M416 + IRNV + Bipod = Ownage [br][/br]Edited by merge: My Second Battlefield Video. Battlefield 3 - Fission - YouTube I'm probably gonna be doing a lot of BF3 Vids from now on.
So I've decided that I'm **** at gunplay, but good at tactics. I can't think of a single time where me and an enemy came around a corner at the same time and I won that gunfight. I can almost never account for recoil and bullet travel time on even mid-range targets, and if they're running sideways compared to me I find it's not even worth it to try and kill them due to my shitty aim. However, I still manage to get almost a 2.0 k/d every game and usually get one of the MVP medals. I guess I'm just good at picking paths, objectives, and making sure I'm in a better position than my enemy. Does anyone else find that they do fairly well at this game while not being able to shoot for ****?
Freakin' darts, drive me crazy, so overpowered. If you're unaware: Battlefield 3 - The BF3 G3A3 M26 Dart Issue - Step (1) Aim at Enemy (2) Abuse Unlocks - YouTube And: http://battlefieldo.com/threads/how-dart-you.5039/
Thank you VERY much. lol Anywho Ive been having fun trying to level up all the different guns, but im kinda stuck on choice of assault rifles. Which is the best one? I'd prefer to use a silencer, and i like the Holo /red dot scopes on my guns, so that'd be a factor.
Battlefield 3: Close Quarters Donya Fortress Gameplay Trailer - YouTube Looks amazing with all the debris flying around. Say what you will about it not being BF without vehicles, but this looks fun as hell.
I personally enjoy a wide mix of infantry and vehicular gameplay. The only map I don't like at the moment is Caspian Border. It's simply too big for Console sized games. I remember one game I spent the entire time in a Tank trundling between A and D capping the flags. Saw about three or four enemies the entire time and I got about 2 kills.
Caspian Border is a map that for consoles would be better without jets so that there can be more players actually going for objectives. Then replace the attack choppers with transport choppers, and I think the gameplay on that map would be far more interesting.
i feel like some maps just have too many vehicles at all times. sometimes on gulf of oman it's just destroying tanks and helis just for more tanks and helis to instantly be there. Without like, two engineer classes coordinating to take out vehicles at all times it can get pretty overwhelming. it's not every game, but when you get vehicle hungry enemies, jeez game. i just want breaks to focus on infantry for a while when im taking out helicopter after helicopter, y'know? it can get challenging to shoot down good pilots, i want to be awarded a tiny break before i'm back at it again.
A big part of the problem is that on far too many servers, the vehicle respawn time is ridiculously fast. And then you have players sitting at the vehicle spawns instead of helping the team.
Your problem is playing Gulf with Sarge 24/7. Grand Bazaar/Seine Crossing is where it's at. And what Sam said.
really yeah, i rage quit on gulf last night. ahah. i like to call Grand Bazaar "that map where LAVs trap me in tiny retarded rooms for a while" and yeah agreed, move vehicle spawn times up, and there would be nice ups and downs in gameplay.
well the problem is that i'm sick of playing engineer, constantly shooting vehicles only to spawn brand new vehicles for the enemies to get in and come back 30 seconds later lol. This is really only a big issue on Gulf of Oman, that poor beach gets torn to shreds. so yeah, that suggestion doesnt solve much.
I have 3 wishes: That DICE would make official conquest servers with like 750 tickets. Increase vehicle spawn time Make it so big map =/= **** ton of vehicles.
750 tickets is a good number too. i'd be all for that. but im sure their mentality is "why dont you just buy a server and do that yourself?" YAY MONEY.