
Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by xdemption, Mar 21, 2012.

  1. PA1NTS

    PA1NTS Promethean
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I really like the way you used brace larges for the transition between curvy (incline round) and the actual brace large, makes kind of a rounded building, i like it. nice clean map.
  2. Eww Your Skinny

    Eww Your Skinny Talented
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I feel as though control points are crucial for a map of this scale, but the way you handled the LoS, controlling the map would be a hassle. For MLG 4v4, you have to have map control to be able to have balanced gameplay. I played a couple of games on the map and, that was the only thing that really bothered me about the map, well that and the courtyards being very cluttered. It's a 2 base, it's very hard to screw one up when you have a sense of gameplay. But, as I digress, I'd pick The Pit over this anyday of the week if I were comparing larger 2 bases. The reason I say this is because, nothing about this map stands out from the rest, which is my main problem with most of the 2 bases made, *cough* *cough* Salot. Anyways, its a good map but, I feel like a strong push from your next maps to come will really help sculpt you an identity as a forger not a 2 base maker.
    #22 Eww Your Skinny, Mar 28, 2012
    Last edited: Mar 28, 2012
  3. xdemption

    xdemption ATN
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    He actually said something positive, holy poo. Yea points for originality in terms of layout I wasn't really expecting. To be honest, the simplicity was what I was going for and I just focused on. Thats one big issue with making a map original, is making the gameplay fair and reasonable. While it's simplicity helped with it's release, I do not expect you to choose which map is to your liking or not, all in all I just want to see if the map plays good or not. believe me when I say I did think about every peice of cover and every los, to gold is the general control points but there are the two towers at each base as well.

    As it stands, I don't really want to change the map but do take notes of what I did right. The map plays well, Aesthetically speaking the curves work well, but in terms of layout I did take note from the current MLG maps. Gameplay was my focus a and not really complexity. ALthough, my current creation that I am working on and about to post maybe seen differently.
  4. Proximo

    Proximo Forerunner
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    This map is a blast to play on! I love sitting in the back of my base with a sniper and picking off players as they creep over the rocket path or the other side. Sometimes some one gets the jump on me because they snuck through the center. Its so well ballanced!
    Good job man.
  5. Noooooch

    Noooooch Forerunner
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Shakes head.

    Congrats, on making it into the Team Slayer and Arena playlists.
  6. aPK

    aPK Greatest Forger Alive
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Huge congrats to you Mr. Redemption. Despite what other people will try to tell you and no matter how much **** people will say to you or behind your back, just know that you indeed created something special that clearly impressed many.

    Hopefully we continue to see you improve as Reach comes to an end and as we dive into Halo 4!
  7. SecretSchnitzel

    SecretSchnitzel Donald Trump
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I seriously can't believe I just read this... This is a map I would expect you to totally rip apart. Hell, I'm surprised your not trashing it. Faybian's Courtyard is a similar map and it got trashed. Bleuprint's Derezzed is a similar (and better) map and it got trashed. You actually support this?

    I think the map blows. Redemption can make some pretty looking maps, and a few play alright at well, but this one is god awful. Its better than Pulse and Temple, I'll give it that.... ****, it's better than most of the maps that got in this round... But that doesn't make it any good.

  8. aPK

    aPK Greatest Forger Alive
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Calm down there.

    I never mentioned anything about the design or design approach. All I said was that he clearly made something special.

    So please, could you climb out of my ass, and more importantly, dhg's ass?
  9. UnfrozenLynx

    UnfrozenLynx Promethean

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    I'd say this map is about as original as Despair.
  10. cluckinho

    cluckinho Well Known
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    I love how you just keep saying it blows without even justifying why.

    Again, Congrats on making it to MM.
  11. SecretSchnitzel

    SecretSchnitzel Donald Trump
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Alright, I'll say it again because I've only said it in party and game chat. The map has a poor design for various reasons.

    1. A total of 4 paths across map
    2. A overly exposed bottom level (grass level) that is at a major disadvantage to the higher outlying paths.
    3. A massive wall separating the map, ala The Pit.
    4. The high points of the map are the middle of the outside paths because the ground slants up.
    5. Snipers spawning in the bases.
    6. The backs of the bases are too easy to hold down and camp at, especially because of the mechanics of the DMR and having a Sniper spawn nearby.
    7. The Rocket spawn is easy to camp because of how the rock walling juts inwards in the map.
    8. The spawn system is crap. But Redemption will tell you he's got it down to a almost perfect system as spawn killing only has a "0.4%" of occurring, accoring to his math. True quote.

    Happy now?

    Lynx, get off my balls. Its not about originality, its about gameplay. I'm sorry you don't like my attitude and think I'm an asshole and suck at playing on Despair. Not my fault, but I can't fault you for disliking the map all things considered.
  12. Audienceofone

    Audienceofone Forerunner
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    Not your best map as far as I am concerned, and I do think it could be better, but congratulations on getting Imago into Matchmaking, Redemption.
  13. RoboArtist

    RoboArtist Forerunner
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    Everyone has their viewpoints. But you all need to stop spitting on this map like it somehow offends you. Yes, it has it's flaws, but so does every other map. Yes you guys can point out the obvious, but let it go, or just adapt to the map and avoid those in-game. the thing is, it's only what players make of it. Camping is a problem in nearly every map out there. Just don't freaking camp. Help out your team.

    As for the creator, though it's gonna be in matchmaking, fix the spawns so players feel more safe in their surroundings for customs. take advice from the community instead of seeing the few perfections it has, and fix it. Idk have a v2
    #33 RoboArtist, Apr 27, 2012
    Last edited: Apr 27, 2012
  14. xdemption

    xdemption ATN
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Petty excuses for someone that hates the fact that they themselves could not get their map into matchmaking. I agree that Imago isn't my best peice of work but your personal vendetta against Imago is useless. Obviously more than half of the community enjoy Imago, it's on 3 youtube channels 2 of which I had no knowledge of and a FHF first place tie. Plus all the cartographers had genuinely liked the map and I have NEVER spoken to any of them. All I did was post the map on Forgehub and on the library forum.

    Everything that occured after that I had barely any influence on. In other words, the map was chosen based on geniune enjoyment. Get real and step down, there is no need for these petty arguements just because you can't enjoy a game on the map. Look around you, your one man upon the thousands of opinions I've had. Plus logically, most of your points don't really make sense and plus what proof do you have that spawns are bad? Plus, you've said it yourself, reach will always have bad spawns.

    Suck it up, this is reality and you have to live with it.
    #34 xdemption, Apr 30, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 30, 2012
  15. SecretSchnitzel

    SecretSchnitzel Donald Trump
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    You know, after we chatted last night I really thought you were done with the petty antics... But judging by your general tone, I guess not.
    You're blind to the flaws of your own map as well as to why I dislike it.

    Hope you enjoy living in fantasy land.
  16. xdemption

    xdemption ATN
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Thanks robot artist, I have looked into the spawning several times and while I can say spawning can be unconfortable at times I found you can't really spawn in exact LOS of the opponent. I have reworked and tested it several times and have done my best to prevent bad spawns. I assure you each spawn is in its position for a reason, and changes were made while I was still testing this with many different players and forgers that I have tested this with.

    But if you do notice something notable to change send a message on XBL to redemption1272 and a vid on your fileshare showing what went wrong. Maybe I will be asked to make changes to the MM verson in the future. As for Imago's overal design itself I have no incentive to change it. Obviously the community enjoys it and I see no reason to change it structurally. Thanks for everyones support!

    Edited by merge:

    I am living a fantasy land? The damn map is going to be on MM, I don't really think thats fantasy anymore lol. I already tried to be nice to you after the fact you gave me hate-mail and I tried to listen to you. Your "habits", coupled with your terrible personality and lack of respect and coherient thought is why I don't listen to someone like you. Heck as far as I know no one likes listening to you, go get a life outside your damn room and stop trolling the forums.

    I know I have dragged this on for long mods, I am sorry for all these happenings and my response to all this. But this man needs to be put in his place, to have people like this on your forums offends people. I have sat back and done nothing but take his spewing and back-talking on not just my map but many others he rants on about. The only maps he enjoys are his own, sad but true. My map is not perfect by far and I agree. This has gone on long enough, I wish for you secretschitizil to apoplogize not just to me but to the whole forgehub community.

    You used to be a soilder, I expect better from you.
    #36 xdemption, May 1, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: May 1, 2012
  17. NlBBS

    NlBBS Forerunner

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    I don't quite understand how your map getting into Matchmaking has any comparison at all to it's quality. If anything, it's somewhat of an insult based on the overall quality of forge maps that have made it in the past. Also, what the cartographers said about Imago shouldn't be taken seriously, because they have proven to not understand a damn thing about map design (again, based on the previous maps that have made it in).

    As for Schnitzel, he isn't doing anything wrong. He just has a more serious tone when critiquing maps, that can sometimes come off as offensive. He isn't in the wrong here, because you have propelled him to keep going. In his post, he simply states the aspects he doesn't like about the map. Whether or not you agree with the points is irrelevant, as they are his opinions. All in all, the only person that owes anyone an apology (although, to be fair, none are do) is you. This is due mainly because of how defensive you are about your map, which has come off incredibly arrogant.

    Opinions are opinions.
  18. RoboArtist

    RoboArtist Forerunner
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    Ok can we stop shooting at this guy? Take it out on the cartographers not the author. And at least make this guy feel a little more welcome to forgehub... Damn people. Alot of you guys bring up good points, but the way you guys are saying it makes it seem like you want this guy to die in a ditch from what I see.
    At least the horrid maps currently in matchmaking will be replaced with fairly decent maps.
    And anyways the map can't really be changed up too much without destroying it's original layout, like sanctuary
    3rd edit lol: schnitzel isn't really in the blame but sometimes gets carried away in his choice of sentences. He's only trying to help. A simple, alright I'll get to it, in reply to his critiques will lower the aggressiveness in the thread
    #38 RoboArtist, May 1, 2012
    Last edited: May 1, 2012
  19. WhackyGordon

    WhackyGordon Forerunner

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    Well, I haven't actually experienced any gameplay on this map yet, but after doing a forge flythrough of all of the new maps, Imago is my aesthetic favorite, and judging by the layout will probably be my favorite overall once I've played them all.

    Congrats on getting this into MM. It's a nice map, and I am looking forward to stomping some nubs on it.

    Edit: Just wondering - how is the name pronounced? Like "Imm-ah-joe" or "Imm-a-goe" or "Imma go" lol
    #39 WhackyGordon, May 1, 2012
    Last edited: May 1, 2012
  20. xdemption

    xdemption ATN
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Imm-ah-goe is correct. In response to what you have said nibbs I would normally agree with you but I have be thorogh in disecting what secret has been trying to say. Plus it isn't just here I hear about his ranting. I have taken much opinions on this map that have been far more constructive and make more sense. If someone has something more constructive to say then I WILL listen. Listening is all I have been doing and I am sick and tired of some of the trash talking I have been getting. I am voicing my opinion on the matter now.

    I thought that trying to discover everyone's problems was the solution to having a great map, but it turns out some people just can't be reasoned with or satisfied. Imago isn't my best design I can admit that, and to be honest I never expected it to be worthy of MM. If FH felt that the map wasn't worthy then they wouldn't have forwarded it to the Cartographers. Believe me when I say I have looked into what everyone has said to me and even made changes just before the cartographers put it into MM.

    I am open to opinions but not of one who is a babbling drunk and coke addict, no more will I speak of this. I stand firm with what I say, you have an opinion to help, voice it in a respectful matter. I rest my case.

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