Check it! my first thread is a Tournament! I'm Looking for 20-30 people to join in a 2v2 Tournament! If you want to get involved, join the social group below: 2v2 Mixed Gametype Contest The first round will pit two teams of two(shown in the social group)against eachother in a match of Team Slayer - no radar The second round will play either team KoTH or team Oddball 3rd round-Either -Team Slayer - no radar -Team SWAT -CTF - no radar The fourth round games will be arranged during the build up to Round Three get your friends and your guns, this gonna be sweet!
Armadillos - a word of friendly advice. I appreciate your ambition, but it's a good idea to establish yourself in a community before you move to the "running contests" phase of things. People are more likely to participate if they know you a little bit and have seen you around - and they're more likely to trust that the competition will be run to completion and on the up-and-up. Also, when you mention things like "custom titles," I hope you've had a word with someone on staff. Don't promise or even hint at things you can't personally deliver; it will just dissuade people from participating if it turns out you can't do it. And here again, it's helpful if you've posted here for a while and kind of established yourself, because then the staff will be more likely to trust you and want to help you out. Anyway, with all that said, I like the idea of the contest, and if you do run it I hope it goes well for you. But I really think you'd be better off waiting and doing it a little later.
Thanks for the advice. i'm gonna hold off a lil' anyway, need to build a few maps 1st. and about the titles, i've had a chat with Black theorem and it's a work in progress. thanks for the concern. + yes, overdoziz, there will be radar for part of it
I suggest you post the maps before just throwing em but choose weather or not to show weapons also it might be good for you to get some mm maps from the team doubles playlist they actually work well for 2v2
well, i'm thinking Gametypes- First round- Double team slayer Second round- objective (flag/Headhunter) third round- random from here on out
only second round tho for objective. interested? [br][/br]Edited by merge: yeh, sorry, i know some people prefer it for objective, which is the only time i'll use it.
I might participate if I happen to get a new harddrive, but because of personal reasons I might not get to participate.
Waterfall, that is not entirely true, I have played many 2v2 game that work perfect for objective games, its the map that matters if it will be good gameplay or bad gameplay for 2v2.
If you want your own contest, your first priority should be to work on the content of this thread. Will there be prize(s)? When will the contest end? These need to be answered in your thread. You also need to make sure you know what you're getting into. Running a contest is no easy task, as proven by other hubbers with the same endeavors of running their own contest. Also, work on your presentation of the content to make it easier to absorb and understand.
UPDATE: after viewing feedback from friends, i have decided to temporarily postpone the contest. Note that i am still looking for players, so, if you want some 2 on 2 action (/shesaid) join the social group of the same name as this thread