Exactly I guess you could say it just comes down in terms of most of the contests who the judges like most
I don't know about that. FHF is far more of a popularity contest than the official contests/competitions ran on this site. I mean, that would be like saying the 2v2 Throwdown was rigged to promote mods' maps or something.
Hats what I'm saying whoever is the mods friends win because as you said its more of a popularity contest rather then who built the best map Same with the cartographers How did cragmire even be considered for matchmaking it's spire with a million vehicles and weapons thrown down and a man cannon that shots you yo the top even though there's a kill zone up there... I just think these things should have SOME thought behind them.
So I'm a fanboy because I was supporting my friend when I said this? Some people just have to be douches when I try to be nice...
Fangirl, actually. and yes It's more douchey to others when you vote a map only because your friend made it. Just saying As for Imago, it is clean and largely scaled, but it just plays/looks dull. More dull than the pit. Positions are barely favored over another because they are all virtually the same level (floors/tiers). Not bad, but not great.
So much truth in this thread... I love it. Yes, FHF is nothing but a stomping ground to help a friend support a map. Its a popularity contest true and through. The best map isn't always the winner, its whoever can convince the most friends. Yes, the 2v2 contest and the splurge of questionable features that came with it probably had something to do with being "in the know". Sucks, but not much you can do about it.... Don't like how FH is ran? Go somewhere else I suppose. Yes, the Community Cartographers thing is somewhat about greasing the right elbow... But not entirely. Slobber godly_perfection's or agentpapercraft's nob and you might get a map pushed to 343i... But most of the CC's are good guys that take a very unbiased stance in regards to maps. Not to mention there simply aren't many maps that support split screen, which is the biggest hurdle for getting a map in MM... And yes, Elite Warrior, you are a fan girl. And everything Isoa said about Imago is spot on true... I'd rather drag my **** through a mile of broken glass than play that map again.
I heard some people get bribed. Spoiler A certain someone offered me a twenty through PayPal to vote for confined to win the remake contest.