Halo 4 Discussion

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by thesilencebroken, Jun 6, 2011.

  1. Neoshadow

    Neoshadow Forerunner
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    ****ing lol, thanks Oli. <3
  2. Overdoziz

    Overdoziz Untitled
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    If Halo 4 runs at 60fps I will chop off my balls and feed them to my cat.
  3. Elite Warrior5

    Elite Warrior5 Forerunner
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    I acctually like the new MM armour pieces... that might be because I love the new red and blue.

    Ok, so what if they had an EMP grenade that could stun an enemy or possibly even stop him from using AAs for a short period of time.
  4. SecretSchnitzel

    SecretSchnitzel Donald Trump
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    I'd like to have some gems tossed our way from 343i that were made by professionals instead of wading through utter garbage community creations where something decent occasionally pops up.... I love me some forge, but christ am I tired of seeing garbage slip into MM.
    In some aspects, the CC system if a utter failure... You can get a map pushed to 343i if you slobber Azn_FTW (godly perfection) or AgentPaperCraft's nob....
  5. Oli The G

    Oli The G Forerunner
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    An AA that stops AAs?

    Ah, but what if person A is using the AA that stops people using AAs, and person B is also using the AA that stops people (person A included) using AAs?


    And schitzel. Nice wizard swear at the end.

  6. GrenadeGorilla8

    GrenadeGorilla8 Forerunner
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    Dear god I hope it runs at 60fps!
  7. chrstphrbrnnn

    chrstphrbrnnn Guardian
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    I dunno about you guys but I'm happy to see all this bitching from everywhere. Look at Mass Effect 3..people sent them ****ing cupcakes so they'd change the ending?!? Seriously, twats were so offended about how a story was written that they bitched and moaned and got it changed (additional content for free). This is Halo multiplayer we're talking about here. Something that's supposed to be a staple multiplayer game for 3 years to come. The "go to" game. It NEEDS to be good right off that bat or the community won't stick around. That's what happened to Reach. The game sucked, the real Halo fans stopped playing any sort of varied multiplayer playlists, the casuals (for lack of a better word) were the only ones still playing, they voted for vanilla Reach and MS/343 took that data and said "hey, people like this we better keep it up". So you can blame everyone who ever voted for default settings in Reach. It's odd too, Halo 3 has 3 million more copies sold. I know it's older but still, that's a decent margin...it's funny they think these Reach players really affect sales that much.

    Honestly, what really kills me is this "unnovation" people have going on here. I say unnovation because that's exactly what it is, backwards innovation, which is innovation that never even needed to take place. Halo CE innovated, it created Halo gameplay. Halo 2 and Halo 3 for the most part played largely similar, without drastic changes to the sandbox. Then Reach comes along and "unnovates". It gets away from the things that make Halo unique and tries to mimic other shooters. Halo 4 looks to be going even further. What confuses me though is why the want to innovate or unnovate or anyvate at all. I buy Halo because it's Halo, not because it's CoD. I want the same damn game every 2-3 years with a few new maps and weapons and a new story line. CoD is 5 years running with basically the same game and it's doing damn well. That's what MS needs to mimic, not CoD's gameplay.
    #1607 chrstphrbrnnn, Apr 8, 2012
    Last edited: Apr 8, 2012
  8. Stevo

    Stevo Drunken Bantersaurus Rex
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    FYI; for all of you who do strongly disagree and want to send a message to 343i...

    Retaking Halo

    Just trying to get a petition thing so to speak to say that you won't buy the game unless changes are made (whether you do or don't is irrelevant, it's about giving them a number to say they suck 'this' much)
  9. Elite Warrior5

    Elite Warrior5 Forerunner
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  10. Oli The G

    Oli The G Forerunner
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    Damn stevo. 3 likes. Thats serious. Write a letter on behalf of the cakers of forgehub. Theyll HAVE to listen to that!
  11. Elite Warrior5

    Elite Warrior5 Forerunner
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    5 likes now. His about says 'see about for more information' lol.
  12. chrstphrbrnnn

    chrstphrbrnnn Guardian
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    Eh, I liked it...has to start somewhere right?

    We could just link them to this thread though lol.
  13. Waterfall

    Waterfall Promethean
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    Liked what?
  14. A Legit Taco

    A Legit Taco Forerunner
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    Exactly. We need to voice our opinions. It's us who actually care about halo's future as franchise. Not these pick up and play for an hour people (No offense to casual gamers)
    I'm fine with new additions. But drastic changes to pre-existing elements of the game is what screwed it over.
  15. Neoshadow

    Neoshadow Forerunner
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    Reading is wonderful.
    BTW Steve, if you wanted that to take off, you should actually post it around, not just leave it here.
  16. PacMonster1

    PacMonster1 Senior Member
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    The difference in the scenarios was the Mass Effect 3 anger was post release while the Halo 4 anger is way pre-release. This is also not the avenue for the bitching. The Mass Effect 3 petitions were all done in the Bioware social forums. If you're honestly comparing discontent from a series built on the very foundation that was broken due to an ending to details from a magazine article 9 months before release then we have very very different opinions of what is considered a justified reaction. Unless you can point me out some 343i staffers who are viewing the thread, taking notes, and listening to the people saying, "this will end halo" "halo 4 will be ****" etc then I will highly doubt the usefulness of it. I have no problem with people expressing their worry as people like Neo, Nutduster, wood wonk, and others have done. When it degenerates into the inane hate rants that carry no substance with them, that is when it gets tiring. That has for the most part calmed down a bit since yesterday, which I'm happy for, but I do not want to see it continue.

    If they want to have a halo 4 petition thread devoted to bitching about it, I'm all for that. Just keep it out of halo 4 discussion where I want to see new details about the game as well as civil discussion regarding those new details.

    This discussion has been made repeatedly and ignores so many things. Halo 2 and Halo 3 both had radical changes from each other and the original Halo CE. They are all ignored because those changes were well received (eventually, they weren't at the time).

    " I want the same damn game every 2-3 years with a few new maps and weapons and a new story line"

    ...But you don't want it to be CoD. But you want the same game every 2-3 years. I'm getting so lost in the hypocrisy. That sentence should be Halo 4's new slogan appended with, "We do not want to sell this game".

    You know, there is a psychological reason why people tend to like older things versus newer things. The younger you are the more impressionable things are at that time. Music, television, movies, etc all better when you're younger then older. Sure there might be exceptions to this but for the most part it is true. This is all fruitless banter because people rarely accept how their brain changes or reacts over time. People don't like being told they aren't in control of their own thoughts or feelings so they vehemently deny there was ever a problem to begin with.

    Change a few details in hitboxes, bloom, damage, etc and all of sudden the game is changed from its "core mechanic" if anyone actually truly remembers what that was and isn't just filling in details of how they think it should have been and not what it was (that happens). So when people say don't be afraid of change they aren't telling you change is good or it is bad. They are saying keep your mind open to accepting it and make the judgement later after it is tried whether you find the change enjoyable or not. Don't pass judgement on events that haven't happened based on a limited picture. I don't find a book horrible because I read the summary of it or a movie terrible because I watched a trailer. I see the movie or read the book, then judge how crappy or enjoyable it was. Those snippets of information may inform my opinion and build a sense of what to expect, but I am not condemning or praising something with a limited scope of details. It gives a false impression to your mind so that when the product does come out nothing would satisfy you. Either you were ultra hyped and are let down because all the things you thought about aren't in the final product or you're already depressed and what good is in the game can't help you because you've already predetermined the game to suck.

    All of that is not a condemnation to speaking one's mind about a future event that little is known about. What I am trying to say is that opinion is a continuum and if you stray to the extremes of both sides it has a degenerative effect in the end. Being worried about something doesn't conclude with hating something, it leaves the space open for interpretation and details that you might like. Being optimistic about something doesn't mean you are toadying up to the developer, it just means you finding things to find worth while to want to spend your money on.
    #1616 PacMonster1, Apr 8, 2012
    Last edited: Apr 8, 2012
  17. A Legit Taco

    A Legit Taco Forerunner
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    That's the beauty of it. Everyone's friends will see it, they will then join in. Halo is quite a large franchise. Though I do agree. If you spread it to some other sites it will grow very rapidly. Reddit, Twitter, hell even GoO.
  18. Oli The G

    Oli The G Forerunner
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    but pac. Would ME3 fans have complained pre-release if bioware told you what happened?

    "As your choices are a huge part of the game, we have decided to take the step to abandon the core of a winning formula and give you some sloppy, samey drivel"
  19. ThrowinDemBows

    ThrowinDemBows Takoyaki?
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    If you seriously think your bitching and complaining is going to be heard by 343i on this website, you are delusional. This seems to be the place where they listen to the communities opinions.... who would've thought?
    #1619 ThrowinDemBows, Apr 8, 2012
    Last edited: Apr 8, 2012
  20. Neoshadow

    Neoshadow Forerunner
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    Mhm. Or even posting it somewhere where you're GUARANTEED to get likes, such as the waypoint forums.

    Also, Pac has a point. This is all before we've ACTUALLY seen even a full match of gameplay.

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