Hello, everyone with regret tommorow will be postponed due to updates needed on Zueeten tolorry! until further notice, the map preview will be canceled. i do apologize. i will try my best to have my map preview done before JUNE to 12 lucky people. hope that makes up for it, sorry.
Must be the most amazing thing ever forged if it's That much of a secret.. -_- Anyways please have a more specific title. The title, "hey" isn't very promising... And u said only 8 people can view it... Well wouldn't it be a better idea if u just throw it in ur f-share and let a bigger crowd to see the Map? The more feedback the better. This isn't really a golden ticket kinda thing here, it's a forge map
Without any pics, one can only assume it's a giant ****. Like RoboArtist said, this isn't Willy Wonka's chocolate factory. If you're looking for feedback, you might want to let more people join, or just have them download it.
tbh this could be the biggest pile of rubbish of a map ever, but u never know it could be amazing i dunno but i think you should upload some pics even if there just a very small snippit of a pic to show us a little of the map
it adds suspence considering the first reveal is this friday (hopefully) when the full release is in june. today on thursday i will be able to determine if it is going to happen [br][/br]Edited by merge: im sorry but there will be pics to follow in JUNE not April. so you can call it a great big F' in failure but it is my way of allowing people a first look before anyone else of Zueeten Tollory. i will say that it is a Symmetrical, four team playable map that supports up to 16 people. im sorry guys but i love suspense so thats what im doin.
Why not just take a pic of your screen or something..? And what do u mean by the pacific side of town..? And the main area? its the internet. nobody here probably lives in your location dude. idk if you're just tryin to sound cool or something, but its not really working.
Robo you need to get whatever it is up your a** and take it out. Pacific side of town is for anyone who is not in cali. duh. time zoning is different. If you dont know what the main area is then your crazy.
You make no sense. And you want to add suspense? As far as I know this is just another generic slayer map. Since no other info is given, I am nowhere near 'hyped' for this.
Look im not trying to spill any milk here, but its just that this thread was poorly executed and doesnt supply anyone any good reason to want to attend this, knowing that only 8 people can attend... If thats the way you roll, thats fine with me, but this isnt a very good example of a map preview. Listen, Ive made some rookie mistakes here on F-hub around the time I joined, but there's an Edit button for that. If people complain about whats wrong with the thread, just go back and make some ajustments, instead of telling someone to take the poop from their bunghole
im good i will not change my preview to satisfy people like you. only a moderater has that kind of authority over me
Like me? everyone in this thread is saying the same thing man. We're just tryin to help. To tell you the truth, im dying to know what the map looks like right now, because nobody here has seen what you're capable of making yet. Its just that this thread will be long forgotten and about a hundred pages away from anybody viewing it by the time the preview and the screenshots are presented.
I haven't seen a forging-ego this big since GodlyPerfection. to be completely honest, your setup of letting people see this are entirely counter=productive...in every way possible. You could be letting people see it who have no idea what they're doing, whereas you could let an entire community see it and give feedback. It's just...so stupid. And only a mod can do something? We're all equal when it comes to giving opinions. I recommend changing your attitude ASAP before no-one wants to see anything you make.
i apologize Nibbs i mean only Mods can tell me what i need to do without getting an infraction. so no robo i will have pictures and hopefully a download for Zueeten tolorry by JUNE no sooner no later. and who is Godly perfection?
... (1) you post a map preview that contains no map, rather an "apology" for the lack there of. (2) your word means nothing without solid proof. (3) your "map preview" does not meet FH standards- as far as I am concerned, your post only displays your ego. (4) your not making any friends by confronting people (5) Your presence on the Hub usually means that you want input on your maps, being an asshat does not help you gain veiwers
First of all, you walk in here and then start cussing out well-known members of this community, like Robo here. Second of all, what ever type of California talk you are talking, we don't know it. Some of us live in Texas, or New York, or Canada, or Europe. Time Zoning is different, you are correct, but no one knows what the "main area" is. Do you mean Central Time? Because in Cali, it is Western Time. At least post a link to some sort of Time-Zoning website, and explain what the **** you are trying to say, without the California slang. (You sound like you are a 12-year-old snot-nosed rich kid BTW) Third of all, no need to be so suspenseful. This is not a secret preview of The Hunger Games. This is not the midnight release of Halo 4. This is not a free ticket onto The Ark. From what I've seen, no one really gives a **** about what you are able to forge up, and anyone that had the slightest bit of interest in your map does not now. Get your act together. This is not the way you want to enter ForgeHub, or any other community.