Changing the Education Paradigms

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Fbu, Apr 4, 2012.

  1. Fbu

    Fbu Ancient
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  2. Monolith

    Monolith Ancient
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  3. Transactionzero

    Transactionzero Ancient
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    This video expands immensely on a thought I had sometime this past year. Imagine my idea as a small seed slowly germinating within the rich dark soil. This video infuses redbull, monster, and 5 hour energy with fertilizer in the already rich soil. Resulting in a fully mature tree that branches out of my minor thoughts into a grande scheme that can be seen in the OP. I can relate to it because I had a more simple, less branchy idea.
  4. RoboArtist

    RoboArtist Forerunner
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    What do I think? I think that guy's a good drawer from what i see.

    But overall, School should be getting kids ready for adulthood, not teaching them crap about stuff they could care less about. It sounds sort of cruel at first, but I think they should separate kids to different schools that fit the kids interests and teach a something specific that would eventually meet the needs of someone who might be looking for a career in that division. For example, me. I don't care much about history (sorry pilgrims), or I could care less about literature. Yes I have learned how to write at college level performance in 6th grade, but that's because I have a better understanding on how stories/etc. are put together. A lot of artists can visualize things like that. I don't need to learn anymore than I already know.
    Its computer animation and conceptual art that I put my focus towards.

    I know colleges meet some of those needs, but Im talking about any type of school. Yes, kids need to learn their basics up to about 6th grade, but from then on, they need to know what they might be doing as a future career.
    #4 RoboArtist, Apr 6, 2012
    Last edited: Apr 6, 2012
  5. Monolith

    Monolith Ancient
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    No way, brah. You learn to value the "uninteresting" stuff as you get older. I think teachers can make learning more interesting in certain fields just because of the distractions all around us.. just look at Halo. An amazing game that can captivate people for hours... I think there's a problem when schools have to fight these "distractions" when they could use the technology for some good themselves. Now, a conservative guy might come along and say, "back in the day, we were pistol whipped into learning." Well guess what, we weren't all raised by vietnam vets. We've grown up in a modern society, logically, we get distracted easily. Whether these distractions are really more good than bad? My parents say yes, they hated my xbox or any "screens," but now my mom goes on her computer for like 4 hours a day. Just sayin', people used to say books were bad. Overall, there are definite harmful distractions out there, for instance, gaming all day is known to increase aggression and pretty much prevent you from reading a textbook or do your homework. I go back to my roots for this, though. My dad was stern, my family is pretty stern, my learned instinct is to say, say snap out of it and do some work ya lazy arse. However, it's not that simple, others' perceptions are the main influence in your life, it's no wonder being called a cowardice turd can deeply impact some people, when really it's the school environment (might be bullies, teaching methods, etc.) that needs to be addressed. I think in a lot of instances, a student may be called out as a means of a scapegoat, when really the teacher is too proud as an adult to see the problem in their methods.

    Of course, that's not to say tons of teachers are doing this, there are some really great teachers out there who live to nurture a good learning environment. I personally really value this and am considering elementary ed as a career.

    What really hits me about the video is teaching methods-- e.g. using small groups for kids who feel outta touch with the big class setting. Currently, at least in my experience, teachers are encouraged to use multiple methods in one given class, yet some refrain from doing so, if they do it at all. I think more of it comes down to the teacher than not. Yeah, for some teachers you gotta adapt to their teaching style and whatnot, and while that makes you a more diverse learner, it doesn't encourage the teacher to adapt to their students, which may go downhill without the teacher even realizing it in the next 10 or so years. I personally really enjoy teachers who use small group settings and personal interaction because I use and value that time, however some students may just jerk off (hopefully not literally) in the corner during these times, unfortunately.

    The point should be to recognize that different kids need slightly specialized learning environments, which some teachers already attend to, and more teachers need to recognize instead of teaching in one uniform manner that may be very non-beneficial for some students. Often, just the perception of failure (because of a bad teacher) can leave some students feeling stupid, even though they .. usually aren't.

    What I see in the current system is a system often biased towards extroverted kids. You participate, you engage other students, you make the teacher laugh, you gain a better edge, you get a better grade. While this may be easy for some kids, it definitely isn't for others. Where I was going with the meme pic above is some students' education can go to "waste" just because of introversion or a bad teacher. I put waste in quotes because this process does help students learn quite a bit about themselves, even if it is somewhat crude. Altogether, the current system isn't terrible, but considering the modern era, teachers should be more aware of some kids needs. Not to say the stereotypical rich kid needs every little detail attended to, but more that some kids need to know they aren't stupid through different methods. from personal experience, counselors can play a huge impact on students. At most private schools, counselors attend to every kid and their wants. At public schools, kids often get shoved through counselors' offices, whom often advise many students.

    Anyways, i'l stop there. sorry for the giant rambling wall of text. Props if you read eit
    #5 Monolith, Apr 6, 2012
    Last edited: Apr 6, 2012
  6. RoboArtist

    RoboArtist Forerunner
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    The only thing is, I look at people older than me nowadays. And I cant help the feeling that my life is built for so much more than sitting in an office or working hard labor just for end's meat. Actually, I know I wont.
    I see where you're getting at, but its sad to know that 90% of the people in this world would rather live a "standard" life while other's, like Steve Jobs, look for something greater in their potential.
    I know that those 90% forged the society we live in, and its painful to know that people have to put up with a crappy job the rest of their lives to keep this world spinning. And its a shame. But I guess thats the way it has to be.
    But on my side of the mountain, Im striving and dedicating my time, creating things I never thought I could create while forging. Gaming is ok, as long as you're doing something that benefits you as a person. Games dont make me an aggressive person, unless im raging in-game (lol).
    I enjoy getting out and doing things, rather than playing video-games. But as for others, id have to agree. But look back way-back-when "nerds" had their own ways of being, well, nerds. And the ones distracted easily, like me, end up being B' Student. We arent that much different.
    We just have our own types of ways of being proactive.
    What Im getting at here is the fact that not much has changed. The only generation thats ruining our lifestyle is everyday parents, politicians, stubborn business owners who cant seem to get the money out of their asses, and the everyday teacher. Im not referring this to all of them. But a lot of them seem to make it look like were the ones at fault, listening to those damn news stations, stating that we are going to lead this country downhill. Pshh. Downhill? They've already thrown our country into hell and they're worried about us? If a kid asks an adult a question about what kind of electronic is in his/her hand, they would probably say something retarded like "gizmo" or "gamebox"
    Know what I'm saying?
    I love my parents and the people around me to death, and I would die to save em. But sometimes I cant wait till their generation isnt in control anymore. Now, Im not saying let the idiots who party all the time and live of of welfare continue what they are doing. Frankly, Id love it if we were a strict nation again. Oh boo-hoo you have to go to work, its LIFE. But if your kid games in his spare time and doesnt show any side effects from it, dont make such a big deal about it. Who knows, your kid just might pass you up someday.
    Ps: I resent the word "videogame". It sounds like something completely childish while teens are getting tossed around like a raggdoll because their parents say they need to go outside and do something. Nothing's wrong with that, but you know, a lot of teens might not have anything to do than just kick a cactus around and watch the sun set.
    #6 RoboArtist, Apr 7, 2012
    Last edited: Apr 7, 2012

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