My tales of woe for the night: 1. I was driving toward the A base on Gulf of Oman when I noticed freshly-spawned tank sitting there all sexy-like, so I hop out of my vehicle, only to get caught on a crate (of course). I proceed to go around the crate and run toward the tank, only to get cut off by my previous friggin' vehicle, which, naturally, comes to a halt right in front of the tank. In an attempt to once again circumnavigate an obstacle, I get gunned down, my body coming to a rest on the treads of the tank. 2. I was rushing the B MCOMM on the final base of Gulf of Oman (A already being destroyed, so it looked like Occupy Wall Street or some **** in that parking lot). I killed a couple enemies before being on the receiving end of some gunfire. I sprinted toward the side of the building housing the MCOMM, managing to escape the would-be killer's cross-hairs. While doing so, I noticed an enemy facing away from me behind the building on the mini-map, which made me excited for a knife opportunity or, at the very least, an easy kill. I continued running, leaped over some boxes, and died. My screen showed that I committed suicide. I'm fairly certain my foot caught on one of the boxes, tripping me while launching an array of bullet casings into the air. I manage to roll out of the fall, ending up on my back. As I gasp for a breath to make my way back to my feet, two shells lodge in my throat. I proceed to give myself the Heimlich maneuver with the butt of my KH2002, but in the process, end up pulling the trigger, releasing a three-round burst into the pavement. The recoil from the gun helps dislodge the bullet shells from my throat, but as I lean over to gasp for air, my thumb touches one of the recently fired rounds in the pavement, causing a searing burning sensation. As I bring my thumb to my mouth in an attempt to alleviate the pain, I notice one of the bullets had ricocheted and pulled the pin from the grenade strapped to my chest. I then proceed to cover a 5 meter radius with warm blood-favored confetti. (This may seem far fetched, but it's the only scenario I can think of in which jumping over a pile of boxes results in my suicide.)
Thank you so much! I was working on that yesterday from like 11:00 in the morning to like 8:00 at night. I'm glad you recognize my work. Can you post a link to your post?
I wasn't enraged at all. I thought others might find it enjoyable to laugh with me about the various mishaps that happen in BF3. But I can see that you would rather have the thread made up of such comments as "957 knife kills. Need more!" and "Playing now bich.", so I'll take my leave.
The ****ing bullet deviation brought on by suppression after the patch is just beyond ridiculous. I'm not going to lie, I've rage quit several times because of bullshit where some enemy shoots in your vicinity but misses, and you try shooting back but none of your bullets hit. And to shaddoblade above, I was just saying that based on the frustration you expressed about the game. I give the game a break myself when I get worked up over it. And **** stats. I don't give a **** how many knife kills someone else got.
How many kills have the enemies got because you allowed them a few extra seconds by sneaking up to them instead of shooting them?
And how many lives could you have saved by going left instead of right? We could 'what if' all day, but it's a waste of time.
Be smart with your tac-lights. I was playing Conquest on Metro and I had one on my MP443 but it was turned off, and I could see a flash on the ground from another guys before he came around the corner. When he came around I flipped mine on and started shooting, I ended up killing him and his 2 buddies. Then another guy peaks around the corner like "hey guise, wat's goin on in hur?" So I killed him too.
My friend is way too good at this game. I don't know about you, but he averages like 18 kills each game and 0-4 deaths. I hate playing with people who are amazing at this game lol. And it's not just one weapon, he's pretty damn good with a lot of weapons. It's annoyingly uncanny