Retribution This ancient place was once a place of freedom and hope but once evil struck it was given a whole new meaning. 2-8 players.Retribution is a map i have been working on for a few weeks i have tested the maps many times and it seems to play well. Weapons list 1x shotgun 2x GL 1x rocket launcher 2x sniper rifle 2x DMR 3x health pack P.S special thanks to skintSNIPER 262 for the tower on the top and rocket spawn IMG][/IMG]
Wow, That's all I can say i mean this is a map you'd seen in matchmaking or some thing. Great lay-out, and i'm sure to get great game play from this awesome map.
Looks pretty cool. You got my download. I'll let u know more when i get a chance to mess around in it. You should add a thumbnail so pple have an idea of wat ur map is b4 clicking on it. All the pics u have r good so u could use any of them. *EDIT* First off this is a really good map. I like your layout and the lines of sight u have set up are very good. After a run through heres some suggestions i have: 1. The snipers each have 2 clips and spawn in 60 seconds. i would suggest reducing the number of snipers to 1 and put it on the platform opposite the shotgun with a timer of at least 90 seconds. u can leave it with 2 clips if it has a higher timer. if u do that id also suggest extending that platform out to those small rocks and remove those rocks. This way players cant grab rockets and then instantly run over jump off the small rocks and control snipe as well. 2. You can replace each sides sniper with either a DMR or a needle rifle. Set the max count of DMRs to 4 (if u decide to put needle rifles set max to 4 on that as well) 3. Increase shotgun respawn to at least 90 seconds and set it to 1 clip instead of 2. I'd also decrease clips in the rocket launcher to 0. the timer is fine. 4. In terms of spawn points u have a pretty good set up. However you dont have to set each spawn as an assigned team. u can make them all neutral and set up a spawn zone assigned to red/blue teams that cover about half of the map each. This way in ffa pple can also spawn anywhere on the map. Some spawns are facing directly into walls like the red and blue spawn near shotty. I'd suggest angling them towards the shotgun or other weapons on the map. 5. Soft kill zone is veryyyyyy low. may wanna raise it a lil bit. 6. Theres no nades on the map! Id suggest adding frags next to the dmr and 1 plasma in front of the cover before shotty. Heres a film u can download of my first impressions and what adjustments id make. : Halo Reach : File Details. Its VERY long. use the fast forward glitch to skip thru it. (hold rt, pause while holding, release while on pause screen, unpause) If u wanna test it out a lil more hit me up on live. I can help u after i finish finals so liiiiiiiike thursdayish if u want. my gt is HaloChief67
I really like all of the aesthetics and the visual appeal to the map with the rocks and grass. I am not sure how it plays personally, but it looks like it plays great with the symetrical design. The only thing I would change is try to add more incline designs on the sides of platforms, like on the right platform on your third picture.
if youre online 2nite id like to get a game on this. kinda reminds me of depot in a way. I like the pit style layout, gives it a really nice classic feel
I would love to get a game on this with you. I haven't played this map in a while so I would love to play on it again and see what I can possibly improve to make a more refined and clean version.
i havent seen this one yet it looks nice and give me an invite to testing this one.i suggest putting on MLG weapon spawn times they seem to work. so sniper is at 118 seconds eidt: ill pm you spawn times in a bit
Yeah sure thing waterfall. I will give MLG settings a try, and I will invite you whenever I decide to edit this map.
When you were asking for map names I wasn't serious about Retribution! god damnit I hate you now cause I have a map named Retribution
I never asked for map names Noirtatsu that must have been someone else, plus the day after this a guy posted a map named retribution so I don't think it matters because this name is starting to get over used. it
...but i was the first you know thts my thing all my maps start with "R" *insert super sad panda face here*