▼ Team Sumo ▼ Zero Point Fox ► How it all started The remake was first started just a little over a year ago in January 2011 out of the desire to play such a fun mini-game. However, only problem was, it was the era of Reach, not Halo 3 and remakes of this were bound to come in short supply so I set out to do it myself. Later rather then sooner through 3 rebuilds and constant additions and removals from the map and gametype, I'm finally proud to present the (hopefully) final version. ► How to play Hold your board vehicle button to board your transportation. If you're the driver, drive. If you're the gunner, just hang on. After reaching the territory, proceed to jump out. After jumping out of your Warthog (if you successfully land), start shooting anything that is not your team. (Your teammates wont be happy if you shoot them off too.) After all enemies have been shoved off the platform (or assassinated), proceed to capture the territory. It is a 10 second capture so just be patient. Victory will come soon enough. ► What's different • With this being a remake in Reach, there were going to be a few things that didn't transfer over well, or just things that I personally didn't want transfer over for aesthetic reasons. The most important change had to have been removing the Gravity Hammers from the game. Game after game after game, they just would not work out as intended. There was no real gravity bubble effect that was needed for it to preform the same way, but luckily there was a work-around. I had discovered that with Gravity Hammers and even Golf Clubs out of the equation, the Concussion Rifle produced the effect required for this gametype to work correctly and was a perfectly acceptable substitute. • As for the aesthetic changes, from the title picture, you can probably guess that there are no viewing boxes or any of the decoration that is present in the Halo 3 version. For the viewing boxes, I had tried many different approaches, but none of them seemed good enough for the map and would have been difficult to implement in the first place without sacrificing anything. To work around that, I simply set the respawn timer to 3 minutes so the round will not end when everyone is dead. ► The Arena The Arena is still your basic circular platform, but not quite as large as the Halo 3 version. It still contains your neutral territory encompassing the entire ring. ► The Spawn Area The game starts off with you around your vehicle. If you remember, the passenger seat was taken, but because there's no gravity hammer, the concussion rifle could become very annoying if it was left to be used before you get to the platform. So for this, the second player is forced to only ride gunner. Keep in mind, even if your team is a player down, 1 player will always spawn as the driver due to the initial spawn being set there and respawn being set for the gunner. ▼ Action Shots ▼ ► Updates 3.1 - Update to center ring to be more flat and replaced some pieces 3.2 - Update to center ring and reposition spawn cameras ► Special Thanks • Cyan Cydar • Jedi Hunter • pip itz • The Tech Teen • Doctor Curry • G3N3R4L PHEON1X • GRIMWERT • Jahavix • And more...
I saw alot of remakes in Halo Reach. This one you made Zero Point is one of the best ones so far. I really loved the aesthetics of it, even where the Red and Blue spawn are. Liked the ramps for jumping off the spawn area and come onto the Sumo ring. Also the Sumo ring looks a bit basic to be honest you should put if possible maybe platform Y's not large ones but let the lights on it poke out of the ring a little bit to add detail to your ring and put the object colour red and blue. Just for giving a advice to make things a bit better. You've done a great job of making this really cool Sumo map. - EpICx ReMiX XD
I have to agree with ReMiX, the map does look a little bland and the lack of aesthetics makes this map look to boring and plain. I love the whole idea behind this map though it sounds great, I myself have not yet played on the original Halo 3 version. Great map though but I hope that you can make a version with some more aesthetics that will make the map eye catching and that will make players remember the map.
Finally, in halo 3 this was one of my favorite maps to play in the action sack playlist. I'll give it a download and try it with 8 people. This mini game probably plays best with 8 people, but have you tried making a 16 player version?
@ Darth: A 16 Player version? Now that would be something to see, but I've never thought of that actually, but I have of a multiple teams version. For that I would have to remake the gametype using another base territories game however. If you come across any issues that I may have missed, please feel free to let me know. @Bullet & Epic: Just went into the forge today and tried some different things to spruce up the map a bit. It was difficult trying to come up with some designs that would be unable to affect gameplay but still look pretty good. Unfortunatly... I didn't come back with anything. Nothing just seamed to work. Try to think of there being a lot of aesthetic value, but it's of the subtle kind. Like if you were building a 4 player splitscreen map. You have got to keep the aesthetics basic, but there. Something like using pre-existing patterns together and lines in the objects.
What a coincidence, I was playing Action sack in H3 today with some friends and I was thinking about remaking this. Good job on the remake, very true to the original, only thing I can say is that you obviously have quite the budget left, why not make some cool aesthetics?
You have any suggestions of what might fit with the design of the map? I've tried doing something a few times but I've always come up empty handed.
this looks awesome. I was going to make a virtualy identical remake when I was just a bright eyed forger with a dream. a dream that was forgotten in a wave of double beatdowns and grenades! OT: this map looks amazing and I love the new arena. the one thing I am worried about is wether you can push around the warthog as easily as in halo 3? As an often used tactic was to land quickly and push the warthog to where the other team was jumping in and keep them from landing on the ring or launch it in front of them to knock them out midair (I played a LOT of action sack in halo 3). also could you put a little tunnel for the entrance so a team cant shoot the other teams warthog off at the start and screw them over. thanks and happy forgings!
I believe that it is now easier to push the warthogs around. But they usually just get flung off either alone, or smacking into someone else's face first. If the warthog does take someone with it, it's usually pretty funny to watch. Good point, but I havent seen that happen yet. What I believe would be the case is, does one 2 man team want to risk not getting the territory by knocking a 2 man enemy team out early on (and risk being shot out when they do go for the hill), or would they be safer just going for the hill right away? It's a valid point that I wish didn't have the possibility of happening, but I feel as though the chance of that happening is very minimal. Hopefully in Halo 4 when I remake it again that I'll be able to put in the hammers and they work like they are supposed to. I do hope that answers your questions. Let me know what you think of the gameplay when you get a game going. I assure you it plays pretty closely to the original.
One suggestion is to just put it into an indoor arena, with a little bit of design those tend to look pretty cool.