Hey guys waterfall here Welcome to the machinima discussion thread Post your favorite machinima series and singles here Talk about your favorite machinima directors and pretty much anything machinima related. Post your own machinimas to get feedback from the community and if you want to create a machinima of your own you may be able to learn some things here Rules 1:don't start arguments 2bviously no pornographic content 3:don't troll (or at least keep it limited) 4:have fun Happy discussing
Same here sky I love his rise of spartans and middleground was amazing as well. This is middleground by arbiter 617(blackplasmaproductions) PROJECT Middleground (Reach Machinima) - YouTube
I was thinking of starting up a Machinima of my own, but have no voice or body actors. I was planning on a serious action-machinima on why Reds fight Blues. I recently got an HD cap card and have some other tools at my disposal like an animation program and 3D models: Halo Models Preview [initial] - YouTube I have no clue if there are some easy ways to get some subscribers quickly, and I need to find people with matured voices + good quality.
I would attempt to help with voice acting but I don't have acess to a computer but I could always do body acting as for the models they look good I can see where hey would come useful.
I actually have a whole business plan mapped out in my head, in detail, as a result of extensive study. I planned on unveiling machinima to get the ball rolling but I got lazy. It's actually much easier than the lack of popularity would lead you to believe. Perhaps when Halo 4 hits.
I don't think halo four is going to be catering at all to machinima directors ( lack of covies in multiplayer ) That throws more than half of halo machinima down the drain
I thought they worded it in such a way that implied that was matchmaking only. Oh well. None of my machinimas deal with elites anyway, so it's all good.
My only problem is that I lack a few necessary resources. I want to get a more mature machinima started and don't have any voice actors and of the ones that I do, they don't really sound too maturated. On top of this, I want to create a warzone, but don't have 16 players (or even like 6) on Reach at one time. I require lots of players and mature voices, that have good audio quality, and aren't afraid to record themselves screaming like real soldiers. So I lack body and voice actors. I also find it a bit hard to attract viewers/get subscribers: I have 12 subscribers, have no clue how to up that count. Because of the low sub-count, I have very few views on most of my videos and cannot get any interest in my channel from that. I need to get the ball rolling :/ Also Sarge, if you don't have any access to capturing/animation tech and need help in that department, I could help you produce some machinima.
Getting a full 16-man party together for machinima is VERY difficult at the moment. I normally have no issues but when I tried a few months back the most I could get was 14. As for voice actors, the only reason the recent one is unfinished is a lack of voice actors. Though I have two people I can go to at the moment to finish it up so once my finals are done I'll probably contact them. The rough cut is done, it just needs the voice acting to accompany it and minor tweaks to the video to make the voice acting fit in timing-wise. It's challenging to get quality actors willing to do take after take. I have a whole plan of attack for that too, but that requires the first machinima releasing as well lol. I'll probably get back to it on wednesday. As for a warzone, there are ways around it. Graverobber came up with a way of accomplishing it, but it was his idea and I don't know if he wanted it kept secret, suffice to say you can theoretically make it feel like there are hundreds of people onscreen at once by being clever. The way RvB did it when Halo 3 first released was just screen-manipulation I think (cutting up portions of a static shot and having people stay within those areas of the screen). And I'll definitely take you up on that, since I know nothing about animation lol.
I wouldn't mind lending a hand with a Machinima. I wouldn't suggest having me speak though... I have a rather annoying voice.
I can do a good voice but I don't have acess to a computer or a good mic sadly enough I only have my Xbox mic
Well that's good to know. Oddly enough, it's actually more important to get body actors first because you can't do anything beyond that without footage. I have several machinimas that would require being done in Reach anyway. So I'll get to him sometime soon, definitely by summer's end.
Seeing as I am a MACHINIMA partner, I'd love to upload your machinima onto my channel. Random little things like this get a lot of views, provided you have the ability to get it to people. Also, I can voice act or body act if you need. You know how to reach me
I can always do body acting I have 60 something armory completion and 700,000 + credits so armor isn't a problem. [br][/br]Edited by merge: I just remembered this machinima there are currently three episodes Gamer Poop - Skyrim (#1) - YouTube [br][/br]Edited by merge: Oh what is your channel name I'll go check it out.