Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 has been confirmed as the next Call of Duty game. While the title has been long-rumored and hinted at by several leaks and rumors, an image of a Target pre-order card sent in by an IGN reader has confirmed the game's title and release date. As shown on the card, the game hits stores on November 13, 2012 and will be headed to at least PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360. Black Ops 2 will be formally announced on May 1st during the NBA playoffs. ________ source Zombies better be back. Thoughts?
Oh, my, EW. I personally hated Black Ops. I think the CoD franchise is just pullin' **** out of their ass now.
I really think they need to get off of this rapid-fire development cycle. From a business standpoint they're probably making money hand over fist, but after playing three new games in consecutive years, I got a little burned out on this franchise. I didn't buy Black Ops or MW3 and what I played of them felt way too familiar. (Madden did the same thing to me - after buying it every year from roughly 2000 to 2005, I was just done all the sudden. Have barely played it ever since.)
Who needs Call of Duty when you have Halo 4! Jokes aside, I kinda doubt I'll get this (I didn't buy the last one) unless I get it for Christmas or something. Zombies would be fun, but paying $60 for zombies and campaign sounds kinda meh atm. We'll see...
Keep the negative comments to yourselves, it's really contributing nothing other than the perpetual disgust you all share for the franchise.
Could at least provide reasoning or some constructive commentary. If you have some built up resentment that requires others' attention so you decide to post blunt annoyances.. then please don't and, instead, try to work it out in a more mature, constructive way. Thank yous. Sorry, but that original post irritated me, the "post blunt annoyances for attention" stuff has been going around quite a bit on FH
I'm not sure who that is aimed at - maybe it's just indiscriminate. I don't hate CoD at all - I really enjoyed the single player of MW1 and MW2, and played both several times through. I also played the crap out of spec ops in MW2. But I do feel like they're repeating themselves and releasing games far too frequently. Now, a bit of advice in response to yours: stop backseat moderating. If something here is over the line of forum rules, report it. Otherwise, please don't tell people what they're allowed to talk about.
My post was aimed at the lot of you scrubs which jumped at the new CoD thread just to make some nonconstructive comments about your current appreciation for the series and how you will be handling any future releases. Here's a bit of advice: don't condescend to me and post ignorant rubbish in my thread. if you don't like what's being opened up for discussion, make your way elsewhere.
I have no idea what you're talking about. I've been quite polite up til now, but you're starting to get on my nerves. You began this thread, yes, but did so on an open forum where you are not a moderator or admin. If you don't like the content of my posts, report me and let's see how far that gets you. If people can post endless negative comments (FAR WORSE than anything in this thread thus far) in the Halo 4 discussion, I'm pretty sure no one is going to get infracted for merely stating that they don't plan to buy this game. And I didn't even go that far - not nearly. I don't appreciate you lumping me in with everybody else's replies just because you can't be bothered to address my concerns separately or thoughtfully.
I wasn't trying to get attention at all.. Anyways I won't be picking this up simply because I've grown tired of the frustration that I get when playing it. Sure I enjoy its campaign and zombies, but I'll be much more occupied with halo 4 that will release the previous week.
DunkinMyCookies, I've reported your for aggressively attacking other users opinions that differ from your own through the use of personal insults. Ironically, your, "Don't be a little ***** about it," statement applies more to you than anyone else here.
eh i always hate myself for doing it, but ill end up buying it. i liked blops better than mw2, and i told myself i would not buy mw3, but i ended up doing it anyway and i dont regret it. cod is always fun, even if theyre always the same. and i dont care about my money enough to not pay 60 bucks for new maps and weapons.
I don't think I'll buy it yet. I still need to see if they are going to fix the spawns on MW3. I was playing gun game the other day and in One in the Chamber there are some spawns right next to each other (let me remind you this is FFA). So if you move at spawn you are likely to stabbed in the back or shot in the back. I can't believe a major game design company would be stupid enough to place initial spawn so close to each other.
Haven't bought any of the Treyarch developed CoD games. I'll think I'll pass on it only because I'm sure there will be plenty of worthwhile content come December. Also DNC....there isn't a whole lot to discuss detail wise other than to say "buy it/not buy it" at this point. I mean we could reflect on what we like/dislike about CoD based on past iterations and make guesses about what Black OPs II would have but other than that...not much to talk about really.
From my thoughts on Black Ops, I think Treyarch listens too much to their fans. I'm not saying game companies listening to their fans is a bad thing, but if you listen too much, you end up with games like this. Then again, CoD was never a good game in my eyes.
Towards the drama in this thread, people are entitled to their own opinions. No flaming. Infractions incoming for anything further. Talk about the game, likes, dislikes. Keep it civilized.
Eh, I'll pick it up if enough of my friends get it, that's the only way I enjoy Call of Duty. I'm sure my little brother will get it anyway, so I can just play it his copy at my parents house if I reallly want to.
I predict I will dislike the game. Intensely. It's almost impressive how poorly the past Treyarch games compare to the Infinity Ward games preceding them. Then again, when you're the "reserve team" and forcing out games devoid of inspiration because your publisher treats them like commodities to be produced by pre-determined deadlines, it's no wonder you end up with something with janky movement, shooting and netcode. That being said, this year I expect Treyarch will finally release a game better then Infinity Ward's last game, because MW3 was god-awful.