 3. "Carbon dating? More like Shmarbon Shmating" 1. "It fulfils me" 2. "Illogical like the universe existing without being created by god or a cosmic owl or something?" 3. "Einstein was Christian, are you calling Einstein illogical?" 1. "How did humans develop eyes then?" 2. "Man and dinosaurs lived together" 3. "Why aren't monkeys still evolving into humans" 4. "Where are the transitional fossils" 5. "This banana fits perfectly in my hand" 1. "That's your interpretation, sure" 2. "The crusades were ages ago" 3. "No-one is perfect, that is why we repent" 4. "Those people aren't *true* Christians" 5. "God spoke to me"
The three primary religions of the world (Christians[catholic/protestant], Islams, and Jews) are so bull-headed, obstinate, and hypocritical I'm almost certain they can justify anything on the basis of 'their god' telling them to do so. I get into this argument all the time with people in my family. Honestly, to avoid being ostracized I have to approach them as someone who is faithful who is just asking questions, but the reality is that I hate what religion has done to this world, and it sucks that my family is so ass-backwards that when I approach them with 'heresy' like questioning 'the word' all reason is abandoned and they default to arguments like, "we raised you better than that," or, "that's just the way it is." The simple fact still stands that outside of a few books written by men there is ZERO evidence that points towards the existence of any god. To attribute anything good that happens to you to a higher power is just selling yourself short. They say you can only ever truly be happy when you find a god. I call bullshit because the happiness I feel with the absence of a religion controlling my life coupled with the empty feeling of no longer believing in something I believed in for 17 years is far outweighed by the constant anger and disappointment that came with being faithful to a god that never fulfilled its promises. **** that ****.
People are so polarized on this site when it comes to this subject that it's hardly worth saying anything. What religious person wants to talk with 20+ atheists (Transh and Matty each count as 5).
Hey, i would be pleasant if they were, but it just happens that most of what religious people say is hugely offensive to a secular non-believer.
play the victim: check speak illogically: check personal attack rather than topic discussion: check its useless trying to debate with irrational people.
You could actually respond to any of us, instead of playing the "woe is me" card. Doesn't the bible say something about sharing your beliefs? And any sane person should be able to communicate something they believe in an intelligent manner. We're not attacking you, we're attacking your beliefs with logical arguments. Please, feel free to post some form of rebuttal using facts and or supporting documents, other than ones who's correctness cannot be verified.
I don't have anything more to add. Just wanted to say I ROFL'd at Shuman's response. Mostly due to the banana thing.