Copied to staff section as backup. I actually did this when we had the Staff rank. There was a secret forum that no longer exist (I assume) with in the staff section. There was some stupid reported post thread that essencially became a ppc. Someone kept soft deleting it (Rusty? Tex? Furious D?) and I or someone else reactivated it. Finally someone hard deleted it but I had secretly backed it up. I'd copy it over to annoy people. It was very silly.
I have so many idea for good OT topics. Like, like, one where we talk about beer, another where we talk about spiderman, and other one where we post facebook statuses by females that we find humorous or sad or some ****.
Two drink minimum thread? Sound amazing Also is worth applying to GoO again. It's been like 3 years. Or would I just be wasting my time.
[br][/br]Edited by merge: "Nothing is true, everything is permitted" -The Assassin's Creed -Friedrich Nietzsche