Yeah, I encounter tryhards in the MLG playlist, which I call them tryhards too. I realize it's from being outplayed, but some people perform God-like SK strafes that are beyond Reach mechanics (not to mention it's 120 speed), which annoys me more than others eating shots.
I think a lot of that is connection stuff. The physics engine is what it is - you can only change direction so often and so fast. What frustrates me is people who strafe like mad while I have a less-than-awesome connection to them. My own internet is robust (cable modem) so they're either on a bad connection themselves, or overseas with host or something. It stops short of full-on teleporting, but basically I'm constantly shooting at where they were a quarter-second ago, and the more they strafe the harder it is to hit them. It feels really weird and throws me off my shooting rhythm badly. In those kinds of games I end up skulking around a lot and avoiding head-on DMR confrontations if I can help it, even though my usual style is charge in and let the lead fly.
It almost feels similar to trying to shoot your own teammates (so no aim assist) except not quite as bad as that. But it gets that same slipperiness where you start feeling like your reticule is never in the right place. My aim is quite good normally, but I shoot very much based on feel and not thought, so when small things go wrong it really affects how well I play. I can usually overcome it by slowing down and putting more thought into how I get into fights and even thinking more about where I shoot, but usually by that point the game is half over and my team is already down 5-10 kills.
This. I also notice people T-Bagging in mid air when in combat. It doesnt really seem like its effecting the position of their head much, but it somehow throws my aim off... Overall, im not sure if its really the pressure getting to me when I encounter one, but my shots seem to line up just fine. Maybe I should go all newbish on em and camp the fk out of em. Maybe itll put them under pressure for change JK
Are you sure that you aren't trolling? This is the description of a terrible game for me. If I'm losing, I will keep fighting till the end... and I expect my opponent to as well. Going all "noobish" doesn't put them under pressure, it pisses them off. As for Gandhi hopping, lol. It actually does **** with your auto-aim, but such an insignificant amount you should hardly be able to notice it.
I find I get killed a lot when it seems like the other guy should have died, this is mainly because i am a noob and constantly zoom in and out by accident and the other guy is also better than me. This is not always the reason though because I have noticed sometimes even when everybody has green bar connection there is about a second lag on my grenades. I think its down to skill mainly but I would say that broadband quality does play a part in this at times, also people who are Sprinting seem to take a lot of bullets in my opinion.
Might just be that you're getting outplayed, but I've sometimes noticed that when I'm lagging it'll still give me the hit as long as the person's hitbox was shot in my game. Example: sometimes I get killed when I've moved behind a wall to shield me from fire. I assume this is because there was a lagg between when I moved behind the wall and when it showed me moving behind the wall on my opponent's screen. So, the fact that they were still hitting "me" on their screen (even though I was no longer there) made the damage transfer over to me and get that final killshot even though I was behind a wall. It's frustrating, but I'd imagine it breaks my way once in a while as well, so I don't worry about it too much. If you're that upset you could upgrade your connection.