Top Ten Songs

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Rorak Kuroda, Apr 17, 2012.

  1. Rorak Kuroda

    Rorak Kuroda Up All Night
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I keep dozens of playlists on my ipod at all times, a recent one of them being a list of my top ten favorite songs of all time. I've asked people to construct a list of their top ten songs before, and I've gotten mixed results. Some people have given me very quick answers, while others find the question seemingly impossible.

    The people who find the answer difficult, I've found, are usually people who haven't asked the question of themselves before. It IS a tough question, but it's not impossible, and it creates a very deep insight into a person's music taste, and even their personality. I'll post my list here, and in the comments below, post your own. In addition, feel free to discuss the stories behind any of your choices, or comment an other people's choices. You can also change your list at any time.

    1. God Moving Over the Face of the Waters - Moby

    This song helped me through a pretty depressing time in my life, and since then, has always been able to motivate me, regardless of mood or mindset. Essentially, this song frees my mind. It releases my inhibitions, opens my mind to possibilities, and allows me reach ever higher points of inspiration.

    2. The Price of Everything and the Value of Nothing - Animals as Leaders

    During the state of depression mentioned previously, I learned a lot about the world around me, and came to a lot of realizations. It was pretty chaotic, as a whole. This song reminds me of that phase, of the torrent of emotions and the lessons that I learned.

    3. Map of the Problematique - Muse

    This.... this is just badass. The most important aspect of music to me is its ability to inspire, and this song does that in ****loads. Nothing else comes close to the raw, creative energy that I get while listening to this song. (Nothing aside from this song while high, that is.)

    4. Aqueous Transmission - Incubus

    As opposed to #3, this song relaxes me. I can be in any state of mind; angry, depressed, excited, it doesn't matter. It comforts me with its meaning, and the rhythm just sweeps me off to a state of blissful meditation.

    5. Our Mutual Friend - The Divine Comedy

    This one's a bit weird for me. It has a very heavy nostalgic effect, yet it doesn't link to any specific memories. It's like, it reminds me of the emotions I felt as a child in my elementary years. A whole lot of innocence mixed with the loss of that innocence. That sort of vibe.

    6. Kings and Queens - 30 Seconds to Mars

    Not only is the composition amazingly well done, but the lyrics have a powerful sound and meaning to them, making this just a completely badass song in every way, shape, and form.

    7. Balcony Scene - Craig Armstrong

    Somehow, this song has managed to embody my entire idea of romance and love into sound. It's a deeply passionate and moving piece, and it practically paints pictures in your mind.

    8. Audience of One - Rise Against

    This one reminds me of the summer days with my old group of friends who are all off at college now. Heavy nostalgia mixed with brilliant lyrics and instrumentals = one hell of a song.

    9. Heaven and Earth - hamstercake

    The best cinematic classical piece I've heard. Ever.

    10. Broken Horse - Freelance Whales

    The album that this song is on has an amazing story and an amazing meaning behind that story, and whenever I hear this song, I get shivers. It's one of the emotional climaxes of the album, and it has a very sobering effect.
    #1 Rorak Kuroda, Apr 17, 2012
    Last edited: Apr 17, 2012
  2. Organite

    Organite Journalist
    Senior Member

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    1: Momma Sed "Tandamonium mix" by Puscifer

    2. Runnin up that hill by Placebo

    3. Lateralus by Tool

    4. Beg by Evan's Blue

    5. Cloud Connected by In Flames

    6. Farewell to the Fairground by White Lies

    7. Passive by A Perfect Circle

    8. I Get It by Chevelle

    9. Through the Glass by Stone Sour

    10. Out of Control by She Wants Revenge
  3. Rho Fs

    Rho Fs 2x2 Forge Judge
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    Not as difficult as I thought it'd be. Obviously this list is everchanging, but whatever...

    1. Fin - Anberlin

    This song has had a place in my heart since the Dualtality came out. It is essentially the embodiment of all my good memories from Halo 3. It really sums up like 4 of the best years of gaming I've ever experienced. So many memories attached to this. Also, the climax is badass.

    2. Wake up - Arcade Fire

    There is a local neighborhood clubhouse and on Fridays in the summer local bands play. I've been going for quite a while now. A few friends of mine play there regularly and they end with this song. It ends with 15-20 people crowded around the mic screaming at the top of their lungs for the chorus and everyone else pilling on from the sides. So many memories. Probably some of the best experiences of high school with friends.

    3. Believe - Yellowcard

    This song got me through 2 divorces. When my parents separated, I listened to it constantly. The message is awesome, and inspiring. This song really means a lot to me, and I listen to it whenever I'm feeling down. <3

    4. Where is my mind - The Pixies

    Same story as the last one, but less regularly.

    5. Rivers and Roads - The Head and the Heart

    This summer, I'm making a video essentially summarizing everything I do. A montage of sorts of everything I do with my friends. A goodbye before college. It is the 'goodbye song'. Hurts like a *****

    6. Man in the Mirror - Michael Jackson

    Motivation to be a better person. I can't help but giggle with joy at around 2:30 when the chorus picks up. CHANGE! Such good stuff.

    7. Classical Gas - Mason Williams

    One of, if not my favorite guitar piece. I love classical music, especially playing it. One of my favorites.

    8. Let it Be - Beatles

    Classic song. One of the greats. I don't have much else to say about it. It's the ****ing beatles

    9. Time - Hans Zimmer

    Masterfully composed piece of work. It just inspires me listening to it. The build up is just wonderful.

    10. River Flows in You - Yiruma

    My favorite piano piece. So simple and innocent, but so, so beautiful.
    #3 Rho Fs, Apr 17, 2012
    Last edited: Apr 18, 2012
  4. Cheeze

    Cheeze <FONT COLOR="#FE2EC8"><b>I Beat the Staff!</b></FO
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    1. Day 'N' Nite - KiD CuDi

    2. Tom's Diner - Suzanne Vega

    3. Clint Eastwood - Gorillaz

    4. Handle Bars - Flobots.

    5. Forgot about Dre. - Dr Dre Feat Eminem

    6. I Can - Nas

    7. Sail - AWOLNATION

    8. Deliverance - Bubba Sparxxx

    9. Somebody that I used to know - Goyte (Walk off the Earth Cover)

    10. Hatredcopter - Dethklok.

    Mostly rap, but eh. Still good. The first four will stay for awhile, but the rest are always changing.
  5. Jex Yoyo

    Jex Yoyo POETRY, bitch.
    Senior Member

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    Okay, I need to be clear. My top ten changes weekly, its not fair at all. So I will post the ten songs I find myself not just listening to the most often, or rocking out the hardest to for a small period, but ones that consistently get my blood pumping and grinding. Kay. That is understood. Get prepared for super-organization and explenation etc. I write a lot. Now, attempt here we go:

    1) Momma Sed (Original & Tandemonium Mix)- Puscifer

    This song just isn't fair. If I were to separate it, then It would literally take my top two slots with the original being the greatest song ever, and Tandemonium being the second. So I chose to combine them. The original is so beautiful, amazing guitar, wonderful lyrics and meaning... and instant knock-out. The remix? Oh my god. The single best example of a song with a ramp... it starts at almost nowhere, ends with the most epic synth/piano/****ingeverything runs and absolute CHAOS, aka p(t)andemonium. Simply unfair.​

    2) Lateralus - Tool

    I mentioned how much I like ramps right? Ramps and vamps, those are what I love. The first half of this song is epic vamps, and the second half is the giant motherfucking ramp with the best climax every. Its only number two because Momma Sed is simply unfair.​

    3) In the Presence of Enemies (Pt1 & 2) - Dream Theater

    This has everything. I don't even know what to say. Its a 25-or-so minute long epic, explaining a story influenced by the Priest magna. I haven't read it and I don't intend to, simply because it would destroy the badass stuff I already picture with this song. One more thing; all of my top five are chock-full of those lines that you hear, and always make you stop and think. Like a smack to the face.​

    4) Come Together - Beatles

    I'm not explaining this; the Beatles are merely sexy. "He's got to be good lookin' cus hes so hard to see" ​

    5) Rose - aPerfectCircle

    Oh my god, this song is vamp at its best. And its a vamp ramp. ****ing MJK doing it again. More importantly, the message of the story is conveyed in such a literarly creative and brilliant manner that you might as well just bow down to its epic.
    6) Octavarium - Dream Theater

    This is essentially the same as ItPoE, except instead of a story it tells several. And includes the following passage, which may be the most brilliant tribute ever;

    Sailing on the seven seize the day tripper diem's ready
    Jack the ripper owens wilson phillips and my supper's ready
    Lucy in the sky with diamond dave's not here I come to save the
    Day for nightmare cinema show me the way to get back home again

    Flying off the handle with careful with
    That axe eugene gene the dance machine
    Messiah light my fire gabba gabba
    Hey hey, my my generation's home again

    7) The Rime of the Ancient Mariner - Iron Maiden

    This is a thirteen minute epic retelling of the similarly-named poem, the ****ing amazing one about the Mariner and his Albatross. 'nuff said.
    8) The Dark Eternal Night - Dream Theater

    Yet another retelling of a famous literary piece (noticing a theme here...), this particular one is rather goofy. Its basically a 'found poem,' where you make a poem using nothing but snippets of lines borrowed from a single text. It almost sounds like the words we intentionally reorganized to change the meaning, seeming to be something about the evils of the devil interfering with space travel...? I dunno, but its got the best instrumental section ever.
    9) Get to the Point (Krusha Mix) - Excision and Liquid Stranger, remixed by DJ Krusha

    Its dubstep. Except amazing, and more trance/ ambient with a heavy dose of evil. I call it Darkstep, because there is no better way to describe it. This remix makes the original look amateur.
    10) ...and Justice for All - Metallica

    This follows the same formula of every truly good Metallica song (with several exemptions), except it does it better than pretty much everything. You could make a case for Master of Puppets, but I like this better because it has a more 'ivory' sound, and is more musically/technically complex. Great way to round out my current top ten ^_^​
  6. Noxiw

    Noxiw Ancient
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    "Top ten songs you listen to often" is a much more fair question. I maintain my refusal to participate in my "top ten favorite songs of all time".
  7. Iron

    Iron Ancient
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    1) Fire & Ice - Souvenir De Chine (Original Mix)
    2) Saint Rush Pres. Ishido - Atlantica (Original Mix)
    4) Airborne Angel - The Unit (Original Mix)
    3) Rank 1 - Such is Life (Original Mix)
    5) Rank 1 - Opus 17
    6) nayuta - 緋色月下、狂咲ノ絶 -1st Anniversary Remix-
    7) Cryu - 奏で穿て、東雲の彼方へ
    8) Pink Floyd - Shine on Your Crazy Diamond (1-13)
    9) Iron Maiden - Transylvania
    10) Iron Maiden - Strange World
  8. Jex Yoyo

    Jex Yoyo POETRY, bitch.
    Senior Member

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    Noxy, do youre current top ten. Or, like me, the first ten songs that came to mind that seem to have been favorites for a very long time in no particular order except for the first.
  9. Black Theorem

    Black Theorem Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    in no particular order:

    Protect Ya Neck - Wu Tang Clan

    ADD pt. 2 - Wale

    Seat Down Low - Lil Wayne

    Back On my Grizzy - Lil Wayne

    Party and Bullshit - Notorious B.I.G.

    Keep Ya Head Up - Tupac

    Many Men - 50 Cent

    What You Know - T.I.

    Bonita Applebum - A Tribe Called Quest

    Gettin Jiggy With It - Will Smith
  10. ♥ Sky

    ♥ Sky I Beat the old Staff!
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  11. Indie Anthias

    Indie Anthias Unabash'd Rubbernecker
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    I'll give you my top 10 of right this minute.

    The Beatles - Mother Nature's Son
    Easy Star All Stars - Us and Them (Dreadzone Remix)
    Sublime - 5446/Ball and Chain
    King Blues - What If Punk Never Happened
    The Specials - Gangsters
    Rancid - Time Bomb
    Lee "Scratch" Perry & the Upsetters - Doctor On The Go
    Ulrich Schnauss - Molfsee
    Pink Floyd - Shine on You Crazy Diamond
    Big D and the Kids Table - Strictly Rude
    #11 Indie Anthias, Apr 18, 2012
    Last edited: Apr 28, 2012
  12. Zigywig

    Zigywig Forerunner

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    In no particular order:

    Kendrick Lamar - Rigamortis
    The Smashing Pumpkins - 1979
    Kid Cudi - Day N Night
    Kanye West & JAY-Z - Gotta Have It
    Rej3ctz - Cat Daddy
    Crookers - Put Your Hands On Me
    deadmau5 - Sofi Needs a Ladder
    Booty Luv - Boogie 2Nite
    Jammy K & 3D Smash - Go Nuts
    David Guetta(ft. Akon) - Sexy *****
    #12 Zigywig, Apr 19, 2012
    Last edited: Apr 19, 2012
  13. Xun

    Xun The Joker

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    These aren't my top ten of all time, more top ten I will sit down, chill out, and/or sing to with reckless abandon. In no particular order.

    Bother - Stone Sour
    Soldier of Fortune - Opeth (cover)
    The Illusionist - Scar Symmetry
    Best of You - Foo Fighters
    Monkey Wrench - Foo Fighters
    Everlong - Foo Fighters
    Mortal Kombat -KMFDM
    Shimmer - Fuel
    Moonlight Sonata - Beethoven
    Stream of Consciousness - Dream Theater

    And yes, I do like Foo Fighters, thanks for asking. :)
  14. Organite

    Organite Journalist
    Senior Member

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    Couldn't have said it better myself ^.^
  15. Chron

    Chron Ancient
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    Favourite songs at the moment in no particular order:
    1. Pendulum - Hold Your Colour
    2. Johhny Cash - God's Gonna Cut You Down
    3. Daft Punk - Human After All
    4. Daft Punk - Robot Rock/Oh Yeah
    5. Deadmau5 - Professional Griefers
    6. Maroon 5 - Misery
    7. Justice - Phantom
    8. Pendulum - The Tempest
    9. Johnny Cash - Hurt
    10.Swedish House Mafia - Greyhound
  16. Monolith

    Monolith Ancient
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    I was going to post a top 10 here but then I realized my ipod's slightly retarded and I can't find my top most played. So anyway:

    I don't have a top 10 list though, I'll generally go through a couple in a given time, then change a bit.

    If I were to post an album I adore, it'd be One by the beatles. <-I used to pop this in a couple times a day when i was younger for.. a while.. that and the green album by weezer, and all killer, no filler by sum 41.

    Lately, I've been listening to broken bells, ratatat, shins, tv on the radio, and stuff from metallica to phoenix, with some techno.. not a fan of real dubstep or screamo

    I have a little less than 700 songs on my ipod. Idk if I'd be able to handle any more :/ I know some people with tens of thousands and can't understand it. I'm pretty selective with music, i'll generally like feel-good, melodic with good meaning.

    Also, @Rho Fs: time, AWESOME.
    @Zigywig: 1979, AWESOME.
    #16 Monolith, Apr 19, 2012
    Last edited: Apr 19, 2012
  17. Jex Yoyo

    Jex Yoyo POETRY, bitch.
    Senior Member

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    It appears that my epic descriptions started a trend. I dont recall seeing any of those posts before me with them until just now...
  18. Monolith

    Monolith Ancient
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    You trend starter you ;)
  19. Epic Tusk

    Epic Tusk Ancient
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    If we are going off just volumes of listens then that would be it, but I don't feel like that would be my actual top 10. I have well over 7000 tracks in my iTunes, and I go through like spurts and binges or artist and genres. Like right now I've been listening a lot of instrumentals influenced by EDM and IDM. I wouldn't put these in any order but definitely my 10 favorite at the moment.

    Battles - Inchworm

    Battles - Ice Cream (Featuring Matias Aguayo)

    I haven't stopped listening to this since it came out last summer, everything about it is just so great, John Stanier drumming on this, as well at the groups pervious outting, is just mindblowing. And I've done my best creative thinking while listening to this album.

    Holy **** - Stilettos

    Holy **** - Hole In Your Parachute (Shugo Tokumaru cover)

    I usually bookend my Battles listening with Holy ****, and I pretty much love them for the same reasons as Battles. It so hard for any group to make such compelling instrumental albums like they have. The cover is from a free EP from Hand Drawn Dracula called Vicious Circles with Shugo Tokumaru, Holy ****, and Black Moth Super Rainbow, if you like any of those artist you should pick it up.

    Foals - Super Inuit (Holy **** Cover)

    Foals - Red Socks Pugie

    Not much I can really say here but I just really really like these tracks, okay?


    BADBADNOTGOOD - UWM (Featuring Leland Whitty)

    Fast on becoming my favorite album this year I have not stopped listening to it since it came out last month, and I don't see me stopping anytime soon.

    Tycho - Cascade

    Tycho - Coastal Brake

    Just some great chill tracks by Tycho, not much to say.


    Tomahawk - Sundance

    I recently sent this album over to sarge, probably one of the greatest concept albums to come out in the past 10 years, and again John Stanier drumming is just fantastic. Tomahawk is kind of like a supergroup of 90's alt rock artist, the album is a modern interpretation Native American songs that guitarist Duane Denison researched after working with Hank Williams III. The name of the album comes from the many uncredited people that contributed to the ancestral Native American music that guitarist Denison uncovered in his research.
  20. SargeantSarcasm

    SargeantSarcasm In Loving Memory
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    DELETE BUMP FOR THE THREAD. (merge em bro)

    Like Tusk, I have a ton of songs on my ipod/computer, so I usually listen to them sporadically, and the ones I like I listen to repeatedly.

    I like most everything, but I'm very partial to slow stuff or powerful voices. I grew up on R&B and Motown almost exclusively, with the Temptations, Smokey Robinson and Stevie Wonder being completely engrained in my head and would probably inspire anything and everything I create were I to get into remixing or music creation (which I'd love to do but I don't know where to start).

    At this point, new music is 99% personal recommendation to me, literally, as I don't listen to the radio and RARELY listen to anything but classical or stuff I know on internet radio. That isn't me bragging or anything, I just find that it's best to go straight to people who know their ****, or like a particular subject/genre. As a result, I have quite a few people of different tastes that send me stuff (though I'm open to more if any of you want to contribute :p), particularly shock, chuck, tusk then quite a few others.

    The only thing I seem to dislike at this point, much to TSB's chagrin, is metal and such. I think it's because it literally hurts my ears, but it's likely I'm not as open to music as I thought.

    Rorak suggested I take my most played songs off my ipod, so here are my current top five (the last one shot into 300 plays within a month or so):

    1. The Music of the Night - Gerard Butler (YEP)

    From the movie soundtrack of Phantom of the Opera which is pretty damn good as far as rehashes go. I'm actually going to Vegas sometime this year for my birthday so I can see Phantom before it leaves the city. If you've never seen a musical, if you have seen a musical, or you love cleverness and spectacle (and music) watch it. It is one of the best experiences I have ever had.

    Anyway, I think about this song nearly every day.

    The Phantom of the Opera - The Music of the Night - YouTube

    2. Ain't No Sunshine When She's Gone - Bill Withers

    I rediscovered this on MTV through DMX's rap cover of it (and I was totally into rap for years, which is how I earned my honorary black man card). This song has so much pointed emotion in it, so much power in his subdued vocals that when he finally breaks into a higher decibel range for a second, it's as if he's breaking down from his experience.

    Bill Withers - Ain't No Sunshine - YouTube

    3. I Will Wait For You - Connie Francis

    Discovered this through Futurama, and I've loved it ever since. Like the top two, this one pops into my head daily. Dem vocals, dat message. I often pair and play this song withFly Me To The Moon as the antithesis. They're both similar in vocal range, tone and overall power, but fly to opposite ends of the emotional spectrum.

    Connie Francis - I will wait for you (lyrics) - YouTube

    4. Teardrops Live - Newton Faulkner (cover)

    I love Massive Attack and this exact version blows it way way out of the water. Unfortunately every other live version/video I've seen him perform is nowhere near as good. I'm so amazed that he's able to get that beat-sound out of the guitar, and match it with the soft tone of his voice. It's amazing.

    Newton Faulkner teardrops live (Massive Attack cover) - YouTube

    5. Rolling In The Deep - Adele

    I'm gonna add some extra songs to the end of the list explain this a little more, but when I really like a song, I will listen to it daily, for months, until I hear a song that catches my fancy even more. This song should be self-explanatory as to why I like it, and it's famous so I won't waste a youtube link on it.

    I don't think the next five top-played are particularly indicative of my tastes overall, nor do I know which would properly represent it, so here are some other songs I like that aren't all that known.

    Creep - Street Corner Symphony (cover)

    If I were to rank the different versions of this song:
    SCS Cover >>>>>>>>>>> Vega Choir Cover >>>>>>>>>>>>> Original

    It's acapela and the arrangement is ****ing amazing.

    Street Corner Symphony: Creep (Studio Version) - YouTube

    Home - Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeros

    My number one feel-good song. I love it so goddamn much. It's on one of two playlists I have, namely "Exuberant"

    Edward Sharpe & The Magnetic Zeros - Home [2009] - YouTube

    We Used To Wait - Arcade Fire

    Jesus, this song. There's so much emotion packed into one repeating sound. It's insane. Arcade Fire is famous, but I don't care, I'm breakin the rules.


    All Things Gonna Come Back Around - Johnny and the Moon

    I had a folk music playlist on Pandora that was centered around one particular song (that I forgot the name of, so I lost the playlist) and this came up. It's weird, so I don't think many others will like it, I mean it's folk, but I love it.

    Johnny and the moon - YouTube

    At The Bottom of Everything - Bright Eyes

    Not sure how famous Bright Eyes is, but Chuck showed me this song ages ago and I think about it often. Powerful, sad message. Awesome stuff.

    Bright Eyes - At The Bottom Of Everything - YouTube

    Other songs that I won't link because they're commonly known.

    ROCKETMAAAAAN. This is on my "Melancholy" playlist.
    Don't Think Twice, It's Alright/The Times They Are A-Changin'
    Really got into Bob Dylan after the Watchmen. His sadder songs are the ****.
    Hurt/I Hung My Head/The Man Comes Around
    Same reason as above but for Johnny Cash. His later stuff, particularl the American albums, which were the ones he made towards the end of his life reflect this depressing outlook on everything and really color his music with this fatalistic, serene sound that is really just haunting to hear. I love it.
    **** You - Cee Lo Green
    Okay, I know this one is super super famous and probably overplayed, but it was one of the few songs I heard on the radio over the past few years and I couldn't believe what I was hearing. The dude brought Motown back, and in style. I was dumbfounded. I played it 10 times in a row right after i heard it. Chuck can attest to my amazement about this song.
    Pumped-Up Kicks - Foster The People
    May as well get this one out of the way too. I ****ing LOVE this song. It's my four-year-old sister's favorite song as of now, but I love it because it's so morbid. Like Paint It Black it tells a really dark story with really uplifiting sounds. I'm seriously in awe of how they were able to portray a school shooting as a heroic western showdown. ****ing crazy storytelling right there.
    Sympathy for the Devil
    I like to think the first two lines are just words straight out of my mouth, and people would probably liken me to the Devil if they were stupid enough, but this song is a ton of fun and based on one of my favorite books. Devil ****ing around in Soviet Russia, dude c'mon.

    There are a ton of others but I'll leave it at that.

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