I saw a few people say it comes out Monday just gone. I thought it was the 18th everywhere too, but those comments made me thunk twice. I'll have to go check if it's up now, as it's nearly 9am now and wasn't on xbla last night after midnight. [br][/br]Edited by merge: Damn, apparently it's not going to be available for another six hours, so 6pm tonight for me. I'm getting edgy. Me want bad play Trials NAO.
Guys. Seriously. This game is ****ing. GODLY. GOOODLY. It is EVERYTHING a sequel should be. I would've paid 40 EURO for this thing, the amount of content is unreal. The references are great, especially the subtle ones early on. The money and customization system is really cool, god damn the editor is great, RL have a few of their stuff up to show what it can do, and it's serious. The soundtrack is also freaking amazing. I can't get over how ****ing good it is.
Yeh I played this last night before I went to sleep, and it's pretty damn good. Had a little play with the editor, but nothing major. I have a few ideas for tracks up my sleeve, but we'll see how well I can get a hang of the editor first. [br][/br]Edited by merge: Gigatrack. So gay. So very gay.
The music (actual music, not all audio) is bloody awful. The rest seems pretty damn fantastic though. The controls of the editor are infuriating but I played around and made a little cave last night. Nothing i expect much from but its a learning process.
The control interface for the editor does take a little getting used to, but it's something I'm going to learn, because I want to eventuate some ideas. And yes, the music is bloody awful, but I tend not to focus on the music, just the aggravating yet addictive gameplay.
I like the music, a lot. I would NEVER listen to it on it's own, because it isn't great in that sense, but it REALLY fits with the game IMO. The track editor is amazing once you get into it. And I found all the tracks pretty non-frustrating up until the late hard ones. I'm on the last extreme track now, and it has me seriously ****ing pissed, but I'm having great fun.
I was having a good go at the Balance of Power skill game last night, and I managed to climb to number 78 on the leaderboards last time I checked, so next time I get on I'm going to try to get higher.
that moment when you're about to beat all your friends times, and then you screw up on the last obstacle.
That moment when you spent all 500 tries doing an extreme track only to later look at someone doing it in 5 in like a minute on youtube.
the user created stuff is pretty diverse and awesome. i could see people in this community really getting into it. i was blown away when i saw that they had overhead 2D shooters in it lol
It begins... I finally threw down my controller in frustration for the first time tonight. Was trying for a gold run on Warehouse 28, and there's this one part that I just kept getting stuck on and using up all 5 checkpoint restarts. I finally just let it go and left it at silver to try again later for gold, but the next few after that were even more aggravating, especially when it's just one particular part I can't get past quickly that ruins my run. So I got quite pissed off. Rather than smash my control on the ground like a child throwing a temper tantrum, I calmly got off the couch, walked over to my Xbox, turned it off, turned off the TV, turned off my sound system, then lobbed the controller at the couch. Saves me buying a new one, and helps to relieve a bit of pent up frustration. It's still lodged in between the couch cushions: Spoiler
Inferno III is a motherfucker. God ****ing dammit. I don't want to start trying for platinums or climbing the leaderboards until I finish all the tracks. But god ****ing dammit Inferno III.
I'll totally add you, but I wont be working on my scores until I finish Inferno. Which will probably be soon as I'm stuck at home with food poisoning.
Trying to make the game Plinko with the editor. Where you would bail out of the bike and the dude would ragdoll himself through a plinko board and fall into different point weighted buckets.
I think someone's already made a game like that, Pac. Although I'm not 100% sure, I only glanced something that looked like that while browsing the Skill Game downloads section. Also, Tit, do you mean for someone else to play against for track times or multiplayer? Because I haven't touched multiplayer yet and don't know if I will. I'll add you, nonetheless.