Truth's Base is a map that my friend and I have been forging for about 4 days, now. (His gamertag is Quizter.) Here's a preview video, for more of a look. TRB Map Previews:: 2 - Truths Base - YouTube For a better look at the map, check out the picture below. The map will probably be Invasion Slayer, or/and Big team battle.
All I see is a giant bridge connecting two bases and random covers sprinkled randomly around the map, reduce the weapon count, avoid using gauss, add more height variations, and make the design a bit more complicated, and voila, a decent BTB map.
This really is just a long bridge with horrible sightlines, no height variation, and no alternative paths, with a bunch of vehicles (including gauss hogs which are not only incredibly overpowered but can actually shoot through most forge objects) and power weapons randomly thrown down around the map, and randomly-placed prefab buildings. Look at some other BTB maps out there (Headlong, Zanzibar/Last Resort, Terminal, Relic, Burial Mounds, Valhalla, Sandtrap, Avalanche, Rats Nest, Tempest, Breakpoint, etc.) for inspiration, and try to understand how and why these maps work, then model some of the gameplay elements in your map off of them. That's not to say you should try copying other maps, but you need to grasp what does and does not work in a map. Also, The Halo Forge Epidemic is featuring some big team maps now, so even though we've only got one BTB feature out so far (we have more on the way soon), it might not be a bad idea to look at those and the maps they feature.
at the moment yes, it's still got a long time to go to finish. @Psycho - I know it's horrible at the moment, We only started on it like 3-4 days ago. We're working on alot of things on it at the moment. More features to the map are going into it.
Needs moar EXPLOSIONS. and map quality(its a big bridge with rubbish LOS and poorly constructed bases)
whoa, i sounded like a troll then... what i mean is, you should put a tiny bit moar (lol) thought into the power weapon placement and base construction
It's... a flat bridge... with no aerial cover... and banshees... and it's competitive.. .... I really don't know what to say.....
Hehe. Pretty sweet right? Probably going to stop editing this map. Or just re-design the whole thing, less weapons, likely get rid of the hog turret and add more features to the map. But if I do decide to actually make a full version of this map I'll do it much later on as I'm working on a 2 player puzzle map. I do appreciate the feedback though
Lol @sweet. If you do want to make some kind of bridge design later on, I would recommend that you remake it with aerial cover (if you still intend to add banshees) and fewer vehicles. As well as more solid cover in general.