So it is tornado season in Oklahoma, and Saturday we had an EF-3 size tornado (The largest is EF-5) that hit a town, and has killed 6 people, and 25 reported injuries so far. Well I've come here to share my friend's channel. He "hunts" tornadoes with his friend and his dad. Most people haven't experienced a tornado personally, so I figured you guys might like some of their footage. There are 10 videos being uploaded currently, so I will try and keep this updated, but until then, watch these. I do recommend turning your volume down, because there is some loud wind. Oldest to Newest. Canton Lake,Ok - MONSTER TORNADO 5-24-11 - YouTube Canton lake/ longdale,Ok twister - YouTube Canton lake/Longdale,Ok twister - YouTube Longdale,Ok - Massive tornado - YouTube huge tornado west of Longdale,Ok 5/24/11 - YouTube Canton Lake,Ok - MONSTER TORNADO 5/24/11 - YouTube Waynoka Tornado - YouTube [br][/br] Newest [br][/br] Waynoka, Ok Tornado - YouTube Waynoka, Ok Tornado - YouTube So toss a subscribe their way. They don't get paid to do it, they do it to show what Oklahoma is like.
I love weather like that... well, not tornadoes specifically, but overcast and windy as hell. I wouldn't have watched them if they were all 3-4 minutes tbh since the subject matter isn't entirely enthralling (needs moar michael bay editing), but it's nice that they keep it short n' sweet. Also, that subscribe button is massive.
Yea we recently had a tornado outbreak here in north Texas. I think there were over 100 funnels and 12-15 actual tornadoes...shits crazy
Alright, So the Westboro Baptist church is in oklahoma, picketing the funerals of the people who died. 3 of them were children. Westboro Baptist Church This is ridiculous... EDIT: And Posted two new videos that they just uploaded.
Yeah, That one is a Water spout tornado. Looks dangerous just because it went over a river, sucking up the water, making the tornado look "Beefier" so to say.