I for one have not played dust-off but it but it looks cool. Only thing is I can't be on untill about 5:30pm EST today.
From why I can see from he thumbnail, there is much aesthetic work needed for the map. I do have to respect you for attempting a remake of Unearthed. I also respect you for attempting it first. Im asking my self now wh I didn't. I'll have to get home to check out the video when I get home because of my IPhone, money hungry C-Spire only gives me 30 minutes of video streaming a month. -_- I'll edit this post to provide feedback.
Do you know what 'private messages' are? Also, i was going to watch the video. After about a minute of stupidity, i turned it off. Theres also a thing called 'cutting', where you can cut out a useless part of the video.
ya sorry about the beginning of the video. i did not record it so i didnt cut anything out. Also private messages are when you go to someones profile and click contact info, then you click send private message. the only thing different with a PM than a VM is that no one but the person you sent it to can view the message.
THeeeen visitor message! or better yet, make a group. i would go so far as to call this spam, as it has nothing to do with the map.
Update: I have put brace larges in blue spawn area so the there is some kind of cover and I have also almost fixed the spawning.
I was just pointing out that no one wants to hear your useless banter of when you're gonna be online.
Yaaaay!!!!!!invasion! Lol can't wait. [br][/br]Edited by merge: I actually agree now that I see we posted three pages of **** sorry did not even realize lol. HOWEVER you cannot say I didn't give feedback.i gave lots of feedback on page 1.
Don't start to get cocky just because I agreed with you.i said page one. Nah I'm just ****ing with you, But seriously I agreed with you I see no reason to in instagate the matter farther.
Update: map name MIGHT be changed to breakdown, invasion will be added to the gametype and race HAS been added to the race map.
Bullet I think one day we are going to do massive testing day, where we can test this map and some more of your maps if you have any and I could test some of mine because in currently making a new couple of maps, well finishing off