You suck. I saw it on the kill-feed lol. I'm doing quite well, found 8 diamonds within 30 minutes. I've established a base with some traps already. Anyone still alive?
lol im so afraid to play on that server, and our little hardcore base is pretty awesome. we're pretty well off, and i dont want to ruin it by playing. rofl. id play more if shuman stopped dying every 4 seconds. he managed to die 3 times in one month on a server where you only get one life.
The Legend Of The Rent - School Of Rock - Jack Black - YouTube You have to be able to live hardcore Vice.
Yes, you do. Here Comes The Kraken- The Legend OfThe Rent Is Way Hardcore - YouTube I tried taking out the tags to just link it...
Anyone want to team up with me? I've got a hefty amount of iron, not to mention the diamonds I mentioned.
Pretty cool, pretty cool. Pret-tee-coo-ol. Minecraft: Hunger Games Survival w/ CaptainSparklez & Friends - Part 1 - YouTube
Maps been out for ages. I've seen like 4 playthroughs. There's even a 24/7 server dedicated to the Hunger Games. But yeah, it's pretty legit.
Does anyone else use the Technic Pack at all? I tried using it but I can't craft as every time I click on an item in my inventory, rather than picking it up it throws it on the floor, preventing me from crafting anything. Anyone able to help me?
Are you talking about Because there's 11 of those servers, from "a" through "k". If anyone ever feels like playing, add "antfarmkeyboard" on skype.
if you feel like playing alone that is, because its 90% likely that shumans connection will drop or he'll die, leaving you to go on by yourself.
Hey, hey, hey. Shuman is just playing his part as the supporting actor that raises you and teaches you everything you know, then later dies so you have the hunger to avenge his death.
Just wondering if anyone else noticed that they changed the name of the clock to "Watch" recently. They also changed the use of the word "shovel" to spade (Iron Spade, Stone Spade, Diamond Spade, etc).
Appropriate as the connotation of carrying around a clock is like WTFFFFF?!?!?!???? Oh and I believe they were interchangeable when selecting items using essentials and ****.
Yeah, the item commands for string block names are quite wide and accessible. For example, you can type in diamond and get a diamond block rather than the item, same with gold and iron. Or you can go supernerd and learn all the item data values and stuff.
I made a mistake. The English (UK) language changes "Clock" to "Watch. Probably the same with the shovels too.
I do know a lot of them. Stupid configs Only take numbers. Ohhhhhh and that clock thing makes no sense now lol.