With the fileshare blackout and all, this site seems nearly dead to me. Thought I might strike up some discussion. What are your guys' plans for Forge in Halo 4? Any maps of yours that you might be transferring over to Halo 4? Aspirations? Already have designs?
O don't really know what the forge will be like in halo 4 so I can't really make any solid designs, but I might transfer some of my 1v1 maps over if it is possible.
Good subject. The way I work, I doubt I'll have any concrete plans until I can at least see the forge space and objects, and it might not really happen until I actually fire up Halo 4. I'm a very hands-on person usually, and I find most of my creative inspiration happens when I'm in forge. However, I have been sitting around dreaming up basic map design concepts - I might back-burner a couple of those and build them when H4 comes along. Forge for Reach is going to be probably close to dead even after the blackout is lifted, so maybe I'll just spend the next few months refining ideas and doing other things until the new game arrives and revives the community. As for transferring maps, I've never really done that or had much interest in it. But maybe, who knows? I did make a few maps in Reach that didn't get released (usually due to unfixable framerate problems or being too ambitious to actually finish as intended) - if H4 forge allows it, perhaps I'll do new versions of those and see if they work better in a 2nd iteration.
This is something I've been thinking about. If forge in h4 has a bigger budget and capable of higher object count, the maps I have currently will be re forged with greater detail, depth, and size. For example, if this happens, I would probably reforge my crosswalk map with extended map length and possibly add a second story above the outer structures. Maybe add some skyscrapers in the background.
Please lord, make it so. I really want to make ambitious maps and Reach forge has proven to be a disappointment on that front, mostly because of framerate problems (though object and budget limits also factor in).
I think i will remake maps from the previous Halo games (including reach because powerhouse is a boss) that i think will look good in the Halo 4 engine. Not saying which ones but 343i tend to listen to the community and if they have been, then Halo 4 forge will be a total machine.
As said before I would have to see the objects given to us and the environments but I have a design that I made yesterday which looks really good and I might build it in h4 as well as reach.
Im going in with no plan in hopes of having no mental restrictions. I think I will just play with the new tools first.
Sounds like a good topic to discuss. I don't have many ideas except recreating my maps depending on the engine style and I hope to actually get a chance of creating some good maps. Most my old ones were either too asthetically - pleasing for Competitve, lack of good gameplay, or right out impossible. All my maps have been too ambitious... All I plan to do is get a little serious before I say my farwells to Reach on Main stream play. I just want to make pleasing maps, not something that can occur until summer.
I think I'll begin with tinkering with the forge tool, but then do what I did with Reach and redo a previous map I made, advancing the design and forging to make better use of the new tools.
I definitely plan on redesigning all of my maps on H4... And then pumping out my sketches that I've stock piled that I can't make one Reach.
That's what I did in reach I plan on stockpiling a **** ton of map layouts as well so I will be ready when it comes out then a week or two after the game comes out depending on our restrictions I SHOULD be able to create a good map... Well because I already have the plans and layout
I've had this idea for a one bomb map involving a certain part of Halo 2's "Outskirts" mission (not the one I posted a millennia ago) that I'm hoping to get down if we have a bigger budget/object count. Should be cute.
You should be able to control where the weapons spawn on your map if you want to. They've said that the random spawns aren't exactly random, there are designated spots for the weapons to drop. I bet you can set a spawn spot to be random, but you could also go through the different options and pick out the specific weapons you want Its not like theyre just going to drop random power weapons throughout the forge canvas and whatever lands in your map is what you have to play with that game